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Help with BO1 custom mods

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Created 8 years ago
by whippytrout
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Hey guys!

I have been playing custom Black Ops I mods such as Fury's Temple but recently I can't launch the BO_Mods.bat file without getting this error:

Spoiler: click to open...

I didn't do anything different but now every time I try to launch the batch file I get that error. I've tried reinstalling the game and the game_mod but it still does it. I have several friends that have this issue too.

Any help would be appreciated,


Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 03:10:04 am by whippytrout
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When exactly does this occur? Does the game window open at all? Have you tried running BO_Mods.bat as an administrator? And are you using a legit Steam copy of the game?
Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 08:38:20 pm by SE2Dev
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When exactly does this occur? Does the game window open at all? Have you tried running BO_Mods.bat as an administrator? And are you using a legit Steam copy of the game?

So the problem occurs when you launch the .bat file. It pulls up a black console window and says something like oxidizing pumps, then gives the fatal error. Fortunately though. Somebody told me about RocketV2, so i used that to install a fresh version of Black ops and now I can run the game_mod perfectly with no errors or issues. I told my friends and they as well got it working. So if anybody else has this issue just make sure your game is up to date and then drop RocketV2 into the root and let it repair your game. Then fresh install the game_mode and try running the batch file.

I hope this helps others. It took a long time to figure it out and get it working but it was worth it in the long run. I just beat Fury's Temple and it was AMAZING!  :D
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Keep in mind that should game_mod work with a crack (or anything similar) it's purely coincidental - it's intended to be run with the a legitimate Steam version of the game.

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