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Topics - CornrowWallace

This is the first of a 4 map series based on an alien invasion. In this map, an alien UFO has crashed in a forest.

Fog & Lighting aren't final.

Some features:

No wallbuys (weapons can be found in abandoned camp sites throughout the map instead)
Entire map is open from the start
PaP will be available but not in the traditional sense
Only dogs will spawn in certain areas of the map instead of zombies

8 years ago


Hello, everybody.

I figured it was finally time to register and check out some of the cool stuff you guys are making with the BO3 tools, and maybe provide some help. I was a member of the mod community for many years, and have been a campaign/zombies level designer at Treyarch for close to 5 years. It's awesome seeing how active the modding is here!
8 years ago
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