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Messages - vinnyz500

Hello, so to help my map I need to know how to make stairs and ramps (to make more floors), broken doors that act as windows (like in Kino Der Toten), and mounds of rubble that can be found in most official maps.

Thanks  :)

Stairs- use brushes to make steps, self explanitory

Broken doors - Use the clipping tool to make cuts in wall, look up tutorials for this, usually refered to as detail made easy. check Yi

Rubble - Make dirt patches and use models in misc--> model to create rubble
9 years ago
Game not out so this argument is invalid
1 zombies map for 60$ which is super quality with 80 additional $ for 4 more maps, OR 20$ for thousands of maps with there being atealst 50-60 very high grade quality maps? I see no competition dollar for dollar WaW has the upper hand
9 years ago
Hey, i need a small script to kill a zombie when they touch a certain trig and respawn the zombie, the trig does not need to be deleted, i need it as a failsafe for another script i have. It barley bugs out but there is that once in 10 rounds it does happen, and the zombies just get stuck in a loop lol. Thanks
9 years ago
A first map that isisnt a box or multiple boxes, nice. I'll give it a play later  ;)
9 years ago
need to say no more
Welp i added

Electric Zoo (Mr Krab's beep boop boop)
Thats what friends do
Living in the sunlight
Jellyfish stadium rave
the trap version of the krusty krab music (you all know this)
twinkle twinkle patrick star
when worlds collide

15 Total, not planning on adding more unless someone tells me, and
I expect this to be in the map somewhere, don't care how you add it. :D
hehe i might but i already got the original in there  :alone:

They are in the form of shoot this and song will play. But if you shoot other song but song already playing it tells you to wait until current song is over. The sweet victory song is in 3D and can be replayed but others can not. So basically you gotta find 14 songs  ;D
9 years ago
Hey, what are your fav spongebob songs that i should add as a shootable Easter Egg. Here is my list so far,

Campfire song song
F is for friends
Goofy Goober Rock
Ripped Pants
Krusty Krab Pizza
Sweet Victory
Theme/Intro song
Without you

I want 5-10 more songs to add, i know it will spike up the map file size but honestly its already large so may as well go all the way. Give me some reccomendations  :D
9 years ago
Downloaded the BO3 beta in hopes my r9 270x and FX 6350 with 8gb ram can run on atleast medium at a decent framerate.

I was wrong

Low settings gets 60fps with DROPS down to 30 when in combat. This is on 1920x1080. Now, when i lower it to a much lower resolution i still seem to get drops in gunfights, its as if i didnt even lower it at all. Yes, im running vsync and such.

Keep in mind i can run BO2 on extra at a constant 80.

What is it with all the new COD's (and games in general) optimizing poorly, its as if their making the games for the consoles alone and just porting it to PC. Yes, graphics increase so the frames will drop a bit, but in COD's case i think BO3 looks almost the same as BO2 but runs half as good. Are you guys getting playable framerates or no? Are companies just milking the consoles because more people will play on them thus they purely optimize on consoles? Dont even know anymore  :D

EDIT: Yes, it is beta. And there are no drivers for it yet, i understand. But it shouldn't run this bad on a machine that runs BO2 flawless
9 years ago

try re-doing your zombie spawner, or grab one from the tutorial map
9 years ago
break out of the already broken ''super mario 64'' map  :troll:

clips high as the sky, good luck  :D
9 years ago
he must've used a script placer and checked anti cheat, go in your main function, find where they list the DVARs like godmode (false);
noclip (false);

(not what it looks like but similar)

and just change the ones you need to true, but before u release remember to change it back
9 years ago
Crash bandicoot
Crash bandicoot 2: Cortex strikes back
Crash bandicoot 3: Warped
Crash Team Racing

Honestly if you haven't played the crash series you should drop whatever your doing and play them all. Replay value 10/10 I beat each game time from time again. Went through all of them at least 5 times each .
9 years ago
just so you know, that script i gave you is the absolute meaning of basic lol

Would prob be best to get a better one
aha yeah I know I just was working on finishing up the main area before I mess with adding the script. I'll get it don't worry  :P
9 years ago
Cool, make sure to have this guy do the voices:
Having dashie do my quotes would be hilarious but I got no special viewhands or player models so i think I'll leave the normal vox, and I don't wanna bother others to do the rigging for me. Plus if I was gonna do VoX I would use in game audio ripped from SB BAttle for bikini bottom.
9 years ago

I'm back on the project. For the past 2 days I worked about 9-10 hours on it adding zombies, fixing bugs, and doing many other things. Harry's perks are added, and I'm re-doing other things but it'll all be worth it in the end. Just need to sort out a script harry gave me for the teleporting to other areas and once that's done just more minor detailing, then the mapping side will be done. After that's done just adding guns, scripts, etc and the map will be ready for release. Trying to get it done before sept 10th, but not sure on the date yet. Thanks to radimax for clipping the rest of jellyfish fields for me, really helped me. Updates to come
9 years ago
Hey, random dicsussion here. I'm always on my computer even with people around and they always ask what im doin and stuff, and i explain the whole thing and how its just for fun and stuff. The number one thing they say: Can you sell it?  :D then i proceed to say no but they keep asking why and shit. Now im wondering: What do your guys's friends/family say about it   :o

Also, my friends that play custom zombies number 1 statement: Zach finish your god damn spongebob map  ;D
9 years ago
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