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Messages - HDKenny

New rooms look epic ;)
if you want anymore detail, I would love to, or any help of other kind, school is over friday so ill be available!

Keep up the good work:)

Because I was thinking I didnt put 100% effort into detail and kind of felt bad so I can help you if you want haha
10 years ago
Ok so like I said in my last post its a new way for power and I haven't done WaW coding for a while.

I have a trigger in my map that says how many seconds until the fuse goes bad and it says it has X seconds and counts down. The problem is, it gets stuck at 22 seconds. I debuged it and it was still counting down.

Also when the fuse blows your supposed to lose all your perks temporarily and it saves them in an array to make sure you get them back, and the problem Im having with that is the perk machine hintstrings aren't changing when the fuse blows.

Here is my code for watchFuse.gsc:
Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

fuse_trig = getent("fuseTrig", "targetname");
fuse_trig sethintstring("Press and hold [&&1] to change fuse");
fuse_trig disable_trigger();

level.debugFuse = true;

self.hasPerks = [];
level.maxFuseTime = 20;
level.fuseTime = 0;

DF("Max Fuse Time: "+level.maxFuseTime);
DF("Fuse Time: "+level.fuseTime);

level.blownFuse = true;

DF("level.blownFuse = "+level.blownFuse);

thread watchPerkPower();


thread createAndWatchHud();


level waittill( "fuseBlow" );

DF("^5watchPerkPower() :: Fuse has blown");
//Machines = GetEntArray( "zombie_vending", "targetname" );
//Notworthy = [];
//for( i = 0; i < Machines.size; i++ )Notworthy[i] = Machines[i].scipt_noteworthy;
//for( i = 0; i < Notworthy.size; i++ ) Notworthy[i] thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::vending_set_hintstring( Notworthy[i], true );
getentarray("vending_jugg", "targetname") thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::vending_set_hintstring( "specialty_armorvest", true );
getentarray("vending_doubletap", "targetname") thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::vending_set_hintstring( "specialty_rof", true );
getentarray("vending_sleight", "targetname") thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::vending_set_hintstring( "specialty_fastreload", true );
getentarray("vending_revive", "targetname") thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::vending_set_hintstring( "specialty_quickrevive", true );

level waittill( "newFuse" );

DF("watchPerkPower() :: newFuse notified");

getentarray("vending_jugg", "targetname") thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::vending_set_hintstring( "specialty_armorvest");
getentarray("vending_doubletap", "targetname") thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::vending_set_hintstring( "specialty_rof");
getentarray("vending_sleight", "targetname") thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::vending_set_hintstring( "specialty_fastreload");
getentarray("vending_revive", "targetname") thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::vending_set_hintstring( "specialty_quickrevive");


level.blownFuse = false;
thread watchPowerOut();
DF("level.blownFuse = "+level.blownFuse);

while(level.fuseTime < level.maxFuseTime && level.blownFuse == false){

//DF("Current Fuse: ["+level.fuseTime+"/"+level.maxFuseTime+"]");

if(level.fuseTime >= level.maxFuseTime){
thread blowDatFuse();

wait 1;

fuse_trig = getent("fuseTrig", "targetname");
level.blownFuse = true;
DF("level.blownFuse = "+level.blownFuse);
level notify( "fuseBlow" );
fuse_trig enable_trigger();
fuse_trig waittill("trigger");
thread changeFuse();
DF("Fuse Trigger Pushed");

fuse_trig = getent("fuseTrig", "targetname");
fuse_trig disable_trigger();
level notify( "newFuse" );
level.fuseTime = 0;
DF("Fuse Time: "+level.fuseTime);

level waittill( "fuseBlow" );

DF("Perks taken");

get_players()[i] thread takePerks();

level waittill( "newFuse" );
get_players()[i] notify( "giveEmBack" );

DF("^1Take Perks Called");
savedPerks = [];
self.perks_num = 0;
perks = [];
perks[0] = "specialty_rof";
perks[1] = "specialty_fastreload";
perks[2] = "specialty_quickrevive";
perks[3] = "specialty_armorvest";

// self.savedPerks[i] = self.hasPerks[i];
// DF("self.savedPerks["+i+"] = "+self.hasPerks[i]);

for( i = 0; i < perks.size; i++ ){
DF("^3Checking Perk: "+perks[i]);
if(self HasPerk(perks[i]) == true){
savedPerks[self.perks_num] = perks[i];
DF("Perk: "+self.savedPerks[i]+" saved   :::   "+self.perks_num);

self notify("fuse");

self waittill( "giveEmBack" );

DF("^5Givin em' Back");

self SetPerk( self.savedPerks[i] );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_create( self.savedPerks[i] );
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_think( self.savedPerks[i] );
wait 0.1;
DF("Perk: "+self.savedPerks[i]+" returned");

hud = create_simple_hud();
  hud.horzAlign = "right";
  hud.vertAlign = "top";
    hud.alignX = "right";
    hud.alignY = "top";
    hud.y = 10;
    hud.x = -10;
    hud.foreground = 1;
    hud.fontscale =1.3;
    hud.alpha = 0;
    hud.color = ( 0.423, 0.423, 0.1 );
hud SetText("Fuse [ ]");
wait 1;
hud fadeOverTime(1);
hud.alpha = 0.8;
wait 1.1;

hud setText("Fuse ["+(level.maxFuseTime-level.fuseTime)+"]");
wait 1;

get_players()[0] iprintln(text);

I was expecting errors because I have 0 knowledge of how to make triggers so if someone could help me with that too, that would be nice :P Sorry this is a lot of problems and I'm still trying to figure it out, its just helpful if I can't.

I also have this in _zombiemods_perks.gsc:
Code Snippet

vending_set_hintstring( perk, fuse )
if(fuse == undefined)
fuse = false;

switch( perk )

case "specialty_armorvest":
if(fuse == false)
self SetHintString( &"ZOMBIE_PERK_JUGGERNAUT" );
self SetHintString( "Fuse blown, replace it!" );

case "specialty_quickrevive":
flag_wait( "all_players_connected" );
players = get_players();

if(fuse == false){
if (players.size == 1)
self SetHintString( "Press & hold &&1 to buy Revive [Cost: 500]" );
self SetHintString( "Press & hold &&1 to buy Revive [Cost: 1500]" );
self SetHintString( "Fuse blown, replace it!" );

case "specialty_fastreload":
if(fuse == false)
self SetHintString( &"ZOMBIE_PERK_FASTRELOAD" );
self SetHintString( "Fuse blown, replace it!" );

case "specialty_leadfoot":
if(fuse == false)
self SetHintString( "Press & hold &&1 to buy Coupon Queen [Cost: 9000]"  );
self SetHintString( "Fuse blown, replace it!" );

case "specialty_rof":
if(fuse == false)
self SetHintString( &"ZOMBIE_PERK_DOUBLETAP" );
self SetHintString( "Fuse blown, replace it!" );

self SetHintString( perk + " Cost: " + level.zombie_vars["zombie_perk_cost"] );


P.S. This isnt a pretty code, its just a base and it doesnt fully do everything I want it to so dont judge me! As in perk machines wont turn off, just change hint string, and I want to make perks gray out when fuse blows, and a sound to play, ect. It will be epic if I can get it to work!
10 years ago
Yah I remember, can't forget the ancient menu makers.
Yup, its been too long tho, WaW code feels weird to me now so I may be in this section alot while I make this map :P
10 years ago
Have you tried self SetClientDvar? Maybe it would have to be set to this since based off the Dvar it might have to play on a player.
Thanks for reply :P but I dont know if you remember me, I made mod menus back in the day haha I kind of remeber you being around. But anyway I fixed it by rebuilding my mod like 10 times
10 years ago
Well I was working on a system for power where you have to change a fuse every so often, just to keep the game more interesting. All will be explained in my new map :P

Anyway I was gonna go for a first test and I got and error saying that there was an error with this:
Code Snippet
SetDvar("cg_ScoresColor_Player_0", "0 0.3 1 1"); 
The error was saying something about I can't change that without making it a SetSavedDvar....
I did that and it said I can only edit saved Dvars with SetSavedDvar()

What is weird about it is the fact that I didn't change that at all, I didn't even change _zombiemode.gsc so Im at a loss here...

Here is an image of the error if it helps:

If someone could reply so I can choose best answer cause I fixed it and it merged my posts :P
10 years ago
I kind of tested your map earlier on :3
10 years ago
Donated ;) good luck on getting your monitor :D
10 years ago
You are able to open the map in radiant, right? (had to ask just in case)
Seems like your sun is messed up. Try using one of the settings found here:

I don't fully understand some kvps either (once I made every color a bit brighter which lead my map to being darker) but these settings have never disappointed me.
Thanks for the response, and sorry i havent gotten back, but yea I can open the map in Radiant and the sun got messed up when I changed the skybox and I cant get the skybox back because my "sky" material type has nothing in it. Someone has messaged me about that and I never got a chance to try what they said so Ill see if that fixes it.
10 years ago
Thanks for the reply but, It just fixed itself, I restarted Radiant a couple times and I let it sit open for a while once, and it just works now ??? But I did use the kvp "skyboxmodel" and the value for it "skybox_zombie"
Im am still having this problem :P it has postponed the release of the update for DefendTheBunker
10 years ago
what you mean "wont load" they load fine for me(well the ugx one does, havent tried non ugx)
I've already messaged him asking the same question :P if he means the non-ugx (this goes for everyone) he needs to type "map defendthebunker" in the console because the play button doesn't work.
10 years ago
Don't know if it's a re-creatable issue but on the stock version I've run into this issue where I cannot buy juggernog. I have activated the power and am on my third quick revive:
Spoiler: click to open...
Anyone else experience the same issue?

I have updated the main UGX download with a version that fixes the buyable ending. The ending can now be purchased with objectives enabled. The map now meets the requirements for the manager and should be uploaded soon.
(link also updated on front page)

As for the stock version once someone else has confirmed the juggernog issue was just a one time occurrence and you fix the solo button it will be uploaded to the manager as well.
First things first, I have never tested that issue so I will see what I can do to fix it :P also thank you for fixing the error :P and that is awesome news to me :) . But with that said, I was actually going to upload 1 more final update which fixes a lot more stuff, and also adds a window and some risers to the 'outside' area, and added detail here and there. I would have this update out by now but I am having a horrible lighting error and it has put a halt to what I was doing. If anybody knows whats wrong or how to fix it here is the post:
Thanks :)
10 years ago
They have different names when you use them in your worldspawn.
either you manage to delete the kvp in radiant or you'll have to remove it manually.
Thanks for the reply but, It just fixed itself, I restarted Radiant a couple times and I let it sit open for a while once, and it just works now ??? But I did use the kvp "skyboxmodel" and the value for it "skybox_zombie"
10 years ago
When I put the skyboxmodel KVP on it made all the things that should be lit up by the sun turn dark, but some models were still being lit so I'm Not sure what the problem is, It was working fine before. Something to note is that I cant surround the map with a brush and texture it because I don't have any sky materials anymore so the only way I can have a skybox is by the KVP on worldspawn.
These are the KVPs in the worldspawn
Also these were the settings before I puts a skybox in, and I also tested the map with no skybox at all and the entire map is still pitch black except for models and lights, no sun light
10 years ago
The map requires a lot of skills just to get out of the first three rooms, but once you get an MG42 all challenge is sorta lost, unless your trying to go for the impossible 75000 ending.

The usual bug report:
Spoiler: click to open...
The SOLO button doesn't work in non-UGX version
You take splash damage from Ray Gun, even with PHD
Jug perk machine is floating in the air
walls don't completely touch the floor, leaving cracks in the wall.
Mule Kick and the first box location are in the ground.

all i found in non-UGX version.  :P
Thanks for the list that stuff will be fixed when I get home, but the map is supposed to be pretty challenging and there are supposed to be risers in the outside area and risers in the power room too but I didn't think that 75000 was too much because when I play I'll get that much in either 30 minutes to an hour and those are the kind of map that I like because it reminds me of the good old days when I played zombies with my friends on xbox for hours. But the rest of the things I will try to fix, i don't know about the phd thing tho because I haven't looked at that code yet and it might be written differently then I'm used to.
EDIT: I don't know if you'll see this but just wondering, were are the walls not touching the floor I went through the whole map and all the walls are past the floor or perfect with it? I just need to know so I can fix it.

Post Merge: April 17, 2014, 04:01:08 pm
Hey if you need help add me on skype or something. I'm usually free a lot so if anything is needed I can try to help.
Thanks I'll keep that in mind so my next map will be bug free
10 years ago
You can have a buyable ending with UGX Mod... just leave the script there and it works fine... and add some checks for the gamemodes so that people cant buy out of Gungame or Sharpshooter etc. Maybe spend a little longer testing before releasing so that these mistakes can be fixed without multiple reuploads :)
The thing is, I spent well over 5 hours total of just compiling, building the mod, and running the game to see: 'exceeded 400 fx' and I just wanted to move on to another map that I can start with the UGX mod and not have to worry about all that fx crap :P sorry about reuploading too, I hate it when people do it and trust me I feel bad, like I've just released a shit map :'( I do need to test more, but I have no one to help be debug and i get lonely  :alone:
10 years ago
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