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Skye’s BO1 Weapon Ports

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Created 3 years ago
by TheSkyeLord
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Works mostly well, though I wonder if there's plans to have the dual-wield M1911 unique reload animation (one-handed manually racking the slide), assuming I haven't been overlooked something? Also the non-speedloader one-by-one reload for the Python and there's something up with the variable zoom scope attachment for the Dragunov?
Though speaking of things I've overlooked, any pointers on what to do if the Mustang & Sally explosion effects don't work? Damage functionality is fine but no visual feedback in the game world. At least I'm not sure - if it's relevant - where fx_exp_rocket_default_sm, fx_muz_rocket_xm_1p_ug_zmb, fx_trail_crossbow are supposed to be imported from.
Hey! I do plan on adding all of the above attachments and animations when I rework BO1 weapons. As for the missing effects, try installing the BO3 tools additional assets and see if that fixes it. Thanks!
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As for the missing effects, try installing the BO3 tools additional assets and see if that fixes it. Thanks!
Haven't any luck doing that, neither did it help to make sure Campaign/Multiplayer was installed. Just must really be overlooking something on my end, and we just started to notice missing PaP muzzle flashes as well from this importing issue...
Another thing that might be an oversight on my part is the Dual-Wield CZ-75, having trouble removing the extended barrel off the left gun's model: usual method of hiding tag_long_barrel doesn't seem to work.
Also been pointed out to me the Death Machine sounds don't match the original Black Ops ones, seems they're still the ones from BO II/III?
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Haven't any luck doing that, neither did it help to make sure Campaign/Multiplayer was installed. Just must really be overlooking something on my end, and we just started to notice missing PaP muzzle flashes as well from this importing issue...
Another thing that might be an oversight on my part is the Dual-Wield CZ-75, having trouble removing the extended barrel off the left gun's model: usual method of hiding tag_long_barrel doesn't seem to work.
Also been pointed out to me the Death Machine sounds don't match the original Black Ops ones, seems they're still the ones from BO II/III?
I am aware of both issues. I plan on fixing the CZ-75 fairly soon, and the BO1 minigun sounds are from BO2/3. I couldnt figure out the original sounds initially, but ill give it another try when BO1 weapons get a rework. Thanks!
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Hello Skye,
I'm new here and I'm a complete rookie to BO modding. For the last couple of days, I've been trying to find a way to enable the KS-23 in BO1 Zombies. However, I haven't really been able to accomplish that or find a mod that does it. I found Your port for BO3, but I'm not sure how to use it to enable the KS-23 in BO1. Is that even possible with this port, and if yes, is there a decent guide on how to accomplish it? That's literally all I'm interested in – KS-23, nothing more. I'd really love to see it in BO1.
Thanks in advance,
Last Edit: March 05, 2024, 02:20:03 pm by Moderator (Approval)
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Hello Skye,
I'm new here and I'm a complete rookie to BO modding. For the last couple of days, I've been trying to find a way to enable the KS-23 in BO1 Zombies. However, I haven't really been able to accomplish that or find a mod that does it. I found Your port for BO3, but I'm not sure how to use it to enable the KS-23 in BO1. Is that even possible with this port, and if yes, is there a decent guide on how to accomplish it? That's literally all I'm interested in – KS-23, nothing more. I'd really love to see it in BO1.
Thanks in advance,
Hey! In BO1, the KS-23 was a campaign exclusive weapon. That being said, to get it into zombies or multiplayer in BO1 and assuming it isn't already present in the BO1 mod tools, you'll have to extract the KS-23's assets and "port" it back in to the BO1 tools so you can load it where you want.
As far as the port that's on my page, it will only work with BO3, since the viewarm bone structure totally changed going from WaW/BO1/BO2 up to BO3.
If you have any questions on how to get the KS-23 into BO1 zombies, I am happy to try and help. Please message me on Discord (@theskyelord) if you want to do so.
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Thank You! I've sent a request on Discord (my handle is 3rdshockarmy).
Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 02:33:25 pm by Moderator (Approval)
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Are there any plans to go over the camo masks again (or at least the _camo_mask_bo1.tif files) to make them more accurate to the original game? There are details like the camo not being applied to shells/iron sights/sling mount point on the Stakeout, quite a few things on the receiver (plus the magazine?) on the FAL, and the muzzle for both guns.
I also need some help with the AK-47 (which I also checked for the BO II ports and found they also need some updates to the camo mask), for some reason the rear iron sights can't have camo applied to them even when almost all the camo mask is white (including where it looks like the iron sights textures are at) or using the $reveal preset.
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I'd also like to ask if the texture mapping/camo masks will be addressed for the MP40 (in the upcoming WaW pack as well?). It's not quite possible to match what the original game set up the camo mapping with how the textures are reused for different maps. I've mapped out the most problematic issues in this diagram, if it's not clear looking back at the PaP MP40 in WaW then to explain: with the blue outlined parts I want the rear section to have the camo applied but the front 'rings' to remain unaffected; with the green outlined parts I want the section nearest to the front-end of the gun to not have the camo applied, the middle-position to have the camo fully applied, and the largest section to have the stripe continue down; finally with the yellow section I want the bolt to not have the camo applied but the stock part to have it.

In the demonstration camo mask the white section on the bottom-left shows how far you can go before the front rings get affected, and the separated white stripe in the middle shows where approximately the front parts have that part of the camo applied - obviously in my mod I'll fill out the left part so it's not just a stripe.
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I'd also like to ask if the texture mapping/camo masks will be addressed for the MP40 (in the upcoming WaW pack as well?). It's not quite possible to match what the original game set up the camo mapping with how the textures are reused for different maps. I've mapped out the most problematic issues in this diagram, if it's not clear looking back at the PaP MP40 in WaW then to explain: with the blue outlined parts I want the rear section to have the camo applied but the front 'rings' to remain unaffected; with the green outlined parts I want the section nearest to the front-end of the gun to not have the camo applied, the middle-position to have the camo fully applied, and the largest section to have the stripe continue down; finally with the yellow section I want the bolt to not have the camo applied but the stock part to have it.
(Image removed from quote.)(Image removed from quote.)
(Image removed from quote.)
In the demonstration camo mask the white section on the bottom-left shows how far you can go before the front rings get affected, and the separated white stripe in the middle shows where approximately the front parts have that part of the camo applied - obviously in my mod I'll fill out the left part so it's not just a stripe.
Hey! I'll answer both of your questions in the same reply:
I do absolutely plan on touching up some stuff regarding BO1 guns. How the "camo masks" work in that game is very different and, also, incompatible with BO3. I will try to do some touch ups on them, but i cannot promise 100% accuracy.|
The MP-40 also suffers a similar issue to what I've stated above. The WaW version on Der Riese simply used a texture that was baked into the standard color map. With that in mind, I'll probably use that to match the camo coverage as best as possible.
Thank you!
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I also need some help with the AK-47 (which I also checked for the BO II ports and found they also need some updates to the camo mask), for some reason the rear iron sights can't have camo applied to them even when almost all the camo mask is white (including where it looks like the iron sights textures are at) or using the $reveal preset.
Is there anything to say in particular about this? It feels like something that should at least be fixable somewhere on my end but there's nothing really in the ak47 GDT that intuitively points to what material/textures that set of iron sights are supposed to use so they remain unchanged by the PaP camo regardless of anything being done by the camo to t5_weapon_mtl_ak47_gunset.

This is what I've currently got it looking like ingame and the iron sights really make it stick out vs how it would look in Mob of the Dead.
"camo mask"
Camo Mask if anyone's interested, but as I said originally the iron sights issue happens regardless of whether this camo mask or $reveal is used.

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