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Topics - jiggy22

Hey all, long time no see! Recently been trying to port the CoD2 Grease Gun over to BO through the usage of the CoD2 -> TX conversion rig found on modme, as well as Tom's xanim tools, but have been running into some trouble. I seem to be doing everything correctly. I have:
. Correctly bound joints to the model
. Drag on the included viewhands
. Drag the j_gun joint under tag_weapon
. Exported the viewhand joints + 1 weapon mesh as an xmodel to use for exporting the xanims
. Properly selected the tag_torso and tag_cambone hierarchies when exporting the animation

When I drag on a .tanim onto the rig, the animation plays out perfectly. But in game, well, it kinda looks like this:

That is horrifying. What am I doing wrong? Has anybody else used this tool before? I see someone on cfgfactory has had success with porting the CoD2 PPS-42, so it's definitely do-able, I just have zero idea what's going wrong in my case.
3 years ago
Hey, so with an easter egg I'm trying to script, I'm trying to get it the script to wait until all doors/areas on the map are open until it begins. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be set as a flag_wait(); but I'm not exactly sure what to put for what it should be waiting for. For example, I tried doing:
Code Snippet
Which is obviously quite wrong, but it should give you an idea as to what I mean by this. Anybody know how I could fix this? Thanks!
6 years ago
Hey everyone! So as part of my BO mod, I'm hoping to add the Engineer Zombie boss to Kino Der Toten, as what was at one point considered for the map. However, I'm running into trouble with getting him to actually spawn in on the level. Let me try to run down everything I've done so far:

- Add this line:
Code Snippet
	level.custom_ai_type = array_add( level.custom_ai_type, maps\_zombiemode_ai_boss::init );
Code Snippet
	level.custom_ai_type = [];

- Call this thread, zombeng_spawn_points, at the bottom of zombie_theater.gsc:
Code Snippet
org = spawn("script_origin", (-258.693, 695.059, -56.8574));
org.targetname = "boss_zombie_spawner";

org = spawn("script_origin", (-1507.99, 583.312, 0.307038));
org.targetname = "boss_zombie_spawner";

org = spawn("script_origin", (-1446.81, -184.471, 1.34885));
org.targetname = "boss_zombie_spawner";

org = spawn("script_origin", (-166.122, 1847.94, -14.0593));
org.targetname = "boss_zombie_spawner";

I got the "boss_zombie_spawner" targetname from the ai_boss.gsc script, which has two lines of code that read:
Code Snippet
	level.boss_zombie_spawners = GetEntArray( "boss_zombie_spawner", "targetname" );
array_thread( level.boss_zombie_spawners, ::add_spawn_function, maps\_zombiemode_ai_boss::boss_prespawn );

I'm kinda new with setting up spawn points via gsc files, so I might have done this part wrong. Surely I can just put all of the spawn points together in one function like this?

Code Snippet
org = spawn("script_origin", (-258.693, 695.059, -56.8574));
org = spawn("script_origin", (-1507.99, 583.312, 0.307038));
org = spawn("script_origin", (-1446.81, -184.471, 1.34885));
org = spawn("script_origin", (-166.122, 1847.94, -14.0593));
org.targetname = "boss_zombie_spawner";

- In zombie_theater.gsc, I've added this line:
Code Snippet
	level.boss_zombie_enter_level = 3;
Under this:
Code Snippet

I got this from another line of code from the ai_boss.gsc, which reads:
Code Snippet
	if ( !isDefined( level.boss_zombie_enter_level ) )
level.boss_zombie_enter_level = maps\_zombiemode_ai_boss::boss_zombie_default_enter_level;

The boss_zombie_default_enter_level thread appears as follows:
Code Snippet
Playfx( level._effect["boss_spawn"], self.origin );
playsoundatposition( "zmb_bolt", self.origin );
PlayRumbleOnPosition("explosion_generic", self.origin);
self.entered_level = true;

I'm probably wrong here, but I was assuming that I could simply designate a round to this function as seen above, where I'm trying to get the boss to spawn on round three.

- Before, I also tried adding this:
Code Snippet
	level.boss_zombie_spawn_heuristic = true;

Directly under the level.boss_zombie_enter round = 3 line in zombie_theater.gsc, but what that did was cause the spawn music to continuously play over and over again during the match. So I'm guessing that was totally wrong  ::)

Aside from that, I've got all the sounds, animations, models, and character files set up just fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!
6 years ago
Hey, so I'm trying to port some BO3+ weapons down to WAW/BO, and I'm trying to use Sanchez's t5-t7 conversion rig off of the modme site. However, when I import the viewhands model into Maya, I get a whole bunch of errors saying something like: "The parentConstraint 'j_ring_le_0_parentConstraint1'  has no 'tg[0].tis' attribute" and whatnot. What is going on here? How do I fix this? I'm using Maya 2014 64x, would it make a difference if I used a different version? Thanks to anyone that can help me.
6 years ago
Hello again to the forum, long time no see! I'm hard at work on an expansive 10-map mod for Black Ops Zombies, and one of the many features will be the inclusion of the Amm-O-Matic perk. I'm looking to have it function similarly to the Alchemical Antithesis gum from BO3, where every 50 points awards the player with one bullet in reserve. However, I don't want to make it so that the player doesn't earn any points, it'll just take a little more to earn the bullet. I've tried using an edited version of Lilrobot's script for the gum (which he said is okay to use, just as long as credit is given), which is written in the _zombiemode_score.gsc file, but it didn't work. Check out what I tried:

In this function:
Code Snippet
player_add_points( event, mod, hit_location ,is_dog)

I put this:
Code Snippet
if(self hasperk("specialty_bulletdamage"))
weapon = self GetCurrentWeapon();
if(weapon != "tesla_gun_zm" && weapon != "tesla_gun_upgraded_zm" )
if(weapon != "sniper_explosive_zm" && weapon != "sniper_explosive_upgraded_zm" )
if(weapon != "humangun_zm" && weapon != "humangun_upgraded_zm" )
current = self GetWeaponAmmoStock( weapon );
weaponstock = self GetWeaponAmmoStock( weapon );
addammo = int(player_points / 50);
self SetWeaponAmmoStock( weapon, weaponstock + addammo );

Under this:
Code Snippet
	if ( isdefined( self.point_split_receiver ) && (event == "death" || event == "ballistic_knife_death") )
split_player_points = player_points - round_up_score( (player_points * self.point_split_keep_percent), 10 );
self.point_split_receiver add_to_player_score( split_player_points );
player_points = player_points - split_player_points;

Anybody know how I can fix this? The new BO1 section seems a little barren at the moment, so hopefully someone will at least see this lol. Thanks!
6 years ago

After eight long months of on-and-off development, I'm glad to finally release my expansive Der Riese 2.0 for Call of Duty: World at War. This mod sees drastic improvements built upon the classic, fan favorite map, including new weapons (WWII weapons only), updated models, and many other small changes, included - but not limited to:

- Hitmarkers
- Graphic overhaul
- New, HQ weapon models
- Weapons buffs
- A fix to the infamous Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ/Jugger-Nog glitch
- BO1 Zombie models
- Wider variety of zombie sounds, including sound effects ripped from Nacht Der Untoten and BO3
- BO1 Character quotes
- BO3 Perk machines
- BO2 Perk shaders
- Inclusion of the lost Amm-o-Matic perk

There are a lot more various changes/improvements, but I'll leave that for you to discover for yourselves! Below you'll find a wealth of pictures taken straight from the mod, showing off some of the new weapons and perks." width="1366" width="1366" width="1366" width="1366" width="1366" width="1366" width="1366" width="1366" width="1366" width="1366" width="1366

If you weren't able to tell by the title, YOU NEED T4M IN ORDER TO RUN THIS MOD!! This is a pretty huge overhaul, and with that comes the need to use T4M to increase asset space. To install the mod, simply run the included .exe files and follow the instructions. A new loading screen is also included as an optional installation. A backup of the default Der Riese loading screen is included as well. To install, drag the two .bik files into the ROOT/MAIN/VIDEO directory within your WaW folder. When your computer asks if you want to replace the existing file, say yes.

As I am releasing this as a "slightly" unfinished W.I.P (I'd say it's about 90% done), players may encounter a few bugs and small glitches during gameplay. In the download folder, I included a list of some of the bugs you may experience. Nothing game-breaking though, but I do recommend decreasing texture settings if playing on a lower-end PC.

- SpiralModz from CFGfactory
- ConvictioNDR
- UGX Rorke from CFGfactory
- Susel and Koene from CFGfactory
- MakeCents
- jbird
- HarryBO21
- Bamskater
- Dust
- TomBMX
- BadBoy17 from CFGfactory
- RollonMath42
- pwman123
- xSanchez78
- DidUknowiPwn
- momo5502
- SE2dev
- The Apadayo
- death_reaper0
- MZayer11
- sal24r
- c.h.n.
- IperBreach86
- mrpeanut188
- Scobalula
- xXxCowmanxXx
- HitmanVere
- redspace200
- Treyarch, Infinity Ward, and Sledgehammer Games

If you contributed to something you see in this mod, and yet your name isn't included on the list, simply send me a PM or post a comment on this thread, and I'll add your name to the list. EZPZ.

As always, leave your comments in this thread, whether they be suggestions, complaints, threats of violence, etc.

Enjoy!  :)
7 years ago
In my mod for Black Ops, I've been trying to port in the Molotov Cocktail, but I'm facing some trouble with it regarding scripting. In my mapname.gsc, I have this line of code:

Code Snippet
register_tactical_grenade_for_level( "molotov_zm" );
level.zombie_tactical_grenade_player_init = "molotov_zm";

And in the _zombiemode_weapons.gsc, I have this small function set up:

Code Snippet
self giveweapon( "molotov_zm" );
self set_player_tactical_grenade( "molotov_zm" );

However, when I get the Molotov from the Mystery Box, the weapon takes up my primary grenade slot instead of my tactical grenade slot, and now I have four grenades and three molotov cocktails. So what am I doing wrong? Anybody know? Thanks to anybody who can help :)
7 years ago
Hey again, so I'm still working on modding Black Ops, and I'm running into issues regarding editing gsc files and the likes. So when I try to include something like _zombiemode_weapons.gsc in my ff file for example, I get the following error:

Code Snippet
Server script compile error
unknown function
self.worldgundw setModel(
weapon_model_name( self.weapon ) );
(see console for details)

And of course when I check the console, there's nothing there. I've already checked all of the map files that I'm using, and nothing even resembling the above functions are mentioned anywhere in them. I'm assuming that I'm trying to use outdated versions of these gsc files, as I believe that they were updated following the fourth DLC pack. However, I don't have these updated gsc files for some reason, I guess they didn't come with the beta mod tools or whatever. Anybody know how to fix this? This is a pretty major issue that I need to fix if I want to develop this further! Thanks!
7 years ago
I'm a bit more unfamiliar with the BO mod tools than the ones for WaW, especially when it comes to setting up sounds and whatnot. I'm trying to get some sounds to work for a ported weapon, but whenever I build I mod, I get this error message:

Code Snippet
ERROR: Parse error row 1 column 74 of soundaliases/zones/new_weapons.english.csv
ERROR: aliases failed to load
ERROR: Parse error row 1 column 74 of soundaliases/zones/new_weapons.all.csv
ERROR: aliases failed to load

And of course, as a result, the sounds don't work in game. The thing I don't understand about this is that it mentions the 74th column in the first row. But looking at my csv file, there are only 73 columns. What's up with that? Anybody know how to fix this? Thanks for the help :)
7 years ago
I'm facing two different issues that pertain to sounds, so I figured that I'd just make one topic to keep from cluttering the forum.

1). So the first problem I'm having is relating to editing the sounds that the Hellhounds make. I'm looking to replace the stock Hellhound sounds with the ones from BO3, but an important part of that involves editing the soundalias that these sounds are referenced in. However, I've searched through every single soundalias in my raw/soundalias folder, and I have not found any references to the Hellhound sounds at all, aside from the spawn/round beginning sounds. How would I go about doing this instead? I've searched through other folders, such as the clientscripts and zone source folders, but I didn't find any other leads on this.

2). The second problem I'm having is changing the flamethrower sounds. I'm trying to replace the regular Flamethrower sounds with my own new sounds, but in-game, the weapon still uses the original sounds. Now usually, if I forgot to include the soundalias in the csv file, or if I were using unformatted sounds, the weapon would just play no sounds at all. So why is it still using the original sounds? I've even tried replacing the original sounds in the sound folder with my new sounds, but that doesn't fix anything. So what's up? Are the sounds for the flamethrower set up a different way than the regular weapons? Using the UGX weapon editor, I know that the sounds are supposed to be changed by editing the "flameonloopsound" and whatever, but for some reason, it just doesn't work.

So yeah, thank you to whoever can help me with this!  :)
7 years ago
In my Der Riese mod, I'm trying to script a boss into the map, but the only problem I'm having is that it's not spawning. The game plays the boss spawn music, but after that, nothing. I'm not familiar with radiant, but I'm pretty sure spawn points are set through it, right? Well I'm not able to do that, since I've working on a pre-existing map. Is there any way I can set a spawn point for the boss via script? I can provide the script that I'm using if anybody has to look at it. Thanks to anyone who can help me :)
7 years ago
There isn't a forum section for Black Ops modding, so I figured that I'd just ask here. I've begun to fiddle around with modding Black Ops, and one thing that I'm looking to do it remove George from Call of the Dead. I'm still new at really understanding the differences between BO and WaW, so I'm kinda running into trouble with this. I've been commenting out all whole bunch of level.threads and whatnot, but none of that has really been working. I know that I'm not supposed to have the map files in the mod folder, and to instead edit the copies in the raw folder. Anybody out there that's more experienced with BO modding that knows how to fix this? Thank you!
7 years ago
So basically I was wondering if it was possible to create perk script similar to the Stock Option gum where ammo is taken from the reserve. I've tried some very basic scripts to try to do this myself, but I either got a syntax error, or I ended up with unlimited ammo, and so I just trashed it for awhile. Anybody out there know of anything that works? Thanks!
7 years ago
I have no idea what I did to cause this, but when playing my mod, whenever I use the mystery box, the game quickly lags up and crashes, and I get a pop-up message stating that DX encountered a serious issue, and that I should check the "readme", whatever the hell that is. Anybody know what can cause this issue? Isn't there a console command out there, that'll give me a debug report whenever the game crashes? Because if there is, then I've definitely forgotten how to activate it lol. Thanks to anyone that can help me :)
7 years ago
So it's known by now that there was originally supposed to be a looping piece of music playing during a Hellhound round. It's possible to get that working, right? In the _zombiemode_dogs.gsc file, I found this line of code:

Code Snippet
//	setmusicstate("mx_dog_round");

I tried removing the slashes, but that didn't do anything. I'm guessing there's something else that I have to do? I'm also wondering if it'd be possible to make it so that the music begins right as the first dog spawns in. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
7 years ago
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