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Messages - PROxFTW

Ok try this hopefully this should fix up the hintstrings. As well as I added an option for starting weapon so the 1 box glitch should be better avoided.
9 years ago
I really want to try it but what is it? Like do you get all the features with it or you have to add everything manually?
I know I sound stupid but I'm confused.  :-\
As far as scripting. You only have a few things to adjust unless you have more than the default 2 powerups with shaders but if this is the case I can help with that. There is 1 box prefab and can be placed an infinite amount of times just don't put them to close. Once you open up the MysteryBox2.gsc there is a whole function dedicated to user settings and I have tried to make it as easy as possible for the user to change anything with changing 1 value. If you look at the script it may make a bit more sense. The only features that need to be done manually is the leroy script and the locking of the box. Everything else is taken care of based on user settings.
9 years ago
Mind sharing an image of the box? :D
Its the default box. I just put 2.0 since it has so many features added into 1 unlike any map before. If you use the animated one, it is just the normal box without the lid so you can easily change that. And then the non-animated is just the default box.
9 years ago
So all bugs that have been happening are now 100% fixed as far as bugs I am aware of.
Now the dl will be a few seconds to be updated so be patient. What I did is I thought the tut was just cluttered in writing so I have fixed it up, made it look nicer and added _zombiemode_powerups.gsc into the dl so you can replace your and go. If you have other powerups then the default 2 with shaders. Do not update. Either adjust the code, or ask me or another scripter to give you a hand.
Also I wanna kind of explain some of the features as well.
Box Location - There is an option to completely disable it, add it everywhere like natch, randomize the location, or set the location yourself.
Firesale - Completely redesigned to work with all the features and so far no bugs at all with it.
Perma-Box - If you played BO2 you will know after a few box hits you can get a teddy bear which allows better weapons
UGX Player Take - If you hit the box, after a little while it will be available for others to take the weapon
Adjust timers for box open time, how long for UGX player take to be active
Adjust sounds
Adjustable User settings. Try it out, this should help non-scripters hugely with customizing features with little knowledge of scripting
1 Box prefab is only required. No kvp editing besides changing models.
Fixes up many bugs with the original mystery box, including 3+ weapon/perk glitch + a few more
Fully redesigned
A few things I forgot
The locking of the box needs to be threaded manually as well as the Leroy Script needs to be threaded manually.
If you need help with that msg me and I will assist you in that.
Fully out of beta as it has no known bugs and is completely redesign-able to my liking. If you notice any bugs report them to me and I will fix it up as soon as possible. Again credits listed above and hope you enjoy.
Forgot 1 thing. If you use an animated box in magic_box.atr you will need to change the anims in there to work in script.
Now I have 1 question for you guys, would you like anything else to be re-modified just as easy/ any more features you think would be nicely added, anything else then let me know, helps me learn more as well as makes everything easier for others.
9 years ago
Everything explained better below. But this is 2.0 of the mystery box and I really hope everyone enjoys this and the effort I put into this for everyone. Anything else please let me know and I will do it.
Video will have to be delayed as my laptop could not work the video out. So hopefully tomorrow I can get one.
Here is a gif to show off a bit of how the code looks for user settings.

Pashan - Ideas
UGX - Ideas
Nikolai - Testing
9 years ago
this doesnt work coop, when another player shoots or damages a zombie, the hitmarker appears on everyone's screen
Here chroma, try this and see if this makes a difference. Replace _damagefeedback.gsc with
Code Snippet
#include maps\_hud_util;
// MikeD (12/17/2007): Not called anywhere
//precacheShader( "damage_feedback" );

//if ( getDvar( "scr_damagefeedback" ) == "" )
// setDvar( "scr_damagefeedback", "0" );

//if ( !getDvarInt( "scr_damagefeedback" ) )
// return;

self.hud_damagefeedback = self CreateRectangle( "", "", 0, 0, 24, 48, 1, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, "damage_feedback" );

CreateRectangle( Align, Relative, X, Y, Width, Height, Sort, Color, Alpha, Shader )
Box = NewClientHUDElem( self );
Box.ElemType = "bar";
if( !level.splitscreen )
Box.X = -2;
Box.Y = -2;
Box.Width = Width;
Box.Height = Height;
Box.Align = Align;
Box.Relative = Relative;
Box.XOffset = 0;
Box.YOffset = 0;
Box.Children = [];
Box.Sort = Sort;
if( IsDefined( Color ) )
Box.Color = Color;
Box.Alpha = Alpha;
Box.Shader = Shader;
Box SetParent( level.UIParent );
Box SetShader( Shader, Width, Height );
Box.Hidden = false;
Box SetPoint( Align, Relative, X, Y );
return Box;

//if ( !getDvarInt( "scr_damagefeedback" ) )
// return;
self.damageInit = true;

for ( ;; )
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker );

if ( IsPlayer( attacker ) )
attacker updateDamageFeedback();

//if ( !IsPlayer( self ) )
// return;

self playlocalsound( "MP_hit_alert" );

self.hud_damagefeedback.alpha = 1;
self.hud_damagefeedback fadeOverTime( 1 );
self.hud_damagefeedback.alpha = 0;
and then in mapname.gsc replace
Code Snippet
HitTest(){ }
Code Snippet
flag_wait( "all_players_connected" );
        wait 1;
for( i = 0; i < GetPlayers().size; i++ )
GetPlayers()[i] thread maps\_damagefeedback::init();
while( 1 )
ai = GetAiArray( "axis" );
for( i = 0; i < ai.size; i++ )
if( !IsDefined( ai[i].damageInit ) )
ai[i] thread maps\_damagefeedback::monitorDamage();
wait .01;
10 years ago
Here try this out. Note: The sound doesn't seem to work and probably because either I don't have it in the mod.csv or it is very quiet but I couldn't find the sound file for the hit marker so if you want that you will have to do that part yourself.
First copy _damagefeedback.gsc into mods/Mapname/maps
Now replace everything in that gsc with
Code Snippet
// MikeD (12/17/2007): Not called anywhere
//precacheShader( "damage_feedback" );

//if ( getDvar( "scr_damagefeedback" ) == "" )
// setDvar( "scr_damagefeedback", "0" );

//if ( !getDvarInt( "scr_damagefeedback" ) )
// return;

self.hud_damagefeedback = newHudElem( self );
self.hud_damagefeedback.alignX = "center";
self.hud_damagefeedback.alignY = "middle";
self.hud_damagefeedback.horzAlign = "center";
self.hud_damagefeedback.vertAlign = "middle";
self.hud_damagefeedback.y = 12;
self.hud_damagefeedback.alpha = 0;
self.hud_damagefeedback.archived = true;
self.hud_damagefeedback setShader( "damage_feedback", 24, 48 );

//if ( !getDvarInt( "scr_damagefeedback" ) )
// return;
self.damageInit = true;

for ( ;; )
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker );

if ( IsPlayer( attacker ) )
attacker updateDamageFeedback();

//if ( !IsPlayer( self ) )
// return;

self playlocalsound( "SP_hit_alert" );

self.hud_damagefeedback.alpha = 1;
self.hud_damagefeedback fadeOverTime( 1 );
self.hud_damagefeedback.alpha = 0;
Next in mapname.gsc find
Code Snippet
init() {  }
and below
Code Snippet
Code Snippet
level thread HitTest();
And above
Code Snippet
Code Snippet
precacheShader( "damage_feedback" );
And at the bottom of mapname.gsc add
Code Snippet
for( i = 0; i < GetPlayers().size; i++ )
GetPlayers()[i] thread maps\_damagefeedback::init();
while( 1 )
ai = GetAiArray( "axis" );
for( i = 0; i < ai.size; i++ )
if( !IsDefined( ai[i].damageInit ) )
ai[i] thread maps\_damagefeedback::monitorDamage();
wait .01;
Note: Don't forget to check _damagefeedback.gsc when you build your mod
10 years ago
Something along the lines of this should do it.
Code Snippet
// Example script. Depending on certain things GetEntArray would be better but make sure to thread that and set the values to self
// threading: thread TrigStuff();
// array threading: Trigs = GetEntArray( "TrigPlay", "targetname" ); for( i = 0; i < Trigs.size; i++ ) Trigs[i] thread TrigStuff();
// If use array comment below out
Trig = GetEnt( "TrigPlay", "targetname" );
while( 1 )
// If use array comment below out
Trig waittill( "trigger", user );
// Uncomment below if using array
// self waittill( "trigger", user );
if( user == GetPlayers()[0] )
// Player 1
else if( user == GetPlayers()[1] )
// Player 2
else if( user == GetPlayers()[2] )
//Player 3
else if( user == GetPlayers()[3] )
//Player 4
10 years ago
I got to some working on the map. A video of the freeze punch. Note it isn't fully done to my liking but just needs fx, and what I decide to do as far as slowing zombies down or whatever I want to do as the effect. Models have not changed yet but I already have plans to what I am doing with them. Also this is now going to be a park as after trying to make houses, they didn't turn out so well so I am sticking to outside.
2 pictures to show my current progress on the weapon system. Same spot just different guns. Both in the same game.
Spoiler: click to open...
10 years ago
Can you show me a video or pic of how does this freeze punch look like?
Similar to this but I am going to do a few differences:
10 years ago
PieMans Christmas much? :troll: Looks good, but how will you break openess in the pics? Features look good, too :D
I have a whole plan for what I am doing with the map. It is just trying to get those ideas into radiant. Main reason I even posted this now rather than later is just ideas and trying to see what you guys think. Hopefully in the time to come I can get some better pics.
What do you mean galva and freeze punch? Galva=Galvanukles???   Freeze punch=???

Also looking forward to this one, and will keep an eye on it :D
Yah Galvaknuckles, I just use galva for short. Freeze punch is like the punch in origins but it will freeze zombies or slow them down depending on health.
10 years ago
Wow, things fall from the sky? Also sound pretty good rambo.
10 years ago
Note: This is my first ever WIP map. So I will be working extremely hard on it. This is not my first time working with radiant so it shouldn't be too bad.
The team was sent home for christmas vacation but unfortunately they encountered some of their "friends" on their way. They made it to a small town untill they crashed in their vehicle. Now how long can they survive when Santa Claus is after them to?
Planned Features
   - Santa Claus Boss
   - Galva or Freeze Punch - Which one? Use the poll when I make it
   - Custom Models - Need a modeler for certain models that Pashan couldn't do - PM me if you wanna help with this
   - Mix of COD Weapons - I have the list for which I want so don't tell me to add something unless I ask
   - Team christmas hats - Characters will have these
   - New box model
   - A few more but I don't want to spoil everything
Features Currently
   - New buyable weapon system
   - Christmas Present reward system
   - BO/BO2 Perks
Some pictures ( Hopefully working ):
Spoiler: click to open...

Note: Tree models will change for snowy versions but since I can't model these are for the time being.
Now if you have suggestions you may post them or pm me whatever you want.
This has been worked on for about a month now. Not just the map but scripting as well.
Not much more as I haven't worked on it for very long yet. But my planned release is this Christmas being as bug free as I can get.
If you want to stay updated I will be posting progress of scripting related things on my youtube and maybe some map previews. I will post previews here but only of the map.
10 years ago
I didn't change much.

I did change my viewhands, used GCZ script placer and added some guns (which again I don't use). I added the scoreboard shit (changed the .menu name so it's just for this mod) and compiled map and build mod.
Okay I figured it out. GCZ script placer removes the code that adds up headshots.
You will need to find
Code Snippet
zombie_gib_on_damage() { //Code }
and then find
Code Snippet
if( !self zombie_should_gib( amount, attacker, type ) )
and add this right under that
Code Snippet
if( self head_should_gib( attacker, type, point ) && type != "MOD_BURNED" )
self zombie_head_gib( attacker );
attacker.headshot_count = 1;
//stats tracking
attacker.stats["headshots"] = attacker.headshot_count;

Hopefully this fixes it. I don't know if there is a certain reason for it being taken out but if you notice an issue than I can see if I can get another way to add up headshots.
10 years ago
I also dont have headshot-problem. Also, can you make it, so it says Downs instead of Deaths?
Yep. Just did it.
10 years ago
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