I recently discoverd a way of adding custom weapons into your custom zombies map, how to have it included into the mystery box and if you have the weaponfile for it also have a pack a punchable version for it. All that you need to have is a weaponfile for your weapon.
First of all, in your bo3 root folder go to: And edit the zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv file. (It should be the only one there)
The contents of the file should look like this:
Secondly you will have to add the name of the weaponfile for your weapon into the zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv file. Next to the weaponfilename you will have to copy over the code from one of the other weapons listed in the file that corresponts with the type of weapon that you have (e.g. if your weapon is an assault rifle you copy over that code after ar_accurate.)
In example I am using the an94 from Black Ops 2 (t6_wpn_ar_an94 is my weaponfilename) Then it should look like this:
If you have a weaponfile for the upgraded version of the weapon then add that where I put t6_wpn_ar_an94_upgraded otherwise delete the name.
Now thats done you can save that file and close it. What we are going to do now is copy over one of the already existing files in: In there you should see a file called zm_giant_weapons.zpkg Copy that file over to the zone source in: Once pasted in there rename it to: Time to edit that file to add the weapon in there. First of all, change at the top of the file this: to: Now go down to the part that corresponts to your weapon in my case the assault rifle section. In that section at the bottom add the following line: Then it should look like this:
Thats done, now we need to call the file from your zm_MAPNAME.zone so it works ingame. So in the same folder you should find your zm_MAPNAME.zone file. Once you opened it go to the bottom of the file and add the following line:
The only thing left is that you have to link the mod, it will give you a lot of weapon errors, thats only because you dont have those weaponfiles, ignore these errors they wont affect the game in any way. Once you are done linking your map and load it up through the modtools you can give yourself the weapon through the console or try to get it from the box. If you have a pack a punch file for it you can also pack a punch it.
Thats it fokes. If you do use this I would appreciate some credit for this. Have fun. - Henkownd
Last Edit: October 21, 2016, 11:49:21 am by henkownd
If you want scripts / features made for you, then contact me by PM or email / skype etc it will cost you tho so if you have no intention of reciprocating don't even waste my time
It is possible to do it both ways. I prefer to have all the weaponcalling by script including the stock ones in one place, and I felt like copying the files given by Treyarch the best way possible for me. If you can do it differently and it works better for you feel free to do it. This is what I found out and I am currently experimenting with attachmentfiles and weaponcamo files. And I use this file as a baseline for how Treyarch does it.