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Messages - BluntStuffy

I've said it on ZM but I'll say it here too:


You'll need to edit _zombiemode_weapons.gsc to remove weapons from the box when you have double pap version and allow buying ammo of the wall for double pap guns.

Yaphill actually helped me out with that in the past, and i think it's something you might want to at least take a look at it when you're posting a tut for this, or just mention not to make double pap'ed guns as wall weapons... It took me quite some time to figure out back then (also because i just started modding) and i didn't want to spread this around already  >:( . but on the other hand it's already in a topic on ZM.... When you hold an _upgraded_upgraded weapon and walk up to the wall weapon to buy ammo, it'll replace your double pap'ed (10000+ points) gun with the stock version because the game doesn't recognise the gun as a upgraded version of the stock one..
This topic is from the starting days of my modding, and i'm a complete super-noob in this topic.  :-[ :-[ but the fix is in there.;topicseen
10 years ago
wow another awsome win from bluntstuffy  :rainbow:
im also curious, will you release the crawlers to the community? :ooo

 :rainbow: indeed.. I'll probably will, after the release of my map..

Cool map idea but I have one question about the boss. Is he going be like George from call of the dead where he is there from the start or just come every few rounds or so? Again though, a great map idea can't wait for the release. ;D

He'll just spawn every few rounds, and there might be way to get rid of him  ;)

Wow man can't wait to see what you bring out next. I would recommend leaving some fact of suprise with the map.

Thanks, glad you like it! I've still got a few surprises up my sleeve  ::) and it's taking so freaking long to finally finish this project that sometime's i just need to show something off  :D

Still working on the nova's. they will be a cross-over between the Kino and Moon nova's. Some of them can teleport, and some of them explode with the gas-cloud on death..
10 years ago
I took a look in nazi_zombie_factory_teleporter.gsc how the did it there. I'm spawning a script_origin now, link that to the zombie and set the new origin. That works!
Thanks though, i'll also give the forceteleport a try, see if that works..
10 years ago
Does it print the origin? Because you said you used a script_struct, but in your script you use GetEnt(). script_structs need to be acquired by GetStruct().

- Phil.

I changed that, it does actually print the correct origin on screen. The zombie just doesn't teleport  :'(
10 years ago
I'm trying to get zombies to teleport, i searched for some reference script's and tried multiple setup's. Nothing happens..
The prints are printed onscreen and the destination (for testing) is a script_struct i placed in radiant..
Anybody knows why this isn't working? In the spawn function i'm calling:

Code Snippet
thread teleport_think(self);

and the function...

Code Snippet
teleport_think( zombie )
zombie endon( "death" );
iprintln( "teleport think threaded" );

target = getent( "teleport_target" , "targetname" );
teleport_radius = 122500; // 350 squared


rand = randomintrange( 1, 101 );

if( rand < 51 )
players = get_players();
for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if ( DistanceSquared( zombie.origin, players[i].origin ) < teleport_radius )
Iprintln( " Can teleport " );
nw_ori = target.origin;
iprintln( "new origin: ["+ nw_ori +"] " );
zombie teleport( target.origin, zombie.angles );

Iprintln( " DO NOT teleport " );
wait 0.05;
Iprintln( " Recharging teleport function" );
wait 10;
10 years ago
that would be cool but don't make that many spawn every round or make a on and off switch for them
Don't worry, there won't be to much of them. This is only the test-map, it has only nova-spawners in the start-zone..
10 years ago
Excited to bring you another new feature for the map Nova crawlers! Thanks to Steviewonder87 for giving me the BO script and models, and also taking care of the FX and sounds for me!
They're fully functional atm, all there is left to do is some texture and animation details. Enjoy!
I'll do a more detailled update in about a week or so, with some new weapons and offcourse: more nova-crawler's  :)
Sorry for the even more poor quality of my vid than before, for some reason afterburner wouldn't cooperate so i had to switch sotware and that didn't work out to good..
10 years ago
Not sure, did you edit anything inside the file?
Can you post the "entire" progres_check() function starting around line 370 ?
10 years ago
Seeing as you already did all the work it would be really nice if you posted this in the user tutorials section so other members could easily access it. :)

Lol, well i was actually looking for a way to store ammo value's for my own map so that's part of the reason i did it. But like i said it's not fully tested, and not tested with mule-kick at all ( i haven't updated mule-kick yet, guess it should work with the old/'glitched' version). May be someone could test that first?
10 years ago
I took the liberty to start over, tell me if there's anything missing.. Btw it adds bullets for every type of gun at the same rate. You might want to change that, but i figured i should leave some work for you  ;D

put this:

Code Snippet
	thread maps\_storage::main();

below the

Code Snippet

line, and add this to a text file named _storage.gsc:

Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility; 
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_weapons;

level.storagecost = 500; // Set the cost of the storage/regenerate ammo

trig = getEnt("storage_trig","targetname");
trig thread storage_func();

player = undefined;

self setHintString("Press f to store your weapon["+level.storagecost+"]");
self waittill("trigger",player);

weapList = player GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if( weaplist.size <= 1 )
player iprintlnbold( "Only got one weapon, can't put it in storage" );
self thread storage_func();

else if( weaplist.size >= 2 )
            if( player.score >= level.storagecost )
            player playsound( "cha_ching" );
            player maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( level.storagecost );
player thread store_weapon( self, player );
if( player.score < level.storagecost )
player iprintlnbold( "Not enough points" );
self thread storage_func();

store_weapon( trig, player )
    trig setHintString("Storing weapon...");

    weapList = player GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
stored_weapon = player GetCurrentWeapon();
weapon_stock_ammo = player getWeaponAmmoStock( stored_weapon );
clip_stock_ammo = player GetWeaponAmmoClip( stored_weapon );
player takeweapon( stored_weapon );
    weapList = player GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
switch_gun = weapList[0];
if( switch_gun == "none" )
switch_gun = weapList[1];
iprintln( "changing gun to switch to");
// if( switch_gun == "none" ) // MULE KICK ???
// {
// switch_gun = weapList[2];
// iprintln( "changing gun to switch to");
// }

player switchtoweapon( switch_gun );
trig thread storage_anims( stored_weapon );
trig thread fill_ammo( player, stored_weapon, weapon_stock_ammo, clip_stock_ammo );

wait 5;

trig setHintString("Press f to take your weapon out of storage");

trig waittill("trigger", player );
    weapList = player GetWeaponsListPrimaries();

if( weaplist.size >= 2 )
player iprintlnbold( "This will replace your current weapon!" );
trig setHintString("Press f to take pick up weapon");
trig waittill("trigger", player );
trig notify( "gun_grabbed" );
player thread gun_storage_hud_destroy();
wait 2;
current_weapon = player GetCurrentWeapon();
player takeweapon( current_weapon );
player giveweapon(stored_weapon);
player setWeaponAmmoStock(stored_weapon, player.gun_stock );
player SetWeaponAmmoClip(stored_weapon, player.clip_stock );
player switchtoweapon(stored_weapon);
trig thread storage_func();

else if( weaplist.size <= 1 )
trig notify( "gun_grabbed" );
player thread gun_storage_hud_destroy();
wait 2;
player giveweapon(stored_weapon);
player setWeaponAmmoStock(stored_weapon, player.gun_stock );
player SetWeaponAmmoClip(stored_weapon, player.clip_stock );
player switchtoweapon(stored_weapon);
trig thread storage_func();

fill_ammo( player, weapon, weapon_stock, clip_stock )
player endon( "disconnect" );
player endon( "death" );
self endon( "gun_grabbed" );

player.gun_max = 0;
player.clip_max = 0;
player.total_max = 0;
player.gun_stock = 0;
player.clip_stock = 0;
player.total_gun = 0;

player.gun_max = WeaponMaxAmmo( weapon );
player.clip_max = WeaponClipSize( weapon );

player.total_max = player.gun_max + player.clip_max ;

player.gun_stock = weapon_stock;
player.clip_stock = clip_stock;

player.total_gun = player.gun_stock + player.clip_stock ;

player thread hud_create_gun_storage();

for(i=player.clip_stock;player.clip_stock< player.clip_max;player.clip_stock++ )
wait 0.5;
iprintln( "adding bullet to clip" );
player.total_gun = player.gun_stock + player.clip_stock ;
player.store_hud[ "stock2" ] SetValue(  player.total_gun );

iprintln( "clip full, changing to gun stock" );

for(i=player.gun_stock;player.gun_stock< player.gun_max;player.gun_stock++ )
wait 0.5;
iprintln( "adding bullet to gun" );
player.total_gun = player.gun_stock + player.clip_stock ;
player.store_hud[ "stock2" ] SetValue(  player.total_gun );

player thread gun_storage_hud_destroy();
iprintln( "gun filled to max!" );

storage_anims( weapon )
start = getent( "store_start" , "targetname" );
end = getent( "store_end" , "targetname" );
gun_model = GetWeaponModel( weapon );
gun = Spawn( "script_model" , start.origin );
gun.angles = self.angles;
gun SetModel( gun_model );
gun moveto( end.origin, 2 );
gun rotateyaw( 540, 2);
wait 2;
playfx (level._effect["powerup_grabbed_wave"], end.origin );

self waittill( "gun_grabbed" );

gun moveto( start.origin, 2 );
gun rotateyaw( 540, 2);
wait 2;
playfx (level._effect["powerup_grabbed_wave"], start.origin );
gun delete();

iprintln( "creating HUD element" );

texthud = create_simple_hud( self );
texthud.foreground = true;
texthud.sort = 1;
texthud.hidewheninmenu = false;
texthud.alignX = "left";
texthud.alignY = "bottom";
texthud.horzAlign = "left";
texthud.vertAlign = "bottom";
texthud.x =  10;
texthud.y = -220;
texthud.fontScale = 1;
texthud.color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 90 );
texthud.alpha = 1;
texthud setText( "Stored weapon max ammo:" );

self.store_hud[ "text" ] = texthud;

hud = create_simple_hud( self );
hud.foreground = true;
hud.sort = 1;
hud.hidewheninmenu = false;
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.alignY = "bottom";
hud.horzAlign = "left";
hud.vertAlign = "bottom";
hud.x =  10;
hud.y = -200;
hud.fontScale = 1;
hud.color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 90 );
hud.alpha = 1;
hud SetValue( self.total_max ) ;

self.store_hud[ "stock" ] = hud;

text2hud = create_simple_hud( self );
text2hud.foreground = true;
text2hud.sort = 1;
text2hud.hidewheninmenu = false;
text2hud.alignX = "left";
text2hud.alignY = "bottom";
text2hud.horzAlign = "left";
text2hud.vertAlign = "bottom";
text2hud.x =  10;
text2hud.y = -180;
text2hud.fontScale = 1;
text2hud.color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 90 );
text2hud.alpha = 1;
text2hud setText( "Current ammo:" );

self.store_hud[ "text2" ] = text2hud;

text3hud = create_simple_hud( self );
text3hud.foreground = true;
text3hud.sort = 1;
text3hud.hidewheninmenu = false;
text3hud.alignX = "left";
text3hud.alignY = "bottom";
text3hud.horzAlign = "left";
text3hud.vertAlign = "bottom";
text3hud.x =  10;
text3hud.y = -160;
text3hud.fontScale = 1;
text3hud.color = ( 1.0, 1.0, 90 );
text3hud.alpha = 1;
text3hud SetValue( self.total_gun ) ;

self.store_hud[ "stock2" ] = text3hud;


iprintln( "removing HUD element" );
self.store_hud[ "stock" ] destroy_hud();
self.store_hud[ "stock" ] = undefined;
self.store_hud[ "stock2" ] destroy_hud();
self.store_hud[ "stock2" ] = undefined;
self.store_hud[ "text" ] destroy_hud();
self.store_hud[ "text" ] = undefined;
self.store_hud[ "text2" ] destroy_hud();
self.store_hud[ "text2" ] = undefined;

I did zome testing, but now extensively. Iff you find bugs, let me know..

Lol, you also need a trigger offcourse: a trigger_use

Code Snippet
storage_trig - targetname

and 2 script_origins:

1 where the gun first appears:

Code Snippet
store_start - targetname

and one where the gun is floating while stored:

Code Snippet
store_end - targetname

Then it should work! my bad!!

CoD WaW Custom Zombies: Weapon storage that refills ammo..
10 years ago
something to do with your .NET framework versions i believe. sould be above 4.0 or something like that. I've got 4.5 installed..
10 years ago
It been quite a while since i've posted something, but i've actually did a lot of work. Most of it is script-related though so there isn't much changed in the map itself.. I decided to make a little vid showing some progress and some cool stuff (imo) ;) Not going to show everthing i've done though, since there's some EE related stuff. But i can assure you, i'm still very much working on this!
I've added my Multi PaP setup, with alt-weapons and buyable ammo for all versions without glitches (double-pap'ed guns being replaced  with stock versions, none of that). I've had that lying around from the first build of the map, thanks YaPhill (who else??) for telling me where to look for the functions, and basicly what to change!!
So that's all up and running and right now i'm making my weapon mod and i'm scripting secondary ammo type's. A little preview in the vid: (sorry for the lack of sound, i can't get it working when recording with afterburner..)
10 years ago
Omg! lol, i guess i am that stupid  >:( I had:

Code Snippet

Thanks, it worked!!
10 years ago
I wanted to use Yaphill's code for changing the ammo counter to digit's. I've made the changes in my file in raw\ui\ and recompiled my map. But nothing changed. I tried some different things, but nothing ever changes. I got to the point where i just delete everything inside the file and smashed my keyboard a few times, so some gibberish showed up. I recompiled with that freaky-file, and still nothing changed!  :o  Now i've installed the UGX mod a while ago, and after that i 'disabled' it because i don't use UGX in the map i'm currently working on. Now i noticed i have a raw\ui\ folder and a raw\ui-ORIGINAL\ folder. I tried both folders for making the changes, and again nothing...  Could it have somethingto do with the UGX that's still "in the background" that wont let me edit my, or am i just really stupid for not getting this to work??
Starting to get frustrating that something that should be a 10min job, is taking a few days now...
10 years ago
Still no luck nothing comes out of the PaP when I upgrade the gun and It still Isn't In the box
did you add the weapon files and models to your zone-source? Also double check for typo's i missed a " when editing weapon yesterday. It didnt gave me an error but nothing worked. For the box, if you copied the ray gun line in zombiemode-weapons it has the same weighting func as the ray gun and will probably appear less often
10 years ago
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