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Topics - Deer2014

How to repair the animation when the zombies break the plank of window?
They did not touch the boards. They clinging the air and so break the plank.
9 years ago
I would like Nazi zombie soldier with helmet on my Der Riese style map.
How can I to implement this.

Can anyone a solution?
9 years ago
I have a problem when I tested the Sniperbolt's pandora boxes...
I placed 6 chest on my map (start_chest, chest1, chest2, chest3, chest4, chest5)
When I get the teddy bear on the pandora box is formed in the same location.

my mapname.gsc code is:
Code Snippet
// Magic Boxes -- The Script_Noteworthy Value Names On Purchase Trigger In Radiant
boxArray = [];
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4";
boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5";
level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray;
Code Snippet
	// _zombiemode_weapons Variables
level.DLC3.usePandoraBoxLight = true;
level.DLC3.useChestPulls = true;
level.DLC3.useChestMoves = true;
level.DLC3.useWeaponSpawn = true;
level.DLC3.useGiveWeapon = true;
level.random_pandora_box_start = true;

Why does not the random placement when I get my teddy bear?
What more needs to change it?
9 years ago
Can I use weapon cabinet for my Der Riese style map? How?
Because I placed _prefabs\zombiemode\ I press & hold F in the game but nothing happens.
9 years ago
Hmmm, guys I have an amateur basic question:

How can I use carpenter powerups in my map? What I need to set in _zombiemode_powerups.gsc or dlc3_code_gsc scripts?

I thought this default setting in Der Riese style map, but it seems not.  ::)
9 years ago
Hi guys,

Is possible random power-ups at the end of dogs round?
I want insta-kill and max-ammo appear randomly.

I would like to ask for help.
9 years ago
Hi guys,

I need a little help... I generated my map with SajeOne's Script Placer v2.0.1 but I checked "disabled console" option and create a menu button for easy start.
I want debug my pathnode (ai_shownodes 1), and I would like enable cheat commands (eg. noclip, because I want to see the pathnode connections), but consequently cheat commands not allowed... :(

It is possible to change this manually? Which file is and what exactly?

Thanks for the help.
9 years ago
Hi guys,

I have a small problem with the zones.  :-\

I have 4 zones: start_zone, zone_1, zone_2, zone_3

The info_volume of zone_3 are cutted (I drew 4 times with $default brush, I selected the 4 brushes and I clicked 2D->Entity->Add Selected Brushes, thereafter I clicked 2D->info->volume).

The zone_3 is permeable, is not separated by doors or debris.

The info_volume KVPs is:
Code Snippet
"targetname" "zone_3"
"target" "zone_3_spawners"

Zombie KVPs in zone_3 is:
Code Snippet
"spawnflags" "3"
"script_forcespawn" "1"
"count" "9999"
"script_noteworthy" "zombie_spawner"
"targetname" "zone_3_spawners"
"export" "9"
"script_string" "riser"

The script_struct KVPs for zombie is:
Code Snippet
"targetname" "zone_3_spawners_rise"
"script_noteworthy" "find_flesh"

The magic_door of zone_3 KVPs is:
Code Snippet
"script_flag" "enter_zone3"
"zombie_cost" "2000"
"targetname" "zombie_debris"

and my YOURMAP.gsc adjacent zone script code is:

Code Snippet
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone","zone1","enter_zone1" );
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone","zone2","enter_zone2" );
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone","zone3","enter_zone3" );

My problem is that I don't follow the zombies within the zone_3, they get stuck. (see image).
Maybe the cutting zone is not correct? What is the correct procedure in this case?

I would like to ask for help.


Maybe info_volume cutting is wrong. What

Double Post Merge: January 04, 2015, 01:34:05 pm
Sorry, I wrote incomprehensibly:
"My problem is that I don't follow the zombies within the zone_3, they get stuck."

The problem is that the zombies do not follow me within the zone_3, they get stuck.
9 years ago
Hi guys!

I would like to place on my map an exploding barrel with fire and sound.
I saw the released zombie maps this earlier.

Can someone help me (step by step)?
9 years ago
Hi guys,

I need help.

My computer crashed, therefore I installed CoDWaW and MODTools again.
I followed the instructions (UGX WiKi Modtools Installation Guide)
I installed:
- CoDWaW + v1.0 - v1.7 patches
- Modtools v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.2.1,  v1.3, v1.4
- UGX Modtools Patch v1.0.6

I use UGX Script Placer v2.0.1

I generated a test map:

And I build it:

When I start my MOD in CoDWaW I got an error message:

Clean installation. What's wrong with this?
Any idea?
10 years ago
Hi guys,

I looking for an explodable barrel prefab with sound or step-by-step tutorial for my Der Riese style map.
Can someone help me?
10 years ago
I have a problem with light.
My Der Riese style map contains more rooms (eg. kitchen and sitting-room etc.).
I placed a 'light' and an 'info/null' object.

light object entity KVPs:

info_null entity KVPs:

I building, compile map, run, the light is correct with shadow.

BUT if I create an another light and info_null object an another room doesn't work. Only darkness.
I try copy the first light and info_null but doesn't work, darkness, darkness...

What you need to set it up?
Can someone help me?


10 years ago

I followed the instructions (
But there is no sound when I use the zipline.

Any solution?

10 years ago
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