- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide - Has both single wield and dual wielded versions - Packed single wield has upgraded iron sights and is full auto - Packed dual wield is just full auto
- Official sounds, anims, and custom slide - Packed model has extended mags and an ACOG scope - Regular model has a BO3-style scope (blur around the outside) - Includes a wallbuy
- Official sounds, anims, and custom slide - Packed model has an ACOG scope - Regular model has a BO3-style scope (blur around the outside) - Includes a wallbuy
- Official sounds, anims, and custom slide - Packed model has extended mags and an ACOG scope - Regular model has a BO3-style scope (blur around the outside) - Includes a wallbuy
- Official sounds, anims, and custom slide - Packed model has an ACOG scope - Regular model has a BO3-style scope (blur around the outside) - Includes a wallbuy
- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide - Has both single wield and dual wielded versions - Packed single wield has upgraded iron sights and is full auto - Packed dual wield is just full auto
- Official sounds, anims, and custom slide - Packed model has extended mags and an ACOG scope - Regular model has a BO3-style scope (blur around the outside) - Includes a wallbuy
- Official sounds, anims, and custom slide - Packed model has an ACOG scope - Regular model has a BO3-style scope (blur around the outside) - Includes a wallbuy
- Official sounds, anims, and custom slide - Packed model has extended mags and an ACOG scope - Regular model has a BO3-style scope (blur around the outside) - Includes a wallbuy
- Official sounds, anims, and custom slide - Packed model has an ACOG scope - Regular model has a BO3-style scope (blur around the outside) - Includes a wallbuy
I downloaded these weapons and everything is great expect for shooting sounds. I followed the txt files and all other sounds work, did i do something wrong?
I downloaded these weapons and everything is great expect for shooting sounds. I followed the txt files and all other sounds work, did i do something wrong?
Hey! No sounds can be a few problems, the most common of which include sound errors in the linker, the sound compiler bugging out, and/or sounds aren't in the right filepath in the BO3 folders. Judging on the fact that sounds are the only issue, I'd presume that we can rule out the last option. If possible, could you please send a .txt file of your compilation log (the box where it outputs linking... and stuff like that)? Make sure to inlcude a full link (compile and light isn't necessary, but it doesn't hurt). Thanks!
Hey, I love all the weapons you've released. I just wanted to ask if you have any plans on porting over weapons like the crossbow or the ballistic knife?
Hey, I love all the weapons you've released. I just wanted to ask if you have any plans on porting over weapons like the crossbow or the ballistic knife?
Hey! I have full intention in the future to give the BO1 weapons a nice makeover, or overhaul really. When I do that, I'll probably work on getting the Crossbow and Ballisitic Knife ported over as well. Thanks!
I downloaded it all correctly fallowed the steps placed the prefab into a test map and for some reason the weapon is reading a zombie_cost of 0 so i tryed to add a cost to it using zombie_cost 500 value in the prefab scrip and still it did'nt change when i run map to test it i was unable to buy from wall what can i do to fix this problem?? i was using the steakout...
I downloaded it all correctly fallowed the steps placed the prefab into a test map and for some reason the weapon is reading a zombie_cost of 0 so i tryed to add a cost to it using zombie_cost 500 value in the prefab scrip and still it did'nt change when i run map to test it i was unable to buy from wall what can i do to fix this problem?? i was using the steakout...
Hey! Are you able to purchase the weapon off of the wall? If not, then it sounds like this line of code might missing from your map's .zone file:
Hi, Thanks a lot for your port, it truly is awesome! I tipped you on PayPal to thank you for your work
When you have some time, could you look into the pistols port? The textures have a really low resolution compared to other weapons, and the hands of the model are misplaced (they are looking deformed)
Hey! I plan on doing a rework of a majority of what i have publicly posted, including BO1 weapons. The hands issue will be addressed then, but the textures are a maybe, as the textures that come out of BO1 for all the pistols are severely low res (256x256 if memory serves) compared to other weapons from the game (which are 1024x1024, as example). Thanks!
Thanks for the weapon ports, custom zombies wouldn't be the same without it.
I added your Python and M1911 to one of the maps im making and so far it seems great apart from two issues i've encountered. When i turn the Python into a wallbuy, it says that it costs 0 points and it wont let me buy it, I also can't pack a punch the the Python or m1911.
When i link everything in mod tools it shows a missing origins camo error, could this be the reason why it wont work?
Thanks for the weapon ports, custom zombies wouldn't be the same without it.
I added your Python and M1911 to one of the maps im making and so far it seems great apart from two issues i've encountered. When i turn the Python into a wallbuy, it says that it costs 0 points and it wont let me buy it, I also can't pack a punch the the Python or m1911.
When i link everything in mod tools it shows a missing origins camo error, could this be the reason why it wont work?
Hey! The issues you're having with the wallbuy and PaP are probably because the line below isn't present in your map's .zone file
As far as the camo error, that's normal, and won't negatively affect anything. Thanks!
It works now, thanks for the help, I'm glad the weapon Camo isn't an issue as well. Should have some maps coming out soon and I'll make sure to credit you.
It works now, thanks for the help, I'm glad the weapon Camo isn't an issue as well. Should have some maps coming out soon and I'll make sure to credit you.
Im only replying so I have a note that the issue's been resolved. Thanks
Works mostly well, though I wonder if there's plans to have the dual-wield M1911 unique reload animation (one-handed manually racking the slide), assuming I haven't been overlooked something? Also the non-speedloader one-by-one reload for the Python and there's something up with the variable zoom scope attachment for the Dragunov?
Though speaking of things I've overlooked, any pointers on what to do if the Mustang & Sally explosion effects don't work? Damage functionality is fine but no visual feedback in the game world. At least I'm not sure - if it's relevant - where fx_exp_rocket_default_sm, fx_muz_rocket_xm_1p_ug_zmb, fx_trail_crossbow are supposed to be imported from.
Last Edit: June 13, 2023, 12:16:16 am by marinescdude