Hardhat zombies
-- Background story --
After the massive attack from makarov, the workers cleared up the mess and started to work once again on the building. In 2020, this facility will be the location for training the army to prevent an attack on the united sates of america after makarov tried to rule the world.
But, the nasty chemical bombs caused that the ground and all food supplies where poisened. They turned into some kind of crackheads that only thinks of one thing in their mind. Your flesh and blood. The site is abondend ever since untill today.
Fight your way trough the hordes, looking for the 3 blue switches. After that, make sure you get the F#ck out of there soldier. There is no time to sit back and relax on this mission, They will come from anywhere.
-- Ingame addons --
- Small EE ( You need to find the 7 blue switches. Easy to find as they come in a certain order. )
- Buyable Wonder Weapon ( wunder, thunder and raygun )
- Buildable Dragonshield ( and upgradeable ) ( harrybo21 )
- Perks ( HarryBo21 )
- Wallbuys ( harrybo21 & CrafftDAnimations )
- Map design ( asus51 on Gamebanana. Please note: This map was designed for WaW ) And majorly redesigned for zombies by me ( GamingHQ )
- Buyable end ( 50.000 points ) ( script by CrafftDAnimations )
- Credits annoucer ( NateSmithZombies ( NSZ ) )
- Black ops 2 guns, waw guns and Black ops 1 as well for the normal Black ops 3 guns. ( Harrybo21 )
- Soulchests
- NEW! Added 5 Traps ( acid trap, fan trap, fire trap, chain and the gun turret. ( all costs 1000 ) ( harrybo21 and synmo )

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