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"missile_fired" notify for WaW

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Created 8 years ago
by alaurenc9
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This is a notify in BO1 and so on that notifies like "grenade_fired", but for projectiles. I figured out that I could define projectile ent's by using the classname 'rocket', and I just looked at the birth time of the projectiles compared to the time if notifies "weapon_fired" and found you can match the times together. This should never glitch or break because even if two or more players managed to shoot the projectile guns in the exact same frame of time in the game, it will notify the one closest to the player that fired, so it should never be a problem. And there is a while loop that lasts for ten seconds, just incase the projectile didn't spawn immediately, and it also times out after 10 seconds just incase WaW failed again and the projectile didn't actually spawn.

Just call this function on player connect and it should work. Enjoy.
Code Snippet
self endon( "disconnect" );
while( true )
self waittill( "weapon_fired" );
weapon = self GetCurrentWeapon();
if( WeaponType( weapon ) == "projectile" )
self thread watch_missile_spawn( weapon, self GetEye(), GetTime() );

watch_missile_spawn( weapon, fire_origin, fire_time )
watcher_begin_time = GetTime();
while( GetTime() - watcher_begin_time < 10000 )
missile = GetEntArray( "rocket", "classname" );
missile = get_array_of_closest( fire_origin, missile );
for( i = 0; i < missile.size; i ++ )
if( ( fire_time - 50 ) == missile[i].birthtime )
self notify( "missile_fire", missile[i], weapon );
wait 0.05;

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