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Topics - daedra descent

Anyone want to try the new Nvidia share feature? Need to have a 650 or newer, latest drivers, and opt-in Geforce Experience beta.
9 years ago
Anyone know? Or does it not matter?
9 years ago
Disclaimer: I AM PRO GG. Therefor, my explanation might(will) be biased. If you want a voice from the other side of the spectrum you can do a few Google searches.

Notice to mods/admins: I know that this is a sensitive topic for some so if you don't want any discussion of the topic then delete.

Now onto the topic: WTF is #GamerGate/#SPJAirplay? and furthermore, why should i(you) care?

Well, let's start with #GamerGate. #Gamergate -to its supporters- is an online twitter movement fighting for Ethics in game journalism, anti-censorship, anti-corruption, anti-collusion and artistic freedom(the ability for developers to create the games THEY want).

To its critics, its a movement hellbent on driving women and other minorities out of the gaming, whether that be as a gamer, journalist, developer, etc and is full of nothing but white straight cis males who live in their mothers basement and deny that there is any corruption/ethical/censorship/etc.

So people who support #GamerGate are just crazy/paranoid conspiracy theorists then, right? Funny thing about that, there is actually proof that there is massive collusion between major gaming news sites. As it turns out, journalists from major gaming news sites where part of a private mailing list calls the GameJournoPros, Or Game Journalist Professionals. While not every member of the mailing list was colluding together and censoring talk of supposed corruption/lack of ethics/censorship/etc, many where.

And so much more. I couldn't cover all of whats going on in #GamerGate even if i tried. Its literally enough to write an entire book on. If you want to know more about the topic, you can check out for many of the supposed ethical/censorship allegations on each journalist.

So WTF is #SPJAirplay?

In a nutshell, it was the first real attempt of having a real debate about the allegations but none of the anti-gamergate representatives actually showed up. So instead, a debate was arranged to determine if the allegations where true by having 3 gamergate supporters talk about 5 topics that they deem unethical or some other kind of wrongdoing with a journalist, a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, and an independent game developer which they held part 1 of the debate this morning.

And just as a recap: all three members agreed that there are atleast ethical issues in the gaming industry. They only got to 3 of the 5 topics and they didn't even cover the topics to the fullest they wanted(out of time). To be more specific, they agreed that disclosers are needed whenever a journalist talks about someone when they have a relationship with that person.

So why should YOU care?

Well, if a journalist reviews a game and gives it a favorable review then you may or may not be tricked into buying something that is complete garbage. And since these journalists are all colluding together, it may become more difficult for you as a consumer to make an informed purchase. These games ain't cheap, especially now where you have to buy the DLC just to get the complete package and play with your friends.

If your a women or minority, you might care because you have been wrongly labeled as a misogynist and your sick of people using you as their shields(see: #NotYourShield).

So yeah, thats #GamerGate/#SPJAirplay in a nutshell and why you should care. Discuss if you want, this is mostly for the people who are out of the loop and may want to know.

Pro GG sources:

9 years ago
What games would you recommend buying from the Quakecon Sale?
9 years ago
Description: Disables hellhounds/dogs on maps that use the stock hellhound var(pretty much 100% of maps).

Tested by loading into nazi zombie factory(der reise) and going up to round 12 & against _zombiemode_dogs script that comes with sniperbolt's mod tools patch(what maps use).

 While i didn't test it against a custom map, i see no reason why it shouldn't work. However if it doesn't or there is a compatibility issue please tell me.

To install: Just drop and drag the IWD into the map folder that has dogs enabled.

9 years ago
Powered by the ultra realistic Frostbite 3 engine.

9 years ago
A close quarters map that uses the Soviet mod. I plan on releasing this map right along version 1.3 of the soviet mod which will include powerups and a new gamemode.

Soviet mod
Nazi spawners with weapons: mp40, kar98K scoped, Kar98K, mg42, gewehr43, and panzerschreck.
-random teleportation system

About 50% done


9 years ago
Utility script that searches an array and if true, can either return true or return the index or if false will just return false. A function like this probably exists in the bowels of World at War's Utility and campaign scripts but i couldn't find it so i made my own which someone else may find useful so i decided to share it.

Code Snippet
// Searches through an array for something and returns either the index or a boolean
// Args:
// Array = the array you want to search
// item = the thing your trying to find in the array. MUST be the same data type as whats stored in the array
// type = what to return if true. Currently just allows to return the index spot(i).
search_array(array, item, type)
if(array[i] == item)
if(isdefined(type) && type == "index")
return i;
return true;
return false;

Small note: Make sure you specify the type if you want the index. If you don't, the function will either return 1(true) or 0(false) because thats what true or false evaluates to.

Edit: Actual code example:

Code Snippet
	index = search_array(level.weapons, getent("kar98k_scoped", "script_noteworthy"), "index");
9 years ago
Advanced GSC tutorial - Pointer Function &  Function Variables

Pointer Function

The Pointer Function gives you the ability to execute a specific function without having to worry about duplicate functions or having to include some other script to use a specific function provided that the script path(if given) actually exists.

The Pointer Function primarily comes in two forms: A direct function call that ONLY executes a function in the same script OR an indirect function call that executes a function in another script not included in the library.

The first form specifically is only used when passing a function as a variable to another function like so:

Code Snippet
default_start( ::event1_start );

Or alternatively put into a variable directly to execute later:

Code Snippet
level.drone_spawnFunction["axis"] = ::drone_character_axis;

(More on executing variables that hold a function below)

The second form is the more popular use of the pointer function. As explained above this indirectly executes a function in another script - even if that function is named the same as one in the script you are calling it from(For examples, main() or init()):

Code Snippet

Note: Passing variables, self, threading the function, etc all work the same as any other function call.

Pointer Variable Calling

Executing function variables deals with the first form of pointer functions when a variable holds the function to be executed later or managed by another function.

In most cases(like 99% of the time) this isn't necessary as putting functions into variables just causes more code than is needed. However, in some situations it can actually reduce code usage and make your script MUCH more effeciant.

You can execute a variable that holds a function by doing so:

Code Snippet

One of the ways in which I've personally used this method is with my "Soviet" mod which uses lots of variables that dictate how much weapons & perks cost, spawn delays, and a bunch of other things per gamemode when not necessary like so:

Code Snippet
level.common_settings = :: common_settings;
level.deathmatch_settings = ::deathmatch_settings;
level.ctf_settings = ::ctf_settings;
level.hotzone_settings = ::hotzone_settings;
level.round_deathmatch_settings = ::round_deathmatch_settings;
level.target_settings = ::target_settings;

Code Snippet
// Only for perks ATM - pre _weapons and _perks scripts

level.string[level.gamemode] = [];
level.string[level.gamemode]["specialty_armorvest"] = "Press F to buy Juggernaut[Requires " + level.cost[level.gamemode]["specialty_armorvest"] + level.ctype + "]";
level.string[level.gamemode]["specialty_fastreload"] = "Press F to buy Speed Cola[Requires " + level.cost[level.gamemode]["specialty_fastreload"] + level.ctype + "]";
level.string[level.gamemode]["specialty_rof"] = "Press F to buy Double Tap[Requires " + level.cost[level.gamemode]["specialty_rof"] + level.ctype + "]";

level.shader["specialty_fastreload"] = "specialty_fastreload_zombies";
level.shader["specialty_rof"] = "specialty_doubletap_zombies";
level.powerup["model"] = [];
level.powerup["model"]["powerup_doublepoints"] = "zombie_x2_icon";
level.powerup["model"]["powerup_instakill"] = "zombie_skull";

// level.powerup["func"] = [];
// level.powerup["func"]["powerup_doublepoints"] = maps\_soviet\_soviet_powerups::
// level.powerup["func"]["powerup_instakill"]

level.cost["deathmatch"] = []; // DO NOT REMOVE
level.cost["deathmatch"]["dp28"] = 168;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["tokarev"] = 10;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["walther"] = 10;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["svt40"] = 20;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["ppsh"] = 230;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["panzerschrek"] = 30;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["ptrs41"] = 35;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["gewehr43"] = 25;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["mg42"] = 200;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["mp40"] = 55;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["mosin_rifle"] = 65;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["kar98k_scoped"] = 85;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["doublebarrel"] = 45;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["fg42"] = 100;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["30cal"] = 160;

level.cost["deathmatch"]["specialty_armorvest"] = 150;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["specialty_fastreload"] = 110;
level.cost["deathmatch"]["specialty_rof"] = 75;

level.delay["deathmatch"] = []; // DO NOT REMOVE
level.delay["deathmatch"]["bolt"] = 1.5;
level.delay["deathmatch"]["rifle"] = 1.2;
level.delay["deathmatch"]["smg"] = 1.6;
level.delay["deathmatch"]["sniper"] = 2.3;
level.delay["deathmatch"]["rocket"] = 3;
level.delay["deathmatch"]["mg"] = 4;
level.delay["deathmatch"]["dog"] = 3;
level.cost["ctf"] = []; // DO NOT REMOVE
level.cost["ctf"]["dp28"] = 9;
level.cost["ctf"]["tokarev"] = 1;
level.cost["ctf"]["walther"] = 1;
level.cost["ctf"]["svt40"] = 2;
level.cost["ctf"]["ppsh"] = 14;
level.cost["ctf"]["panzerschrek"] = 4;
level.cost["ctf"]["ptrs41"] = 6;
level.cost["ctf"]["gewehr43"] = 2;
level.cost["ctf"]["mg42"] = 12;
level.cost["ctf"]["mp40"] = 6;
level.cost["ctf"]["mosin_rifle"] = 3;
level.cost["ctf"]["kar98k_scoped"] = 7;
level.cost["ctf"]["doublebarrel"] = 4;
level.cost["ctf"]["fg42"] = 8;
level.cost["ctf"]["30cal"] = 10;

level.cost["ctf"]["specialty_armorvest"] = 15;
level.cost["ctf"]["specialty_fastreload"] = 12;
level.cost["ctf"]["specialty_rof"] = 8;

level.delay["ctf"] = []; // DO NOT REMOVE
level.delay["ctf"]["bolt"] = 1.5;
level.delay["ctf"]["rifle"] = 1.2;
level.delay["ctf"]["smg"] = 1.6;
level.delay["ctf"]["sniper"] = 2.3;
level.delay["ctf"]["rocket"] = 3;
level.delay["ctf"]["mg"] = 4;
level.delay["ctf"]["dog"] = 3;
level.shader["obj_capture"] = "compass_waypoint_capture";
level.shader["obj_defend"] = "compass_waypoint_defend";

level.cost["hotzone"] = []; // DO NOT REMOVE
level.cost["hotzone"]["dp28"] = 9;
level.cost["hotzone"]["tokarev"] = 1;
level.cost["hotzone"]["walther"] = 1;
level.cost["hotzone"]["svt40"] = 2;
level.cost["hotzone"]["ppsh"] = 14;
level.cost["hotzone"]["panzerschrek"] = 4;
level.cost["hotzone"]["ptrs41"] = 6;
level.cost["hotzone"]["gewehr43"] = 2;
level.cost["hotzone"]["mg42"] = 12;
level.cost["hotzone"]["mp40"] = 6;
level.cost["hotzone"]["mosin_rifle"] = 3;
level.cost["hotzone"]["kar98k_scoped"] = 7;
level.cost["hotzone"]["doublebarrel"] = 4;
level.cost["hotzone"]["fg42"] = 8;
level.cost["hotzone"]["30cal"] = 10;

level.cost["hotzone"]["hotzone_count"] = 100;

level.cost["hotzone"]["specialty_armorvest"] = 15;
level.cost["hotzone"]["specialty_fastreload"] = 12;
level.cost["hotzone"]["specialty_rof"] = 8;

level.delay["hotzone"] = []; // DO NOT REMOVE
level.delay["hotzone"]["bolt"] = 3;
level.delay["hotzone"]["rifle"] = 2;
level.delay["hotzone"]["smg"] = 3;
level.delay["hotzone"]["sniper"] = 4;
level.delay["hotzone"]["rocket"] = 6;
level.delay["hotzone"]["mg"] = 7;
level.delay["hotzone"]["dog"] = 6;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"] = []; // DO NOT REMOVE
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["dp28"] = 168;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["tokarev"] = 10;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["walther"] = 10;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["svt40"] = 20;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["ppsh"] = 230;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["panzerschrek"] = 30;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["ptrs41"] = 35;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["gewehr43"] = 25;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["mg42"] = 200;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["mp40"] = 55;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["mosin_rifle"] = 65;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["kar98k_scoped"] = 85;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["doublebarrel"] = 45;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["fg42"] = 100;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["30cal"] = 160;

level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["specialty_armorvest"] = 150;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["specialty_fastreload"] = 110;
level.cost["round_deathmatch"]["specialty_rof"] = 75;

level.delay["round_deathmatch"] = [];
level.cost["target_practice"] = []; // DO NOT REMOVE
level.cost["target_practice"]["dp28"] = 9;
level.cost["target_practice"]["tokarev"] = 1;
level.cost["target_practice"]["walther"] = 1;
level.cost["target_practice"]["svt40"] = 2;
level.cost["target_practice"]["ppsh"] = 14;
level.cost["target_practice"]["panzerschrek"] = 4;
level.cost["target_practice"]["ptrs41"] = 6;
level.cost["target_practice"]["gewehr43"] = 2;
level.cost["target_practice"]["mg42"] = 12;
level.cost["target_practice"]["mp40"] = 6;
level.cost["target_practice"]["mosin_rifle"] = 3;
level.cost["target_practice"]["kar98k_scoped"] = 7;
level.cost["target_practice"]["doublebarrel"] = 4;
level.cost["target_practice"]["fg42"] = 8;
level.cost["target_practice"]["30cal"] = 10;

level.cost["target_practice"]["specialty_armorvest"] = 15;
level.cost["target_practice"]["specialty_fastreload"] = 12;
level.cost["target_practice"]["specialty_rof"] = 8;

level.delay["target_practice"] = []; // DO NOT REMOVE
level.delay["target_practice"]["bolt"] = 3;
level.delay["target_practice"]["rifle"] = 2;
level.delay["target_practice"]["smg"] = 3;
level.delay["target_practice"]["sniper"] = 4;
level.delay["target_practice"]["rocket"] = 6;
level.delay["target_practice"]["mg"] = 7;
level.delay["target_practice"]["dog"] = 6;

Which i then use an if condition statement to figure out which settings i want to execute based on the current gamemode:

Code Snippet
if(level.gamemode == "ctf")
level.ctype = " captures";
level.gamemode_text = "Captures: ";
thread ctf_init();
else if(level.gamemode == "hotzone")
level.ctype = " hotzones";
level.gamemode_text = "Hotzone: ";
thread hotzone_init();
else if(level.gamemode == "deathmatch")
level.ctype = " kills";
level.gamemode_text = "Kills: ";
thread deathmatch_init();
else if(level.gamemode == "round_deathmatch")
level.ctype = " rounds";
level.gamemode_text = "Round: ";
thread round_deathmatch_init();
else if(level.gamemode == "target_practice")
level.ctype = " score";
level.gamemode_text = "Score: ";
thread targets_init();

thread common_init();
thread gamemode_hud();

Effectively reducing the amount of variable being set.

(If i missed anything or didn't explain something right please tell me, this was kind of a spur of the moment thing)

(Soviet mod code needs to be optimized better i know but it gets the point across so shhh  :P)
9 years ago
For anyone whos been living under a rock, Microsoft has installed update KB 3035583 onto every computer that has received updates in the last few months. This update is Adware that will advertise the upcoming Windows 10 launch and will give you an option to "reserve" your download.

Like so:

I wouldn't click the "reserve your upgrade" button. If you plan on upgrading to Windows 10 you should wait for about half a year or so and wait for the bugs to be ironed out.
9 years ago
I've just ordered  an EVGA Geforce GTX 750 TI Superclocked off of Newegg and was wondering what performance i could get out of it considering i only have a PCI 2.0 x16 slot. Does anyone who is familiar with nVidia GPUs know what i can expect from this card?

I know its a little stupid to ask after buying the card but i've just heard so many good things about this card, such as its price to performance, power draw, operating temperatures, etc and ANYTHING at this point is better than my AMD Radeon HD 7350.  Just wondering what i'm realistically gonna get all things considered cause i've never used nVidia.

Also, how much room is actually needed to cool the GPU? Currently i only have a little more than 3 inches because of idiotic design of my motherboard, however the case has a huge side vent that is open right where the GPU fan is located. Should it be OK?

Additional Computer specs:
PSU: 300W
CPU: Intel Core I5 2320
Ram: 8GB of standard DDR3 Ram
HDD: Two 7200 RPM HDD
Cooling: one CPU fan, one exhaust fan
GPU(current): AMDRadeon HD 7350
9 years ago
Soviet Rush

This map uses and requires the Soviet mod V1.2A or newer.


V1.1 changelog:
Enables CTF gamemode
Added perk FX
Changed some textures


9 years ago
As part of my final HTML project in Computer Science class, we had to create a "unique" website of our choice with atleast 3 good pages of content. As you can probably guess, the website that I made was how to script in World at War.

And so I've decided to go back through the website that I made, give it some polish, fix a few things, improve the content, and release it so that people can (hopefully) learn to script using it.

That said, I don't feel like revealing a whole lot yet. However I will post a picture as it is required for WIP topics.

About the website:
-pure HTML5 and CSS3
-Validated using Adobe Dreamweaver's HTML5 validation service.
-May have issues if viewing in IE6, 7, or 8.
-built to work with all resolutions, devices with resolution smaller than 1280x800 will just have to horizontally scroll(tested with my HP Stream 7 tablet).
-Works great on Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox 30+, has issues in Chrome and Opera currently

Suggestions on how to make the website more visually appealing and all around better are welcome as long as its pure HTML5 and CSS3.

Note: The World at War image will be removed in final version(most likely anyway)

9 years ago
Part 1 - The Template

Official template for the Soviet Mod. This template will allow you to generate all of the scripts necessary to use the mod.

Download it here:

To install it, extract the folder "Soviet" to root/bin/launcher/map_templates.

Now within Launchers "Compile Level" tab click the "Create Map" button. Select "Soviet" from the left and enter a name for your map & click OK.

WARNING: Launcher WILL replace a pre existing map file with the same name.

At this point you should be able to just compile the template. When doing so make sure you do NOT have the mod specific option checked. Run the map to see if everything is working correctly.

Part 2 - Spawners

Spawners in the Soviet Mod are randomly selected using randomint() to spawn. This allows AI to be less predictable than in Nazi Zombies as an AI can spawn across the map and will run to the player,
giving the players a small time frame where they can regenerate health, pickup a new weapon, or capture an objective.

To create a spawner, pick a spawner from right clicking the 2D grid and hover over "actor". The spawner used in both the template and Soviet Dust is the actor_axis_ger_ber_sselite actor group which drops grenade ammo from time to time when they die.

Tick the "Spawner", "Forcespawn", and "undeletable" in the entity window and give it the KVPS:

Code Snippet
"targetname" "spawner"
"count" "9999"
"script_noteworthy" "<class>"

The "<class>" is what sets the delay in the script after an AI has spawned. You can either use one of the default classes in the generated GSC file or create your own within the same GSC file. All delays are set by the level.delay[<gamemode>][<class>] array.

Note: if you create a new class you MUST also specify the delay for other gamemodes.

Part 3 - Weapons

To add a weapon, include the weaponfile in the generated CSV file in zone_source, precache the weapon in the map's GSC, and add a cost for each gamemode.

Note: there are already stock weapons that are added to the maps's GSC. Use them as examples to correctly set up the weapons.

Adding a weapon into radiant is pretty simple. Select a weapon by right clicking the 2D grid and hover over "weapon". Now change its "classname" to:

Code Snippet
"classname" "script_model"

Then give it the targetname:

Code Snippet
"targetname" "weapon" 

and finally a script_noteworthy"

Code Snippet
"script_noteworthy" "<weaponfile_name>"

compile the map & scripts and the weapon should now work.

Part 4 - Perks

Perks in the Soviet Mod still need some visual affects(animations, FX) however they still work.

To create a perk trigger, create a trigger_use and give it the KVP:

Code Snippet
"targetname" "perk_trig"

and a script_noteworthy for the specific perk

Code Snippet
"script_noteworthy" "<perk>"

The perk trigs should now work as it does in the template.

Future proof: In future versions of the mod, i will be using a script_struct for the perks FX. If you want to have FX as soon as it is added to the mod, create a struct and place it infront of a perk machine. Then select the trigger and the struct again and press "w" to link them.

Note: Currently not possible to add your own perks.

Part 5 - Capture The Flag

Capture the flag is real easy to add. Grab the flag model that you want as the "home" flag and give it the KVP:

Code Snippet
"targetname" "home_flag"

then grab another flag model for the "enemy" flags and give it the KVP:

Code Snippet
"targetname" "enemy_flag"

At this point you can copy/paste the enemy flag wherever you want a flag to be able to appear at.

Note: Make sure "ctf" is set as a valid gamemode in your map's GSC.
9 years ago
Soviet Rush

Second map created by me featuring the "Soviet" mod.


9 years ago
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