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Messages - CornrowWallace

You can snap anything to the grid, the question is how accurate will the angle be after. It might be slightly off, but better to be a little off & on the grid that perfect and off the grid.
7 years ago
yup, radiant has never been able to handle brushes at angles, so stupid, just use prefabs, so make the brush and detail in  prefab at a standard angle, then rotate the prefab in map

Not necessarily true. You just need to make sure said rotated brushes are snapped to the grid before exiting your prefab, or radiant may try to do it automatically and ruin them.
7 years ago
Sometimes the compiler will try to merge concave surfaces together and generate unwanted collision. It looks like that's what you're seeing here. There are 2 ways you can go about fixing it:

1 - Make all surrounding geo non-colliding and manually clip it (brushes only, no patches)


2 - Select surrounding geo & flag it as "expensive collision"
7 years ago
A little late to reply, sorry.

Before this error popped up, did you recently modify a buyable? Could be a door, weapon, boards, etc.. My guess is you left some part of the ent structure behind without realizing.
7 years ago
Alpha gameplay video.

8 years ago
Windings errors typically have to do with terrain or curve patches. You should take a look at any recent changes you've made and look for any geo that may be overly complex or large.
8 years ago
edit: fixed video here:

8 years ago
Radiant video.

8 years ago
Your room needs to be completely closed off from the sun. With the new lighting engine, it will light through caulk, so your room should be textured with a base texture on all surfaces that the sun can see.
8 years ago
I like that idea, but I'd like to keep the map simple. I don't have a lot of free time, so the more complex the design becomes, the longer it's going to take to finish it.
8 years ago

Dundy, I plan on releasing all of my source files with the map. If a tutorial is still necessary after that, I can write something up.
8 years ago
This is the first of a 4 map series based on an alien invasion. In this map, an alien UFO has crashed in a forest.

Fog & Lighting aren't final.

Some features:

No wallbuys (weapons can be found in abandoned camp sites throughout the map instead)
Entire map is open from the start
PaP will be available but not in the traditional sense
Only dogs will spawn in certain areas of the map instead of zombies

8 years ago
Press P to open Preferences
Select the "Selection" tab
Make sure "Manipulator Handles" is checked.
8 years ago
The solution Scobalula proposed isn't bad, one which I've used in the past as well. However, I'd like to propose my most commonly used solution to this problem.

Note: this will only work if the angled brush is truly the same size as the straight brush.

Ideally, your brush would be naturally sized so you can apply the texture and it automatically fits, no need for Surface Inspector at all. If not, you can use the Set option first.

It's pretty simple: you want to wrap the texture from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3, then finally 3 to 4.
8 years ago
ohh, pretty! thanks! I fixed the twitter link, nice catch!
8 years ago
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