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[TUT] Link and build lights on Non-SSE 4.1 CPU

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Created 8 years ago
by Scobalula
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Aye mate you don't know me so y don't you shut tf up ok buddy :)

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NOTE: This is a very, very echy solution, your compile times will be increased by a hell of a lot since we're "emulating" SSE 4.1, however it's a good solution for people like myself who at the very least want to build lights to see how it looks in Radiant (you can just build sun from then on).

This tutorial is provided AS IS, with no implied warranty. You assume full responsibility, neither myself or Intel are responsible for any damages to your PC, map files, assets, etc.

So you have an older Phenom or whatever AMD CPU (or even an older Intel CPU (u wot Pentium 4 m8?) and you don't have SSE 4.1, well read on.

For AMD users from my research only Bulldozer+ CPUs support, Intel CPUs all the way back to Penryn should support it from 2008.

If you're unsure check in CPU-Z if it supports 4.1.

To start download this from Intel:

Make sure to grab the win version, other is Linux I believe. And get something like 7zip to extract it.

1. Extract the files to BO3ROOT\bin (where the exe's are for Radiant, Launcher, etc.).

2. Right click on "sde.exe" and send to Desktop to create a shortcut there.

3. Right Click on it and open its Properties and enter this to run the Launcher under it:

Code Snippet
 -- modlauncher.exe

4. Now you can run it (might take a minute to load Launcher) and select your map to compile lights/link. DO NOT run APE/Radiant under this, they are very glitchy which is why I recommend doing it under Launcher, once you do that, you should have Lighting in Radiant. And again this can take a while, especially linking.

Some screenshots for pr00f: (more once it compiles incoming)

Last Edit: October 14, 2016, 06:12:27 am by Scobalula
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Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 04:17:34 pm by Darkghost620
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There is not any exe in the file i downloaded...

This isn't for baby questions...

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Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 04:17:29 pm by Darkghost620
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lool you dont say wich file to download and yes there is no exe not worth using this since you need to wait 15 minutes to build light on the default mp map at medium

I said download the win one, not the Linux one. :poker: I guess I underestimated the stupidity of some people, I though you'd use your brain to navigate Intel's page to download it.

And I did mention it's an echy solution, it builds in under 3 minutes on the ZM test map with my Phenom 955. :P

I guess some people aren't up for the internet.
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Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 04:17:19 pm by Darkghost620
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i could not download it so my friend sent it to me over skype i guesse he did not send me the win one : stop calling ppl stupid

You're supposed to open and extract it with WinRar/7zip
Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 08:35:58 pm by ProGamerzFTW
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Important to run sde.exe as an administrator when you're doing this. If you don't, it seems to exit out once you try to open it. Otherwise, thank you for this, this literally saved my custom mapping on BO3!
Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 10:51:09 pm by LBGamingYT
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I wanted to try this but Intel's download section has been broken for three days now and who knows when that gets fixed. Could someone please upload this program so I can download it? I would appreciate that.
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Still Crashing My maping is fucked  :alone:  :nyan:
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Still Crashing My maping is fucked  :alone:  :nyan:

It's not a perfect solution tbh and I wouldn't bother linking with it, I only use it for lights. I have gotten a FX-6300 as a temp solution which tbh. I'd recommend getting a second-hand cheap SSE 4.1 cpu (and maybe mobo) if you're serious about modding.
Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 06:49:17 pm by Scobalula
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Put all of the files from intels folder inside bin if it asks you to replace something DONT  :D :D :D :D
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Put all of the files from intels folder inside bin if it asks you to replace something DONT  :D :D :D :D

1. Extract the files to BO3ROOT\bin (where the exe's are for Radiant, Launcher, etc.).

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It's not a perfect solution tbh and I wouldn't bother linking with it, I only use it for lights.
Can you play the map without linking? What exactly does that even do? I did this a few days ago and I stopped it after 2 hours of trying to compile/link/light the default test map. It was converting images for hours.
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I knew someone would find a solution! Thank you Scobalula! At least now with my shitty Athlon II I can compile lights at low...
Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 09:37:49 pm by BuIlDaLiBlE

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