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Messages - arceus

panzers... every map must have a panzer....

With the claws
8 years ago
Justin Bieber - Love yourself

a true masterpiece
8 years ago

All I wanted out of dis was to discuss a weird feature/bug in WAW
lol i think every ones taking it as "list useless features here" XD
8 years ago
i look so smexy
8 years ago
Looks neat, but i still dont know how to send images so if u can help me i need to send u round 20 on another road.
upload the image to something like imgur, then use the image [ img ][ /img ] to add images (without the spacing)
8 years ago
the only person i believe to actually do after life was Redspace, and he doesnt really just hand out scripts.
8 years ago
i know ;-; :alone:
8 years ago
this has been said before, most of the maps they play are exclusive to them.
8 years ago
alrighty just removed them
8 years ago
- include endon() functions in case the players disconnect

ok, yea ill add that real quick :P forgat bout dat

- probably should have the script done in csc as this will have lag in coop

i stated this in the second post that i might redo it and update it later.

- don't need to include dlc_code or dlc_teleporter :P
yea i know, i just include those whenever i make a new script

Double Post Merge: April 02, 2016, 01:33:03 pm
Who made this? :troll:

In all honesty looks nice though :)
thanks :P
8 years ago
I actually said that in the most Australian-ish(word?) accent I could do.

It was....... bad
8 years ago
yay another box map, just what the community needs!

IGN 10/10
little late bruh :P
8 years ago
Hello, today im releaseing the better kick and walking script i have recently made.

The Viewmodel will rotate dependent on the direction you are moving and when you shoot you get a randomized kick that will move your weapon slightly.

Adding the script:

First create a new GSC and add the following script into the file:
Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

level.kickbackmax = .4;
level.kickbackmin = .2;
level.kicksidemax = .3;
level.kicksidemin = .1;

players = GetPlayers();

self endon("disconnect");
if(!self adsButtonPressed())
self SetClientDvar("bg_bobAmplitudeStanding",".1 0.01");
self SetClientDvar("bg_bobAmplitudeducking",".1 0.01");
if(self GetStance() == "prone")
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_rot_minspeed", 0);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_rot_minspeed", -1000);
rotvar = self getvelocity() * anglestoright(self GetPlayerAngles());
rotvar = rotvar[0] + rotvar[1] + rotvar[2];
rotvar = int(rotvar/20);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_rot_r", rotvar);
self SetClientDvar("bg_bobAmplitudeStanding","0.01 0.001");
self SetClientDvar("bg_bobAmplitudeducking","0.01 0.001");

self endon("disconnect");

self waittill("weapon_fired");
kickBack = RandomfloatRange(level.kickbackmin, level.kickbackmax);
kickSide = RandomfloatRange(level.kicksidemin, level.kicksidemax);
kickdown = RandomfloatRange(level.kicksidemin, level.kicksidemax);
kickback = kickback*-1;
kickdown = (kickdown/2)*-1;
kickside = kickside*-1;
if(self adsButtonPressed())
kickback = kickback/3;
kickside = kickside/3;
kickdown = kickdown/3;
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_rot_p", kickback*-12);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_rot_r", kickside*-12);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_rot_y", kickside*12);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_x", kickBack);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_y", kickside);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_z", kickdown);
wait 0.1;
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_x", 0);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_y", 0);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_z", 0);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_rot_p", 0);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_rot_r", 0);
self SetClientDvar("cg_gun_rot_y", 0);

after added save the file into your mods folder and call it whatever you want.

now in _zombiemode.gsc add: (make sure to add the name of the file in the spot specified)
Code Snippet
Code Snippet

check the script file in your iwd check list and build the iwd :D

Double Post Merge: April 02, 2016, 01:17:40 am
note that in co-op this may lag a little, i may convert this to be in CSC later to eliminate that but not sure.
8 years ago
why did you post a quote of the entire post?
8 years ago
what is the purpose of expanding on a survival map that has no connection to the storyline?
not everything needs to have a story, the community isn't trey arch, its not are job to add or expand to the story, the purpose of this is to create a good map and improve what it could have been
8 years ago
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