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Messages - matthewgp

I'have downloaded the " Additional War Effects " (awe) mod and loved the "bash" animations for some weapons. From what i know , they are already in stock game's files. Just not fully done (some of them are done fully)
I want to change the animations of melee of some weapons for my mod ; but i don't know to make it work. When i just change the anims in the weaponfile - like : "meleeAnim\viewmodel_thompson_melee\meleeChargeAnim\viewmodel_thompson_melee"
animation is not working properly ingame.
Can anyone help ?
3 months ago
I ported another weapon this morning (m249) to BO again. I understand now what must i do for reload sounds (notetracks , hex edit the xanim things)

But ,
A) how can i convert reload sounds of m249 to BO's sound format ?
B) How can i use/make the game load this converted sounds ? What must i write to mod.csv or what must i do in general ?
9 years ago
I got the sound name , now step two ? (Ohh, vorkuta, good memories....uups it's a off-topic)
9 years ago
Basicly you need three things:
a soundalias in raw\soundaliases\ that define's what .wav to use for what soundalias. Just copy one of the existing guns, and edit the soundalias-name's and the path to the .wav

a notetracktosound-map in the weapon file. it's at the bottom of the weap-file in notepad, and it's telling what soundalias to use for what notetrack. Again just use an existing weaponfile and edit that. the first name is the name of the notetrack, the second one is from the soundalias.

then you need notetracks in the .xanim file that tells when to play the sound. You can add those in maya ( different for what version of maya you use ) or by using tom's xanim-exporter. Add the notetracks on the frame's you want the sounds to play.

There should be plenty of info about this, this is just a very basic recap of what you need.. ( btw editing an .xanim in notepad is not a good idea i think. Tom's prog is the easiest way for notetracks, but maya also works fine )
Thank you for reply stuffy :)
I don't have any .wav for P90 so i planning to use an existing reload sound , for example mp5k's reload sound. So i think one of the steps can be skipped (i think the first one) ? Am i right ?
9 years ago
Finally i imported my first gun with attachments succesfully,(cod 4 to BO1). But now , my brain is about to burn from thinking how to have a reload sounds. I saw the tutorials but i couldn't understand it , i must be 47 chromosomes. Can someone tell me this step by step ?
(also when i tried to edit xanim file with notepad , it became a disaster, how to fix it ?) :D
9 years ago
Its normal in Xmodel Utils to show the reticle background as black. You need to use BO1's reticle Asset Manager settings to have working reticle. I suggest using material, thats already in BO1 :P
Ok you say use the material that exist in Bo1 , but when i choose Black ops for active game  in xmodel exporter , it shows the reflex sight of (for example) famas also black and opaque.
can you describe which setting i must use in material section at asset manager also :) ?
9 years ago
Hey good people !
I ported p90 from Cod 4 to Blackops. You can say to me " hey this forum is for WaW" maybe, anyway , i hope you can help me.
Problem is :
Everything is okay except the reflex sight's lens , i can see anything through them , here are the pictures may explain what i mean : but it must be like this (reflex sight is transparent in this one )

also , i selected "blend" in asset manager. But i think it's because of the color map or something, or because of the reflex material's itself.
9 years ago
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