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Unhandled exception caught

broken avatar :(
Created 10 years ago
by MZslayer11
0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.
broken avatar :(
broken avatar :(
Location: usUnited States
Date Registered: 7 March 2014
Last active: 2 months ago
Forum Rank
Zombie Colossus
Primary Group
UGX Site Moderator
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MZslayer11's Groups
UGX Site Moderator Has the ability to issue warnings to users, edit and remove posts from the forum and to move topics to other boards. Upholds the rules of the forum. Moderates Chat Rooms.
MZslayer11's Contact & Social LinksMZslayer11Service_Code_30#2655
After compiling my map, patch, and mod successfully, i opened up waw to test my map like usual. However, this time, my game crashes and brings me to the waw console and gives me the error "Unhandled exception caught". Now this scares me because i have never seen this error before and i am afraid that it will ruin my map that i have worked so hard on. I got this error after creating several xmodels for doubble paped weapons however i have done this before and not gotten this error. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Here is the console:

Code Snippet
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_mp_g43_ug_ug".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_mp_svt40_upgraded".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_mp_svt40_upgraded_upgraded".
Error: Could not load xmodel "t5_weapon_ak74u_viewmodel_invisible".
Error: Could not load xmodel "t5_weapon_ak74u_world_invisible".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_zombie_db_shotgun_up_up".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_zombie_30cal_lmg_up_up".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_zombie_bar_lmg_up_up".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_mp_fg42_ug_ug".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_zombie_panzerschreck_up_up".
Error: Could not load xmodel "bo1_zombie_perk_bottle_ads".
Error: Could not load xmodel "bo1_zombie_perk_bottle_three_gun".
Error: Could not load xmodel "bo1_zombie_perk_bottle_nuke".
Error: Could not load xmodel "bo1_zombie_perk_bottle_marathon".

Connecting player #0 has a zero GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for (num 0 guid 0)
Received packet 0 of stats data
Received packet 1 of stats data
Received packet 2 of stats data
Received packet 3 of stats data
Received packet 4 of stats data
Received packet 5 of stats data
Received packet 6 of stats data
DynEnt_WriteGameState wrote 2 bytes
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_DownloadsComplete
Patchmaps: 0
Patchmaps: 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_InitCGame
Player 0 no longer burning at time: 0
Player 0 no longer electrified at time: 0
Player 0 no longer transporter sick at time: 0
Error: Could not load material "nightvision_overlay_goggles".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters_glow".
Error: Could not load material "killicondied".
Error: Could not load material "killiconcrush".
Error: Could not load material "killiconfalling".
Error: Could not load material "killiconsuicide".
Error: Could not load material "killiconheadshot".
Error: Could not load material "killiconmelee".
Cmd_AddCommand: cg_photoufo already defined
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/nazi_zombie_townbo2.d3dbsp

Foliage: --------------------------
Foliage: smodelCount = 779
Foliage: foliage model count = 779 (max=16384)
Foliage: sizeof(g_modelInfos) = 16384, element size = 1
Foliage: --------------------------

vertex stream 2: --------------------------
vertex stream 2: needs 113092 bytes
vertex stream 2: vertex buffer allocate ok
vertex stream 2: --------------------------
LOADING... game media
LOADING... - textures
Error: Could not load material "headicondisconnected".
Error: Could not load material "headiconyouinkillcam".
Error: Could not load material "objective_up".
Error: Could not load material "objective_down".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "objective_friendly_chat".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_enemy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_radarline".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_busy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "hud_flashbangicon".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzai".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzaigrenade".
LOADING... - models
LOADING... - items
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_ext_clip) for weapon (makarov_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_flash) for weapon (makarov_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_upgraded_sights) for weapon (makarov_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_ext_clip) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_flash) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_upgraded_sights) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_ext_clip) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_flash) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_upgraded_sights) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_telescopic) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bayonet) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_silencer) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade_mount) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sights) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_telescopic) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bayonet) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_aperture) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_telescopic) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sights) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bayonet) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: Could not load xanim "viewmodel_ak74u_dualclip_grip_reload_quick".
Error: Could not load xanim "viewmodel_ak74u_dualclip_grip_reload_empty_quick".
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_rail) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_pka) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_cobra_mounted) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_short_sight) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_rail) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_pka) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_cobra_mounted) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_short_sight) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_rail) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_pka) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_cobra_mounted) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_short_sight) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (j_foregrip_world) for weapon (aug_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (j_foregrip_world) for weapon (aug_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (j_foregrip_world) for weapon (aug_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_foregrip) for weapon (bospas_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_foregrip) for weapon (bospas_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_foregrip) for weapon (bospas_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sights) for weapon (zombie_fg42_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_aperture) for weapon (zombie_fg42_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bipod_right) for weapon (zombie_fg42_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bipod_left) for weapon (zombie_fg42_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sight_short) for weapon (hk21_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sight_short) for weapon (hk21_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sight_short) for weapon (hk21_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
LOADING... - inline models
LOADING... - server models
Error: Could not load fx "env/smoke/fx_smoke_hallway_thick_dark".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_wire_spark_burst".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_wire_spark_dl_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_zombie_hand_dirt_burst".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_zombie_body_dirt_billowing".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_zombie_body_dust_falling".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_eyes".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_explosion".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_fire_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_ash_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_breath".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_zapper_powerbox_on".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_electric_trap".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_zapper_wall_control_on".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_green".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_red".
Error: Could not load fx "fx_zombie_light_elec_room_on".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_player_md".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_player_sm".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_player_torso".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_elec_trail_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_wire_spark".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_transporter_beam".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_transporter_pad_start".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_transporter_start".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_transporter_ambient".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_link_all".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_link_single".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_linked".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_beam".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_flat".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_flat_start".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_beam_start".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_flashback_american".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_light_lamp".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_difference".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_steam".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_heat_sink".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_smoke_stack".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_elec_spark_fast_random".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_elec_gen_idle".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_moon_eclipse".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_clock_hand".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_elec_pole_terminal".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_elec_broken_light_1shot".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_light_lamp_no_eo".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_burst".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_billowing".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_falling".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_american_smoke_grenade".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_flare_sky_white_10sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_gas_grenade_22sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/rocket/fx_trail_bazooka_geotrail".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_smk_2sec".
Error: Could not load rawfile "shock/zombie_death.shock".
Error: couldn't open 'shock/zombie_death.shock'.
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeInTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_dust_default".
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_water".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/jet_afterburner".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_sm".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_md".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_lg".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_object_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/water/fx_wake_lvt_churn".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_water_hit_player_bubbles".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_waist_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_knee_ripple".
LOADING... - game media done
LOADING... clients
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load material "zombie_stopwatchneedle".
Error: Could not load material "zombie_stopwatch".
Error: Could not load material "zombie_stopwatch_glass".
*** CLIENT SPAWN 0 script_brushmodels 0 script_models.
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_bark".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_brick".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_carpet".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cloth".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_concrete".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_dirt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_flesh".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_foliage".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_glass".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_gravel".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ice".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_metal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paper".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plaster".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rock".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_snow".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_water".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_wood".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_asphalt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ceramic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plastic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rubber".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cushion".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_fruit".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paintedmetal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_player".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_tallgrass".
CL_InitCGame: 0.49 seconds
Com_TouchMemory: 1 msec. Using sum: -791177369
Hiding channel: gamenotify
Hiding channel: obituary
Adding channel: gamenotify
Adding channel: obituary
Hiding channel: gamenotify
Hiding channel: obituary
Adding channel: gamenotify
Adding channel: obituary
Hiding channel: subtitle
Adding channel: subtitle
Hiding channel: coopinfo
Adding channel: coopinfo
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
Fade in 98352 1250
Model 'cg_drawPerformanceWarnings':
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished

Unhandled exception caught
broken avatar :(
broken avatar :(
Location: us
Date Registered: 14 September 2013
Last active: 4 years ago
Forum Rank
Zombie Destroyer
Primary Group
Community Scripter
My Groups
My Contact & Social Links
Personal Quote
MakeCents's Groups
Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
Community Scripter Has shown effort and knowledge in the area of scripting while being a part of the UGX-Mods community.
BO3 Modtools Alpha
BO3 Modtools Alpha
This user has access to the Black Ops 3 Modtools Alpha
After compiling my map, patch, and mod successfully, i opened up waw to test my map like usual. However, this time, my game crashes and brings me to the waw console and gives me the error "Unhandled exception caught". Now this scares me because i have never seen this error before and i am afraid that it will ruin my map that i have worked so hard on. I got this error after creating several xmodels for doubble paped weapons however i have done this before and not gotten this error. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Here is the console:

Code Snippet
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_mp_g43_ug_ug".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_mp_svt40_upgraded".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_mp_svt40_upgraded_upgraded".
Error: Could not load xmodel "t5_weapon_ak74u_viewmodel_invisible".
Error: Could not load xmodel "t5_weapon_ak74u_world_invisible".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_zombie_db_shotgun_up_up".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_zombie_30cal_lmg_up_up".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_zombie_bar_lmg_up_up".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_mp_fg42_ug_ug".
Error: Could not load xmodel "viewmodel_zombie_panzerschreck_up_up".
Error: Could not load xmodel "bo1_zombie_perk_bottle_ads".
Error: Could not load xmodel "bo1_zombie_perk_bottle_three_gun".
Error: Could not load xmodel "bo1_zombie_perk_bottle_nuke".
Error: Could not load xmodel "bo1_zombie_perk_bottle_marathon".

Connecting player #0 has a zero GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for (num 0 guid 0)
Received packet 0 of stats data
Received packet 1 of stats data
Received packet 2 of stats data
Received packet 3 of stats data
Received packet 4 of stats data
Received packet 5 of stats data
Received packet 6 of stats data
DynEnt_WriteGameState wrote 2 bytes
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_DownloadsComplete
Patchmaps: 0
Patchmaps: 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_InitCGame
Player 0 no longer burning at time: 0
Player 0 no longer electrified at time: 0
Player 0 no longer transporter sick at time: 0
Error: Could not load material "nightvision_overlay_goggles".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters_glow".
Error: Could not load material "killicondied".
Error: Could not load material "killiconcrush".
Error: Could not load material "killiconfalling".
Error: Could not load material "killiconsuicide".
Error: Could not load material "killiconheadshot".
Error: Could not load material "killiconmelee".
Cmd_AddCommand: cg_photoufo already defined
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/nazi_zombie_townbo2.d3dbsp

Foliage: --------------------------
Foliage: smodelCount = 779
Foliage: foliage model count = 779 (max=16384)
Foliage: sizeof(g_modelInfos) = 16384, element size = 1
Foliage: --------------------------

vertex stream 2: --------------------------
vertex stream 2: needs 113092 bytes
vertex stream 2: vertex buffer allocate ok
vertex stream 2: --------------------------
LOADING... game media
LOADING... - textures
Error: Could not load material "headicondisconnected".
Error: Could not load material "headiconyouinkillcam".
Error: Could not load material "objective_up".
Error: Could not load material "objective_down".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "objective_friendly_chat".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_enemy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_radarline".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_busy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "hud_flashbangicon".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzai".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzaigrenade".
LOADING... - models
LOADING... - items
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_ext_clip) for weapon (makarov_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_flash) for weapon (makarov_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_upgraded_sights) for weapon (makarov_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_ext_clip) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_flash) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_upgraded_sights) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_ext_clip) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_flash) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_upgraded_sights) for weapon (makarov_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_telescopic) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bayonet) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_silencer) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade_mount) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sights) for weapon (zombie_gewehr43_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_telescopic) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bayonet) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_aperture) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_telescopic) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sights) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bayonet) for weapon (svt40_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: Could not load xanim "viewmodel_ak74u_dualclip_grip_reload_quick".
Error: Could not load xanim "viewmodel_ak74u_dualclip_grip_reload_empty_quick".
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_rail) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_pka) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_cobra_mounted) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_short_sight) for weapon (stg44_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_rail) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_pka) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_cobra_mounted) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_short_sight) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_rail) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_suppressor) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_scope_pka) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_cobra_mounted) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_short_sight) for weapon (stg44_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (j_foregrip_world) for weapon (aug_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (j_foregrip_world) for weapon (aug_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (j_foregrip_world) for weapon (aug_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_foregrip) for weapon (bospas_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_foregrip) for weapon (bospas_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_foregrip) for weapon (bospas_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sights) for weapon (zombie_fg42_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_aperture) for weapon (zombie_fg42_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bipod_right) for weapon (zombie_fg42_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bipod_left) for weapon (zombie_fg42_upgraded_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sight_short) for weapon (hk21_mp)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sight_short) for weapon (hk21_mp_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_iron_sight_short) for weapon (hk21_mp_upgraded_upgraded)
LOADING... - inline models
LOADING... - server models
Error: Could not load fx "env/smoke/fx_smoke_hallway_thick_dark".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_wire_spark_burst".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_wire_spark_dl_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_zombie_hand_dirt_burst".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_zombie_body_dirt_billowing".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_zombie_body_dust_falling".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_eyes".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_explosion".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_fire_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_ash_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_dog_breath".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_zapper_powerbox_on".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_electric_trap".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_zapper_wall_control_on".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_green".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_light_glow_red".
Error: Could not load fx "fx_zombie_light_elec_room_on".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_player_md".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_player_sm".
Error: Could not load fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_player_torso".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_elec_trail_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_wire_spark".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_transporter_beam".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_transporter_pad_start".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_transporter_start".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_transporter_ambient".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_link_all".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_link_single".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_linked".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_beam".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_flat".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_flat_start".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_beam_start".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_flashback_american".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_light_lamp".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_difference".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_mainframe_steam".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_heat_sink".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_smoke_stack".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_elec_spark_fast_random".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_elec_gen_idle".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_moon_eclipse".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_clock_hand".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_elec_pole_terminal".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_elec_broken_light_1shot".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_light_lamp_no_eo".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_footstep_dust".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_footstep_sand".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_burst".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_billowing".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_falling".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_american_smoke_grenade".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_flare_sky_white_10sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_gas_grenade_22sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/rocket/fx_trail_bazooka_geotrail".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_smk_2sec".
Error: Could not load rawfile "shock/zombie_death.shock".
Error: couldn't open 'shock/zombie_death.shock'.
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeInTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_dust_default".
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_water".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/jet_afterburner".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_sm".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_md".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_lg".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_object_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/water/fx_wake_lvt_churn".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_water_hit_player_bubbles".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_waist_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_knee_ripple".
LOADING... - game media done
LOADING... clients
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load material "zombie_stopwatchneedle".
Error: Could not load material "zombie_stopwatch".
Error: Could not load material "zombie_stopwatch_glass".
*** CLIENT SPAWN 0 script_brushmodels 0 script_models.
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_bark".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_brick".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_carpet".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cloth".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_concrete".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_dirt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_flesh".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_foliage".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_glass".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_gravel".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ice".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_metal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paper".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plaster".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rock".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_snow".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_water".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_wood".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_asphalt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ceramic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plastic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rubber".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cushion".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_fruit".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paintedmetal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_player".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_tallgrass".
CL_InitCGame: 0.49 seconds
Com_TouchMemory: 1 msec. Using sum: -791177369
Hiding channel: gamenotify
Hiding channel: obituary
Adding channel: gamenotify
Adding channel: obituary
Hiding channel: gamenotify
Hiding channel: obituary
Adding channel: gamenotify
Adding channel: obituary
Hiding channel: subtitle
Adding channel: subtitle
Hiding channel: coopinfo
Adding channel: coopinfo
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
Fade in 98352 1250
Model 'cg_drawPerformanceWarnings':
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished

Unhandled exception caught

Probably not your answer, but just in case, did you verify when you compiled that the correct mod was selected? Sometimes I take that for granted cause I never change it, but it changes on its own. I only say this because it says it can't find things, and that would be true if they are not in the mod that was selected when it was compiled...
Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 06:56:10 pm by MakeCents
broken avatar :(
broken avatar :(
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Date Registered: 7 March 2014
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Probably not your answer, but just in case, did you verify when you compiled that the correct mod was selected? Sometimes I take that for granted cause I never change it, but it changes on its own. I only say this because it says it can't find things, and that would be true if they are not in the mod that was selected when it was compiled...

Thanks or the suggestion but i compiled the map and patch again making sure that i had the correct mod selected but i still crashes after i try to play it.

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