what tool are you using to rip the models from cod 2
Sorry, just saw this! I'm using the DiegoLogic XmodelExporter tool, same one recommended by the instructions for the conversion rig.
4 years ago
Hey all, long time no see! Recently been trying to port the CoD2 Grease Gun over to BO through the usage of the CoD2 -> TX conversion rig found on modme, as well as Tom's xanim tools, but have been running into some trouble. I seem to be doing everything correctly. I have:
. Correctly bo...
. Correctly bo...
4 years ago
hey how to cheats in bo1 renaissance guys i cant cheat with /sv_cheats 1 in console any help?
You cannot use console commands/cheats in this mod.
4 years ago
Guess I'll just bump this again
7 years ago
Thanks again for the help, this should certainly help me in the future. However, with my script, I'm still getting a fatal error whenever I load up the map. I think it may have something to do with my trigger thread. Wanna take a look?
7 years ago
There isn't a notify for when all the doors have been activated, but you can count each time a door is opened and once the count is greater than or equal to the amount of doors in the world then all doors hav...
7 years ago