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Messages - suckafoola

I'm still a little confused on what to do :/ like on my _zombiemode_spawner gsc file I have

self notify("do_rise");


self notify("no_rise");

like you do and there are other lines after it as well, so what am I supposed to do exactly?
9 years ago
Damn I hit my post limit yesterday so I couldnt reply in time and i completely forgot to post the link to the screenshots sorry!

Anyway, heres what I have
9 years ago
I've been searching on here, other zombie modding forums, good, etc, but either I'm typing the wrong thing or I just really can't find any tutorial. I want to have those fast zombies that are a lot faster than the sprint zombies, like those in MidgetBlaster's "Cryogenic" map and many others. Is there any way to do this?

Double Post Merge: July 27, 2015, 01:28:29 pm
Any help?
9 years ago
Well it's hard to explain the situation, so I'll just attach some screen shots. Basically I want that zombie that you see there to travel to that barrier-less window, jump over it, and target the player. Hopefully the screenshots help with that
9 years ago
I'll try this when I get the chance and I'll update you guys on what the outcome is. Thanks!

By the way, on the topic of doors, how do I make it so two doors with the same name slide open in opposite directions? I've tried making one door move -100 units and the other 100 units, but if I try doing that, both doors are set to the same number for the vector kvp :(. So what am I doing wrong? Is there a more simple way to do this other than what I'm trying to do?

Double Post Merge: July 25, 2015, 07:43:50 pm
Update: okay so checking dynapicpath worked like a charm! Thanks

I tried adding the zombie_chaser kvp, but it's still not working :/

Sorry for double post BTW don't know how to edit
9 years ago
Do I have to play around with the value or is there a standard value that I should use?

Also, if it helps, my map is night-themed yet even though I have a night skybox active, there are still shadows that show up on the outside and even inside of buildings in my map from the "sun". Don't know if that somehow ties in with the artifacts.
9 years ago
I currently have two zones in my map, each one separated by buyable doors. The thing is, Zombies that spawn from start zone wont cross o continue chasing me if I cross over to the second zone. They just stand there and not do anything. If I'm in the second One and zombies start spawning from the start zone,  then what they'll do is run over to where I placed placed player spawn points and just hang around there. I've placed pathbodes correctly and almost sure I've set up zones correctly in game file so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Any ideas?

As a side question, is there any way to make zombies spawn behind a window without barriers? I've tried but they spawn and don't move.
9 years ago
I actually already have all of that and my map still looks like the screenshots that I linked to. :/

9 years ago
Hello :)

I started working on my first map and  ran into some trouble. There are these really nasty lighting artifacts that appear all throughout my map and I have no idea how to fix them. Even putting a light grid volume didn't help. I'm hoping someone can identify the problem and give me advice on how to fix it.

Thanks in advance.

Here are some screenshots:
9 years ago
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