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Messages - SajeOne

Any updates? We need a progress update by Sunday August, 2/2015 at 11:59PM PST. Anything to indicate the progress gained since the last update. If you haven't gained any progress an indication of such is fine. If you have gained progress we need visual representation and possibly a quick summary of what was done for the map in-between updates.
10 years ago
1. Nic Cage
2. Liam Neeson
3. Arnold Schwarzanegger
4. Morgan Freeman
5. Sean Connery
10 years ago
Moved to WIP section.
10 years ago
Any updates? We need a progress update by Wednesday July, 29/2015 at 11:59PM PST. Anything to indicate the progress gained since the last update. If you haven't gained any progress an indication of such is fine. If you have gained progress we need visual representation and possibly a quick summary of what was done for the map in-between updates.
10 years ago
Any updates? We need a progress update by Tuesday July, 28/2015 at 11:59PM PST. Anything to indicate the progress gained since the last update. If you haven't gained any progress an indication of such is fine. If you have gained progress we need visual representation and possibly a quick summary of what was done for the map in-between updates.
10 years ago
Any updates? We need a progress update by Thursday July, 30/2015 at 11:59PM PST. Anything to indicate the progress gained since the last update. If you haven't gained any progress an indication of such is fine. If you have gained progress we need visual representation and possibly a quick summary of what was done for the map in-between updates.
10 years ago
alright heres some early construction photos within radiant of my work so far
Ensure to update your original topic with your updates. :)
10 years ago
Cool, can't wait to see when you add lighting :)
10 years ago
Name and Story finalised, week two image updates added as well.
Nice banner image. Hoping that gets a main menu revision? :D
10 years ago
Any progress to post? Once you begin mapping you need to update your topic. If we see a completed map posted as the first progress update we cannot verify it was made for the contest.
10 years ago
Please notify us or update your topic once you have resumed mapping.
10 years ago
Any updates? We need a progress update by Saturday July, 25/2015 at 11:59PM PST. Anything to indicate the progress gained since the last update. If you haven't gained any progress an indication of such is fine. If you have gained progress we need visual representation and possibly a quick summary of what was done for the map in-between updates.
10 years ago
Any progress to post? Once you begin mapping you need to update your topic. If we see a completed map posted as the first progress update we cannot verify it was made for the contest.
10 years ago
I can update once weekly with either new screenshots or just stating I haven't done anything if that will work
That's perfect.
10 years ago
I know you want to keep secrets and to a degree you can do that but we need a visual representation of your progress so we can actually verify that you are creating this now and it isn't something you made months ago that you are adding to your project. If we see a half done map posted as the first progress update we cannot verify that you created it for the contest.

EDIT: I see you posted for first progress update on June 30th. Have you been editing your topic everyday on purpose?

If you have started working on the map we need a visual representation of your progress by Monday July, 20/2015 at 11:59PM PST. If for some reason you haven't actually been working on it you can simply specify there is no progress. But if we see two weeks or more worth of progress posted in a week for instance the map will have to be disqualified.
10 years ago
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