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Script Placer Z help

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Created 6 years ago
by optic_deity
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I know this is really late for WaW but it is the only COD with Modtools that I can run on my pc.  I really need Script Placer Z 2.0 but the website doesn't exist to download the script placer.  The one who made it said they would lock the topic of Script Placer Z 1.0 once he released 2.0 on UGX but it doesnt exist either.  So I tried to make due with 1.0 but it won't let me use it.  I have every .NetFramework there is, including 4.5, But I keep on getting the J.I.T debugging error saying that the Framework has an error or something.  I even put the files into the root for WaW also, but the app won't recognise the fact that I even manually selected the WaW executable.  Please help me with this seemingly impossible error.

I wanted Script Placer Z because All of the HarryBO21 Perks are accesible through the scripts the Application provides.
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I know this is really late for WaW but it is the only COD with Modtools that I can run on my pc.  I really need Script Placer Z 2.0 but the website doesn't exist to download the script placer.  The one who made it said they would lock the topic of Script Placer Z 1.0 once he released 2.0 on UGX but it doesnt exist either.  So I tried to make due with 1.0 but it won't let me use it.  I have every .NetFramework there is, including 4.5, But I keep on getting the J.I.T debugging error saying that the Framework has an error or something.  I even put the files into the root for WaW also, but the app won't recognise the fact that I even manually selected the WaW executable.  Please help me with this seemingly impossible error.

I wanted Script Placer Z because All of the HarryBO21 Perks are accesible through the scripts the Application provides.
I'm pretty sure that this script placer hasn't been supported for years, so you'll probably be better off by searching for another script placer rather than spending time debugging this one. 

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