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Messages - HDKenny,10245.0.html

btw commenting out FX from gsc files does nothing to affect how much FX is loaded into fast files. :P
Thanks man :) but i forgot all that stuff, its been a year! Plus I never really fully understood FX.. But now I'm just trying to generate a new mod and just use that map, and if that doesn't work, then I'll just try again next week lol

UPDATE: I got it working with just making a new mod...
8 years ago
If you ticked easy_fx that loads in enough FX to put you over the limit, just comment ones you're not using.

I recommend using DUKIP's launcher, it'll display asset counts including FX.
Do you have a link to that launcher? I can't seem to find a download anywhere.. But I figured it'd be that, its just I haven't done any modding in a very long time so I'm a bit rusty on where the FX are being loaded

Double Post Merge: March 19, 2016, 07:24:42 pm
don't forget to comment out FX in "rootfolder/zone_source". First do nazi_zombie_MAPNAME.gsc and if there are still 400 fx, go into zombiemode.gsc and comment out FX in there. Comment out unecessary/unused ones.

Here's an example of my riser FX in zombiemode.gsc in zone_source:

Spoiler: click to open...
// rise fx

(Don't forget to "//" to comment them out!
Thank you I forgot about zone_source! I'm gonna try this out now.
8 years ago
Like big surprise right??? I used the UGX script placer, made a small map to see if I still know how to do everything because I was taking a break and guess what!?!?!? I didnt touch anything with FX but I still managed to get this error! In the script placer I enabled rain and Easy-FX but i thought that maybe they caused it but nahhh, i've completely commented out every single thing to do with FX in the GSCs that are in my map. Its been more than a year and I have a new computer so maybe its a simple fix that I did on my old computer or maybe my computer is just a cock sucker, which im guessing its that... anyway here is the map GSC:
Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager;
#include maps\_music;
#include maps\dlc3_code;
#include maps\dlc3_teleporter;


level.DLC3 = spawnStruct(); // Leave This Line Or Else It Breaks Everything

// Must Change These To Your Maps
level.DLC3.createArt = maps\createart\nazi_zombie_elfa_art::main;
level.DLC3.createFX = maps\createfx\nazi_zombie_elfa_fx::main;
level.DLC3.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX;



// Variable Containing Helpful Text For Modders -- Don't Remove
level.modderHelpText = [];

// Change Or Tweak All Of These LEVEL.DLC3 Variables Below For Your Level If You Wish

// Edit The Value In Mod.STR For Your Level Introscreen Place
level.DLC3.introString = "ELFA";

// Weapons. Pointer function automatically loads weapons used in Der Riese.
level.DLC3.weapons = maps\dlc3_code::include_weapons;

// Power Ups. Pointer function automatically loads power ups used in Der Riese.
level.DLC3.powerUps =  maps\dlc3_code::include_powerups;

// Adjusts how much melee damage a player with the perk will do, needs only be set once. Stock is 1000.
level.DLC3.perk_altMeleeDamage = 1000;

// Adjusts barrier search override. Stock is 400.
level.DLC3.barrierSearchOverride = 400;

// Adjusts power up drop max per round. Stock is 3.
level.DLC3.powerUpDropMax = 3;

// _loadout Variables
level.DLC3.useCoopHeroes = true;

// Bridge Feature
level.DLC3.useBridge = false;

// Hell Hounds
level.DLC3.useHellHounds = false;

// Mixed Rounds
level.DLC3.useMixedRounds = false;

// Magic Boxes -- The Script_Noteworthy Value Names On Purchase Trigger In Radiant
boxArray = [];
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5";
level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray;

// Initial Zone(s) -- Zone(s) You Want Activated At Map Start
zones = [];
zones[ zones.size ] = "start_zone";
level.DLC3.initialZones = zones;

// Electricity Switch -- If False Map Will Start With Power On
level.DLC3.useElectricSwitch = true;

// Electric Traps
level.DLC3.useElectricTraps = false;

// _zombiemode_weapons Variables
level.DLC3.usePandoraBoxLight = true;
level.DLC3.useChestPulls = true;
level.DLC3.useChestMoves = true;
level.DLC3.useWeaponSpawn = true;
level.DLC3.useGiveWeapon = true;

// _zombiemode_spawner Varibles
level.DLC3.riserZombiesGoToDoorsFirst = true;
level.DLC3.riserZombiesInActiveZonesOnly = true;
level.DLC3.assureNodes = true;

// _zombiemode_perks Variables
level.DLC3.perksNeedPowerOn = true;

// _zombiemode_devgui Variables
level.DLC3.powerSwitch = true;

// Snow Feature
level.DLC3.useSnow = false;

level thread DLC3_threadCalls();

//level thread maps\ugx_easy_fx::fx_start();
//thread maps\ugx_weather_handle::think();

level.zone_manager_init_func = ::dlc3_zone_init;
level thread DLC3_threadCalls2();

"Name: add_adjacent_zone( <zone_1>, <zone_2>, <flag>, <one_way> )"
"Summary: Sets up adjacent zones."
"MandatoryArg: <zone_1>: Name of first Info_Volume"
"MandatoryArg: <zone_2>: Name of second Info_Volume"
"MandatoryArg: <flag>: Flag to be set to initiate zones"
"OptionalArg: <one_way>: Make <zone_1> adjacent to <zone_2>. Defaults to false."
"Example: add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east" );"

// Outside East Door
//add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east" );


// level._effect["snow_thick"] = LoadFx ( "env/weather/fx_snow_blizzard_intense" );

8 years ago
Yo looks very nice  :) ill download when i get home tho cause my internet at college sucks
8 years ago
Oh thanks man for the tip ! Will mess a lot with this stuff!
No problem bra, it makes maps look so much better when there is fog, and i forgot to say to put it in your mapname.gsc::main()
I put mine at the very end, idk if it maters tho
10 years ago
Lol I'd love to know this I've been struggling with fog in my map it looks plain piss poor.  :(

Did something like this: setexpfog( 150, 500, 0.23, 0.21, 0.24, 0 );
these are the args for it: SetExpFog( <startDist>, <halfwayDist>, <red>, <green>, <blue>, <transition time> )
if you need some more help:

The map is looking very good man! Keep up the good work :D
10 years ago
i may resume progress on the treasure map soon days :D  :troll:
Cant wait :D
10 years ago
yeh, i noticed those two too. I Always avoid having the same notify's and i never have any prob's setting up my zone's so i'm pretty sure that would fix it..
Alright, thanks ill try that out when i get home
10 years ago
These 2 are prob messing things upsince all those zone's get activated with the same notify change it to something like this and try again i guess..

Code Snippet
 	add_adjacent_zone( "outArea", "storageRoom", "enter_storageRoom_outside" );
add_adjacent_zone( "powerRoom", "storageRoom", "enter_storageRoom_power" );

Ill try that but, they are spawing in outArea when you go to storageroom from powerroom so should i change these too:
Code Snippet
add_adjacent_zone( "storageRoom", "outArea", "enter_outRoom" );
add_adjacent_zone( "boxRoom", "outArea", "enter_outRoom" );
to something like
Code Snippet
add_adjacent_zone( "storageRoom", "outArea", "enter_outRoomStorage" );
add_adjacent_zone( "boxRoom", "outArea", "enter_outRoomBox" );
10 years ago
It is very hard to explain so I'll do my best.

In my map there is a loop that you can go in... and here is a picture.

Red arrows are the paths that you can take, and the problem is with the blue line, when that door is opened from the right side it activate the spawners where the arrow is pointing.

Here are the KvPs for the door:

Here is the code for the the zones:
Code Snippet
        add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "hallway", "enter_hallway" );
add_adjacent_zone( "hallway", "boxRoom", "enter_boxRoom" );
add_adjacent_zone( "boxRoom", "powerRoom", "enter_powerRoom" );
add_adjacent_zone( "boxRoom", "outArea", "enter_outRoom" );
add_adjacent_zone( "boxRoom", "pathRoom", "enter_pathRoom" );
add_adjacent_zone( "pathRoom", "papRoom", "enter_papRoom" );
add_adjacent_zone( "outArea", "storageRoom", "enter_storageRoom" );
add_adjacent_zone( "storageRoom", "outArea", "enter_outRoom" );
add_adjacent_zone( "storageRoom", "powerRoom", "enter_powerRoom" );
add_adjacent_zone( "powerRoom", "storageRoom", "enter_storageRoom" );
10 years ago
i remember playing this when it was 1 room <3
Yea, I started this map for school and worked on it thru the summer XD what ever happened to your treasure map?
10 years ago
Didnt Nukems Alcatraz map have that, when generator goes offline, the perk/perks go away?
Yea that was the map i was saying did it before with the generator thing, which is why I wanted to come up with something newish
10 years ago
which MP5 is it, it it the black ops 1 version (MP5K) or is it the black ops 2 version?

Post Merge: July 18, 2014, 09:08:01 pm
i don't mean origins gerators i just mean the system :9
Ohh, well I was going to do that at first but it has been done before and I dont think that they way im doing it has been done before, it might have tho not sure :P
10 years ago
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