It doesn't. A good example of this is both C and C++ requiring a prototype to be declared before the main function whilst C is procedural and C++ is object-oriented.
Just FYI: Prototypes should be ...
8 years ago
just asking. do procedural or object programing has anything to do with the ability to write the main function wherever you like in gsc vs lets say in c++ having to at least write the prototype of a function above the main function so you dont get compile errors? :noob_asked_be_cool: xD
8 years ago
well this worked:
Right click on the radiant .exe or the shortcut, go to compatibility and enable an option called "Disable di...
8 years ago
i installed the mod tools on new pc but radiant 2d view is WAY TOO FAST in this pc, like i try to move the 2d plane a lil bit and i end up even outside the drawn lines ._. anybody knows how to fix this?
btw, it only happens when i use a mouse, when using the laptop trackpad it moves fine. but i...
btw, it only happens when i use a mouse, when using the laptop trackpad it moves fine. but i...
8 years ago
i got this when i presseed it
keep clicking the plush signs untils theres no more sub sections.
8 years ago
in your left list, select the "+ sign" to the left of the blue plane besides "mesh". there you can select the individual meshes
8 years ago