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Messages - MAK911

Since everyone left UGX and started doing BO3 stuff:
8 years ago
Got a Meme Dump for you lot, hope you enjoy.

My reaction to UGX after I got mod tools
8 years ago
All I see when I look at Revelations:
8 years ago
Complete piece of shit like Exo Zombies. While it's fun to play for a while it easily gets very boring and soon forgotten. 3arc zombies FTW!
Yeah! 3arc repetitive, over-complicated, and boring ftw!
8 years ago
its to early to make WIP
Same here. I've been spending all my free time mapping and I hope to be happy enough with the map to make a WIP in like a month, but I'll release images on twitter in the mean time until I'm confident enough to show off a little. What sucks is the lack of models to work with and that we seem to only have futuristic stuff while I need modern (<-Meme) models.
8 years ago
Yes, most likely, unless they remove the feature or split progression to avoid people modding their weapons up. It's already been shown in the videos people have released that they do have their own attachments on guns. I haven't seen paint jobs actually, but I have definitely seen attachments.
8 years ago
Why? They will ruin Standoff just like Nuketown and Raid, these maps don't play well with a Bo3 meta...
Okay, I actually need a brit here to help me identify if this is sarcasm :poker:

I personally think Nuk3town is better than any Nuketown before it (including zombies :please: ) because it's properly fast paced like it should be and it is a lot easier to screw up those assholes who lie on the ground with lmgs or camp with snipers. Empire I have yet to play even though I have the dlc, but it certainly looks fucking amazing in terms of level design. I can't think of a better map than Standoff to be made into BO3 honestly; not because I love it, but because the map seems very much able to handle wall-running with little issues. Best of all is the western setting :D
Spoiler: click to open...
There better be at least 1 high noon reference :poker:
8 years ago
seems the poster focuses on zombs more

(Image removed from quote.)
Standoff remake? Excuse me while I get the lube :fap:
I don't like MP, but Outlaw seems like the only thing I'm interested in the dlc. I'll still play zombies and might enjoy it, but the prologue really set me off because it just didn't look like normal 3arc quality up until it got to the "real" map. The whole "house in the middle of fucking nowhere" didn't sit well with me and there was some stuff that I thought of as a bit inconsistent.
8 years ago

I don't personally like the new structure because it all just looks awkwardly compacted in a way. It may just be a font change, but it really irks me personally. Also, please remove those staff-section boards asap because seeing only 2 boards in a section is giving me visions of murder.
8 years ago
Congrats to Elfen, Redspace, MakeCents, Tito, HexZombies and me for getting the tools! :D
No congrats for me? Awww.... :(
Guess I'm not one of the cool modders  :alone:
8 years ago
Anyone that doesn't have BO3 mod tools (including me  :'() during these next few trying days/weeks/months...
8 years ago
If you're trying to talk about the floaty douches with halos, that's "Angel." Otherwise...
8 years ago
It looks fun not gonna lie. I like the theme and all but I still would have preferred if they spent the last three years of development on improving on their Extinction game mode. I loved the nonstop chaos bullshit that the game mode gave when playing with 3 to 4 people. The game takes place in space so it would've been even better.
Ehhh... if we're gonna be technical about it, cryptids are from Earth  :please:
I mean, it would be nice to see like different planets of cryptids (A Mars colony of cryptids would be awesome :D), but everyone decided to flip off Extinction, Survival, Chaos Mode, and Exo Zombies and are now bitching that IW was forced to stick to the same zombies all over again instead of being original. God, I love hypocrites.
8 years ago
I was somewhat sold with the awesome "Major Tom" space break scene from the first trailer, but this really takes the cake. It's exactly as ridiculous as zombies is and should be. People have forgotten that zombies was made to have fun, not to be made fun. This is my kind of gimmicky stuff and I love that everything fits with the theme of the map and there's not random crap like in BO3 zombies. They came up with a theme and built a map off that, whereas BO3 just build a map and give it a theme.
8 years ago
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