Looks really good man, can't wait for release of this.
8 years ago
Been watching this one on twitter, very nice to see a Dev in community putting up quality content.
8 years ago
Jammy this map was very well done, completed ee on coop round 16. Map was pretty challenging until you learned layout. Easter Egg was pretty good also. Overall very well done.
P>S If you could bring this to Black Ops 3 it would look amazing.
P>S If you could bring this to Black Ops 3 it would look amazing.
8 years ago
For some reason, after compiling map I transferred over from Black Ops 3 my map is not showing in game except a railing I put in from models. Weird part tho is my map is definitely loaded because I am walking in it but can't see it
8 years ago
Still awaiting more invites, but seems they want best of the best. Only way in is to be popular on twitter or be refereed by a current tester. Hope I can join up in open beta. I think my skill set is only amateur but good luck to the ones that are in.
9 years ago
Excited to give this try tonight and upload gameplay. This could contend with Der Herrenhaus for level of detail
9 years ago