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Messages - ProGamerzFTW

make it like this :

Code Snippet
level._effect["weapon_glow"] = loadfx("weapon_glow");    [color=red] //this line had the error[/color]

level.DLC3 = spawnStruct(); // Leave This Line Or Else It Breaks Everything

// Must Change These To Your Maps
level.DLC3.createArt = maps\createart\nazi_zombie_undead_town_art::main;
level.DLC3.createFX = maps\createfx\nazi_zombie_undead_town_fx::main;
level.DLC3.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX;


ok thanks will do

nono, i just took the top 16 lines of my mapname.gsc, just to show u where it should be. thats only the top of my main() function itself.

Also if not there already, put it at the bottom of mapname.gsc

Code Snippet
level._effect["weapon_glow"] = loadfx("weapon_glow");

10 years ago
I don't have preCacheMyFX() in my map gsc .... were would Iput that

it should be around line 16, as the beginning of my mapname.gsc looks like

Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager;
#include maps\_music;
#include maps\dlc3_code;
#include maps\dlc3_teleporter;

level.DLC3 = spawnStruct(); // Leave This Line Or Else It Breaks Everything

// Must Change These To Your Maps
level.DLC3.createArt = maps\createart\ugxm_proboxmap_art::main;
level.DLC3.createFX = maps\createfx\ugxm_proboxmap_fx::main;
level.DLC3.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX; // LINE 16 ----------------------------
10 years ago
That's interesting.

In v1.1 the prefab is no longer needed :)

Yeah I have it directly underneath my spawn, and when I noclip and go straight down at my spawn, to where that prefab it, it kicks me out. Don't know why. >.> lol :P
10 years ago
does typing in console "r_flamefx_enable 0" fix it?
10 years ago
i know its fixed but the tag aim (63) can happen when a player walks to where the ugx sentry turret spawn point prefab is so if its in the spawn, you'll probably get kicked out immediately, which is why its recommended to place under the map :P
10 years ago
did u uncomment the line

Code Snippet
level.DLC3.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX;

in mapname.gsc?

and did you add

Code Snippet
level._effect["fxname"] 			= loadFX("path/to/fx");

for a fx you wanted to use in fxsetup() in ugx_easy_fx.gsc, if not using any already in the script

and make sure you put

Code Snippet


Code Snippet


Code Snippet
level thread maps\ugx_easy_fx::fx_start();


Code Snippet

so it looks similiar to this:

Code Snippet
level thread maps\ugx_easy_fx::fx_start();
10 years ago
Please can anyone help?

did you include them in you mod.csv?
10 years ago
It's a level notify, so as long as your waittil is in a threaded function which was called before ugxm_init (so, before _zombiemode.gsc), you will catch the notify.

If you need something to happen right after the game starts there are more ways to do it than this notify. Explaining your purpose would allow me to be more specific.

in ugxm_init, the level.ugxm_settings["difficulty"] is defined to 1, 2 or 3 depended on what is voted, which works. What I've tried to do is thread a function in init_levelvars, and have that function waittil the voting is complete! as putting a waittill within the init_levelvars causes problems, and when the voting is complete, my debug prints is displayed correctly, but zombie vars aren't being set.

heres the function

Code Snippet
level waittill("ugxm_voting_complete");
if(level.ugxm_settings["difficulty"] == 1)
iprintln("^3Picked Original");
set_zombie_var( "zombie_spawn_delay", 2 );
        set_zombie_var( "zombie_health_start", 150 );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_score_start", 500 );
else if(level.ugxm_settings["difficulty"] == 2)
iprintln("^3Picked Hard");
set_zombie_var( "zombie_spawn_delay", 1   );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_health_start", 350 );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_score_start", 250 );
else if(level.ugxm_settings["difficulty"] == 3)
iprintln("^3Picked Legendary");
set_zombie_var( "zombie_spawn_delay", 0.2 );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_health_start", 650 );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_score_start", 0 );

Edit: I tried adding level thread maps\_zombiemode::zombie_difficulty(); in the vote beneath where the difficulty is selected, removed the waittill in the zombie_difficulty function and it works fine, not sure if its the preferred method.

still dont know it doesnt work with the other method i said. lol
10 years ago
EDIT: I got it working but if you know a way to allow the vars to waittill("ugxm_voting_complete"); inside _zombiemode instead of moving some of them to ugxm_init, feel free to tell me.

Ok, I pretty much got everything up and working in the vote menus (tested with prints) but how would I be able to add a

Code Snippet
level waittill("ugxm_voting_complete");

to some zombie vars?

i tried putting a

Code Snippet
level thread hankey_difficulty();
and then tried putting this in init_levelvars() but didnt work as that people start off with 0 points with all 3 difficulty settings

Code Snippet
level waittill("ugxm_voting_complete");
if(GetDvarint( "hankey_difficulty" ) == 1)//Easy
set_zombie_var( "zombie_spawn_delay", 1.5 );
        set_zombie_var( "zombie_health_start", 150 );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_score_start", 500 );
else if(GetDvarint( "hankey_difficulty" ) == 2)//Medium
set_zombie_var( "zombie_spawn_delay", 1   );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_health_start", 350 );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_score_start", 250 );
else if(GetDvarint( "hankey_difficulty" ) == 3)//Hard
set_zombie_var( "zombie_spawn_delay", 0.2 );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_health_start", 650 );
set_zombie_var( "zombie_score_start", 0 );

however, when i remove the waittill, it almost works as intended, if i set the difficulty, it requires a restart to take effect.

Any help is appreciated.

edit: i tried changing things to level.ugxm_settings["hankey_difficulty"].
almost everything seems to work, the zombie health changes like it should, but the players still only starts with 0 points.

edit2: omg, i think i got it working O_O

edit3: yes indeed it appears to be working, i need to test in multiplayer though.

ive moved the three vars into ugxm_init, and made the player.score wait till the vote is complete, seems to work fine.
10 years ago
im not saying its wrong :P its just funny when you see a custom map and you that room lol
goog work btw, its better than most first-maps being released now-a-days

 :poker: lol

Thanks for the support! :D
10 years ago
is it me? or i can see the sniperbolt tutorial map in the first pic? xD (with some changes obviously)  :P

its just you, nah jk lol, it pretty much is, i just took the the room from sniperbolt and used it as a base, just retextured some things, added detail, added a roof, an outside area, and a bunch of other stuff and i thought it was a good size for a room so i left it alone.
keep in mind its only my first map, whenever i make my next map, its probably going to be more medium sized, and ive been learning :P
10 years ago

Added a UGX version of the map, just to get the hang of things preparing for UGX v1.1, so installation would be smoother.

I was successfully able to add just about all the custom features into the UGX version of my map, it took some tinkering on some of the features, disabling it for some gamemodes etc, (like the soul boxes are disabled for gungame and sharpshooter.)
10 years ago
The absolute minimum size for a v1.4 map that I've seen is ~50mb, and I doubt yours is that small...?

With that said, assuming your map is ~120mb, UGX Mod only doubled the size of your map and added all the features of v1.0.3, including a nearly full set of CoD4 weapons - not bad if you ask me.

UGX Mod v1.1 has been heavily optimized and will not take much more filesize than v1.0.3 did, if not less ;)

Ahh gotcha, thanks.
10 years ago
Yeah when the game options menu loads, it sets some dvars and variables and whatnot which are related to the console, so the fastest solution was to just disable it as Saje mentioned because the menu is nearly useless anyway. In v1.1 I may spend some time cleaning that up but its definitely low priority right now :)

Alright. :P Also something that I'm wondering is what is the average file size for a UGX mao? Mine is currently a small map, but sits around 250MB, is that normal for UGX? xD
10 years ago
For the first do you mean the game options on the main menu? This is disabled so the player cannot access the console enable option. The only other settings in there are practically useless which is why the mod takes this route. If you really needed to change something you could always change it before launching the mod. The second one is a bug in v1.0.3 of the mod which has been patched for v1.1.

Ah, ok, I always thought it just removed the Console Option on the Game Options page. Thanks. :D
10 years ago
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