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Topics - jjbradman

i am trying to use istouching to wait until an ent is being touched by the player can someone say me a better way of doing this as my while and for loops keep acting as if the player would be touching the ent while it's not D:
10 years ago
anyone here has an ideo on why would the perk machine work correctly but when i try to buy the perk its plays the dialog for when you dont have enough money? ._. also my electric cherry script has an if statement like this
Code Snippet
if(self HasPerk( "especialty_cherry" ))
but even withou buying the perk the thing acts like i have electic cherry D:
10 years ago
ok so i am a lil bit drunk :v i why not make a tutorial xD

summary: this code will let you have everyzombie that spawns as a "self" ent so you can make threads with it to run random stuff with him :P

ok to start open your "_zombiemode_spawner.gsc"
and find
Code Snippet
self.flame_damage_time = 0;

and after that add

Code Snippet
if(randomint(100) > 50)
self thread special_zombie();

and at the bottom add

Code Snippet
self thread _fx();
self waittill( "death" );
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["dog_gib"], self, "tag_origin" );

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["dog_trail_fire"], self, "tag_origin" );

  here the code will get the zombie as "self" you can play fx in

Code Snippet
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect["dog_trail_fire"], self, "tag_origin" );

self being an ent in this case the zombie and "tag origin" the tag in that ent where the fx will be played.
also the code in zombiemode_spawner will run this on every zombie spawned so only if the random number is bigger or smaller(i dont really remember so google the operators for C# xP) the code inside the "if statement" will be runned, which in this case will play a fire fx on the zombie and upon death it will explode.

this can help you to spawn special zombies, bosses, etc so enjoy learning something from it :)
using this you can put fx on random zombies or do something like this :)...upon death the zombies will spawn an fx which will travel to the hole in the ceiling :P

10 years ago
ok so i have deleted almost all fx from my dlc3.csv zombiemode.csv zombiemode_dogs.csv mymap.csv and mymap_patch.csv so the only fx left are the ones from weapon :L do the fx from the weapons get automatically included from a weapon file or i need to edit another file?  :-\
10 years ago
does anyone knows if you can put two textures in the same surface of a weapon but with blend function su you can see both of theam, if so how? :P thanks for your attention :)
10 years ago
someone knows how would i make it so a player gets flashed?  :P
10 years ago
hi, im trying to make a tut on how to replace the stock box, so this is bassically a wip of it xD it will be funny
10 years ago
hi i made a video to show you my problem,
it happened after messing around with some files to get my zappers working, but now i get this  :-\
10 years ago
anyone here knows what to do with  the missing asset csv? :L
Code Snippet
material, zombie_electric_shock_overlay
i included that line in my map patch, mod.csv and i keep getting that thing in the missingassets.csv

also, anyone knows why could the fx
Code Snippet
not be paying in-game?
i used ugx-easy-fx but theres no fx :C

ps. the fx is for the zappers but i heard that i doesnt works :L
10 years ago
i've tried editing the fx and the zombie_eye iwi but still nothing :( someone help me please
10 years ago
ok this script makes bassically what the tiitle says lol
copy this code to the end of your map_name.gsc

Code Snippet
weapArray = [];
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "zombie_bar";
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "zombie_doublebarrel";
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "zombie_30cal";
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "zombie_stg44";
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "m2_flamethrower_zombie";
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "zombie_type100_smg";
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "zombie_thompson";
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "zombie_ppsh";
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "zombie_mg42";
keys = GetArrayKeys( weapArray );
return weapArray[RandomInt( weapArray.size )];

rand = getweap();

players = getplayers();
for( i=0; i<players.size; i++ )
wait 1.5;
players[i] GiveWeapon( rand );
players[i] SwitchToWeapon( rand );
wait .01;

and add
Code Snippet
thread weap_spawn();
Code Snippet
like this

Code Snippet
thread weap_spawn();

ok now to make your own random weapon options just to to the
Code Snippet
function and you'll see an array(list) that contains the weapons that the script will take a random choice and give it to players.
so just add that weapons you want to be choices in the same format:
Code Snippet
weapArray[ weapArray.size ] = "weapon_name";
i think thats all :)
10 years ago
hi, i need help on how to get zombies to climb and jump down to the top of this building

some help plz  :-\
10 years ago

this is no more than a revamped of _woo_elevator.gsc and with revamped i mean it has fixed all bugs the original woo_elevator had, all the credit goes to bookable(thats his zm name but i cant pm him for some reason .-. )
and i remade the prefab :P

ok here's the tut:



Code Snippet
    thread maps\_woo_elevator::woo_elevator_init();


Code Snippet

then just place the prefab in your map, and remember that if the prefab doesnt match your floor size you can select all the stuff from the bottom or the top by selecting it and moving it to the desired height :)
hope this helps  ;D
10 years ago
i added zones and zombies to my map and it worked all fine but after i added dog spawners zombies didnt spawned(neither dogs did) i've tried using ugx wiki tuts and i even downloaded the modtools patch and still nothing :( can someone help me?
10 years ago
anyone here knows how would i make so there are 2 places in the map for the players to spawn randomly
like in verruckt but instead of dividing the players, one game all the players spawn in one side and other game they spawn in the other side. thanks for your attention :)
10 years ago
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