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Topics - kielrgz

Hello UGX Mod community. I wanted to ask if anyone would have a Weapons pack for WaW that they don't use or have saved in the drive cloud? I want to make new maps but lately I've been using Black Ops 2 or Infinity Warfare weapons a lot and it's like the public eventually gets tired of those weapons. Any weapon they have would help me add and change the usual a little. I found a pack, for example, of Cod 4 weapons that I never use in Waw but the problem is that they don't have the updated ones and I can make them but it would take me a while to do so. Anyway, if anyone helps me with that, I guarantee that I will give you credits and well, nothing... that! Greetings!
2 months ago
Doom Tower Beta v1.2

Hello!! I haven't brought a custom in months and well I wanted to bring a quick custom that I made in 5 days. The map, like any of my customs, has some bugs that do not affect the playability but I will clarify them below so you know what they are. Another thing is that if I see support in the sense that I see that there are people who play it, I will probably make more maps, but this time I don't think I will continue with the towers, but I will focus on normal maps. I learned to add effects and things that I like and well I want to implement it in some good custom map. I also apologize for some bugs, it is a bit difficult for me to put the scripts in sometimes and luckily I have friends in the community who help me when I make a mistake about something. hahaha I've been doing this for years but sometimes it's a little hard. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and I will be leaving information about what the map includes as well. greetings!!

The bugs that you can find on the map will be how you see turning on the power and when you point to the "perks" drinks it appears that they need to activate the power. Even so, they will be able to drink the drink "If they activated the power, of course" that bug, I don't know why it is there, but it usually happens to me a lot on some of my maps. Other bugs could be that the textures sometimes do not load well on the map, that is, when you start the maps the zombies will appear white, that is, with white textures, this is solved by restarting the map from the main menu when you start the mod in waw, as if If you were to play again, well, like that. Other bugs that are quite annoying in my personal opinion are, for example, that when you want to start on the map you get some errors before starting and you have to press play until it stops. I usually don't know why it happens, some told me that it is due to the use of T4M so I don't know. but the map clarified that it starts sooner or later if or after about 3 or 4 attempts and if you are lucky on the first try. and last but not so important is that sometimes if you hit the drinks or camp from there the zombies will go first where you camped in the drink and dsp will come for you, "sometimes it usually happens not always" but I advise not to do it because the zombies will They will decide yes or yes since not everyone will have that behavior. Beyond that, the rest works well. Surely there are one or another bug but it does not affect the playability or the goal of the map, which is to reach the final. If you read this, I thank you! I also appreciate constructive criticism!
When you appear on the map, you will appear with the Colt but you will have the Kendall as your second weapon. I wanted to make it main but I don't know what happened and I couldn't. There is also a bug that when the map starts, it starts with rounds, I recommend restarting it until the timer goes down. That means that the map will now be as it should, I apologize for so many errors! I haven't made maps in a while.

UPDATE 17/12/2023 The map was optimized to avoid the gspawn error, it is still in beta so it is not 100% confirmed=16px.

Purchasable Final
Infinite Warfare Weapons , BO2 Weapons
2 Bosses
Soul Boxes
Ugx Mods
NOTE: I forgot how to put the download button! XD

5 months ago
Hi everybody how are you? I bring a new map this year based on the FNAF game. out of respect for the administrator this time I will not use shortening in my download links
The Map is something simple with Bo2 weapons, a purchasable ending and that's all. I had ideas like putting a key that when looking for it could open a door or do the gathering of souls, but I didn't want to repeat what my maps always bring, so it's something basic in itself but enjoyable.
At the moment that I have played, the only Bug that I found in my map is that sometimes if you take the Dead Shot Perk, for some strange reason sometimes it breaks the animation of the weapons and they become invisible when aiming. Another thing is that the Mule quick is not on my map because when I tried it they disappeared sometimes so I practically deactivated that perk. and at the moment I didn't find another bug beyond the one that when you get hit or thrown to the ground sometimes the arming tends to twist a bit but since that is fixed when aiming or changing weapons it's like I practically don't count it as a bug. If you know of any other bug, let me know.
The map was not tested in multiplayer so I warn you just in case. "If you can't revive your partner, let me know" I hope so. Confirm me later through the comments.
What does the map bring?
Affordable finish.
Bo2 Weapons,
ambient sound
Ugx music box "I put 2 musics that have copyright" so try not to use them when recording for youtube.
New models on the map.
Effects and things I learned to include.
The map does not have a boss and at the moment it needs T4M yes or yes but that is because I have to get the sounds of the old weapons that I got later.
There are no bosses because I just didn't want to ruin the environment.
There are no Esters Eggs Because I don't know much about scripts when it comes to creating one, beyond the ones I always use.
The Zombies models are from Fnaf but from 1, I would like to have those from 2 but I don't know how to root in Maya! If you have some and want to pass them on, talk to me privately and we'll put them in this custom! thanks for reading everything!
Finally if you can subscribe to my new YouTube channel.



Living Stone
Ugx  Mods


1 year ago
Well... after years of mapping, due to a discussion in the forum I came to the decision not to upload more maps here, even so I will continue doing more but the links will only be in youtube descriptions, at the moment due to not being busy I'll make maps but in a month maybe I'll keep doing them, crossfire will have updates too but they'll only be found in youtube videos. Without further ado, I did not want to publish anything else, I know that it is not the correct place where I have to leave the information, but hey... for those who like my maps, they have to be informed, I don't know if this publication is deleted from the forum or not... .. but hopefully this one. Finally, to those who followed me here, I appreciate it a lot, greetings! and we are seeing each other soon again.

Bueno.... despues de mapear años , por una  discucion en el foro llege a la desicion de no subir mas mapas aqui, aun asi seguire haciendo mas pero los links solo estaran en descripciones   de youtube, de momento por temas de estar ocupado no haree mapas pero en un mes tal  ves  siga haciendolos, crossfire tendra updates tambien pero eso solo los encontraran en videos de youtube. sin mas que decir no queria publicar mas nada, se que no es lugar corrrectto donde  tengo que dejar la info  pero bueno.. para los que le gusta mis mapas tienen que estar informados, nose si esta publicacion la borren del foro o no.... pero ojala este.  en fin a los que me siguieron aqui se los agradesco un monton, saludos! y nos estamos viendo pronto de nuevo.
En este canal estare trayendo los mapas:
Gracias por  todo!!


1 year ago
"Crossfire HALF LIFE 1 Remake"


Hola a todos, hoy  traigo  un mapa que  actualmente esta en beta,  lo subo ahora porque quiero
que lo prueben y aparte que con estudios de la universidad voy a demorar en traer
actualizaciones pero las habra porque es un mapa mio favorito que quise recrear y compartir.
Quiero avisar que el mapa contiene algunos Bugs  que ya explicare mas abajo cuales son.

Otra cosa es que actualmente mi cuenta de youtube no logea por lo que creare otro canal


Al principio para entrar hay q darle en single player hasta que funcione porque tirara error. Eso lo tratare de corregir.
Al tomar  Quick y caer al suelo, no tendrass ningun arma para defenderte si caes, lo correguire en la proxima actualizacion. (ARREGLADO)
los zombis aveces caminan bugeados un poco en algunas zonas del mapa, asi  que  use paredes invisibles para  que  los zombis caminen un poco mejor y para evitar que jugadores esten abusando de saltar en ventana a ventana.
Hay otras cosas mas pero entiendan que esto es beta y que prometo actualizaciones y mejoras cuando yo tenga tiempo.
El mapa requiere de momento T4M


Hello everyone, today I bring a map that is currently in beta, I'm uploading it now because I want
you to try it and apart from the fact that with university studies it will take time to bring updates
but there will be updates because it is a favorite map of mine that I wanted to recreate and
share .

At the beginning to enter you have to hit it in single player until it works because it will throw an error. I will try to correct that.
zombies sometimes walk a bit bugged in some areas of the map, so use invisible walls to make zombies walk a bit better and to prevent players from abusing window-to-window jumping.
There are other things but understand that this is beta and that I promise updates and improvements when I have time.
When you take Quick and fall to the ground, you will have no weapon to defend yourself if you fall, I will correct it in the next update.When you take Quick and fall to the ground, you will have no weapon to defend yourself if you fall, I will correct it in the next update. (FIXED)



De momento  solo subire la version normal y en estos dias la hardcore que seran zombis de verruckt. ( corredores mas rapidos  que el mapa este )
At the moment I will only upload the normal version and these days the hardcore that will be verruckt zombies. (runners faster than this map)



Coca 3 litros

1 year ago
Scaloneta Tower Argentina World Champion 2022
Español Latino Info:

Hola a todos!!! Traigo una torre rapidita y sensilla que se me ocurrio hacer inspirida a la Torre de Chetos de NGCaudle! creditos a el por la inspiracion que me dio. mi idea fue hacer una torre relacionada a mi pais de origen "Argentina" y como salimos campeones de Qatar 2022 se me ocurrio traerla, este mapa lo traigo con la intencion de lo que lo disfruten y no para crear una discusion o ofender a otros paises. desde mi humilde opinion pienso que todo los paises dieron lo mejor de si y que jugaron bien asi que no critico ningun pais y a nadie! aclaro esto porque bueno... siempre hay un picaron jejee!! en fin eso es todo. el mapa requiere T4M de momento, no tiene jefes tampocos , vere si le pongo o no, ya que nose si el mapa quedaria mejor con eso, y trae 2 modos. 1 normal y otro dificil para los mas exigentes!! sin mas que decir disfruten! y Felices Fiestas de parte mia a Todos Ustedes!!
English Info:
Hello everyone!!! I bring a quick and simple tower that it occurred to me to make inspired by NGCaudle's Chetos Tower! Credits to him for the inspiration he gave me. My idea was to make a tower related to my country of origin "Argentina" and since we came out champions of Qatar 2022 it occurred to me to bring it, I bring this map with the intention of enjoying it and not to create a discussion or offend other countries . In my humble opinion, I think that all the countries gave their best and played well, so I don't criticize any country or anyone! I clarify this because well... there is always a bitch hehee!! In the end, that's all there is. The map requires T4M at the moment, it doesn't have bosses either, I'll see if I put it or not, since I don't know if the map would be better with that, and it has 2 modes. 1 normal and another difficult for the most demanding!! without more to say enjoy! and Happy Holidays from me to all of you!!
Actualizaciones a Futuro:
En una actualizacion que creare cuando pueda, sacare el Efecto que hacen los Rises al salir del piso, que esa tierra, se que a algunos no le molesta pero ami gusto personal no me agrada asi que lo sacare para que sea agradable a la vista.
Tambien Ajustare para que los Zombies no se te pegen tanto al cuerpo, de momento solo disfruten asi como esta , hasta que me haga un tiempo y lo acomode.
Lo ultimo que tengo para decir es que fue un mapa rapidito asi que espero que lo disfruten, demore 4 dias nomas en hacerlo.

The downloads only have 2 shorteners, believe me I am not a millionaire for 2 shorteners but at least to get something for the lost time haha!! You understand me! =) Greetings.
Las descargas solo tienen 2 acortadores, creanme que no me hago millonario por 2 acortes pero por lo menos para obtener algo por el tiempo perdido jaja!! ustedes me entienden! =) saludos.

Mediafire Links:
Drive Links:


Double Post Merge: December 25, 2022, 06:19:18 am

Me olvide decir que si ven un bug o algo me avisen y intentare arreglarlo, si alguno lo gana el mapa que me avise :D
1 year ago
I wanted to leave here in the forum my first map that I made years ago, it was a map with which I learned to improve later, so don't expect a buyable ending or bosses because it doesn't bring that, it's just playing for fun and nothing more. it has some bugs but well it doesn't affect the gameplay so much, what if the map is for 1 person, you can't play in multiplayer since at that time I didn't know how to fix that. With nothing more to say I leave some photos and the link. I know that the link has shortened but it is a way to support me as a creator.
The mulekick doesn't work here.
It cannot be played cooperatively, only 1 player. since the revive button doesn't work, and if I don't remember I think that on my map they can't revive if they die, so buying quick revive won't work. Even so the map is big so I doubt they will die quickly.




1 year ago
Hello everyone, I have a quick map that I made, I wanted to bring it in December, but I am very busy and I doubt that I will be able to upload it on time, so just in case I wanted to bring it now.
This map is inspired by a map that I saw from Black Ops 3, credits to that creator who inspired me to create this map, things that I want to clarify is that my map does not have traps to activate, another thing is that the mini models of perks They cannot be used and they are decorative, but the Infinite Warfare Perks are functional! :D

On this map I had a lot of help from NGClaude!! So credits to him too for helping me bring this to you.
What does the map contain?
Bo2 Weapons
Ray Gun Mark 2
Zombies Nuketown
Purchasable End
(The map does not contain bosses)
Another thing to clarify is that I forgot my YouTube account so I can't upload videos! I hope you can understand!
The map does not require T4M.

Coca Cola 3 Litros
and if I miss someone they mention it to me.


Note: The map has 2 shorteners, I don't win anything by making the maps but it would be a huge help if they skip them, I hope you understand!
Normal Version:

Google Drive:
Hard Version:
Google Drive:

1 year ago
This Mod Requires T4M

First of all my greetings to you, I bring a bo3 map to waw, it is the pickle tower map, my friend Klaudeh gave me a hand with the base of the map, that is, the prefab to be able to continue and add the textures, weapons, etc. ... well I hope you enjoy the map. below I will leave a clarification of some bugs. As they know how to map it is not something easy and there is always one bug or another but hey... I hope you enjoy it.
what does my map bring?
Black Ops 3 Weapons
2 special weapons
And the rest look at you!! Enjoy!

Now some photos:

Bugs Info Readme!!:      
On the map I didn't put Respawn when falling into the void, since I forgot to do it and lately I don't have time to correct that, so if you try to do something weird or jump on a side that you shouldn't and get bugged, it's part of your responsibility, I don't missing in action.
There is a collision on the third or second floor of the tower that does not allow you to jump to the ladder, the others do. this is warned by the doubts, I think it is the least but hey, it is always good to report it.
There is a bug that usually appears rarely when it says something about "Japanese bones 128" so I sincerely tried to solve it but being Latino it still costs me a bit to learn 100% English since I only know basic English and I translate most of the tutorials.
And well, the last thing is that before you stream or record for YouTube, I recommend you first play for a while and try the map, and if everything is fine, upload it to YouTube, this is more than anything so that you don't feel embarrassed if the Some error pops up on the map, just calm down, I checked and I was able to play for a long time, but well, I'm reporting it because of an error that my previous minecraft tower had, something like this happened, but that was due to a spawn error more than anything. and well that's all below I will leave the downloads.

Informacion de Bugs Leer:
En el mapa no puse Respawn al caer al vacío, ya que se me olvidó hacerlo y últimamente no tengo tiempo de corregir eso, así que si intentas hacer algo raro o saltar en un lado que no deberías y te bugeas es parte y responsabilidad tuya!
Hay una colision en la tercera escalera o segunda , no me acuerdo, cuestion es que no te deja saltar en la escalera, es un detalle menor pero a tener en cuenta a la hora de querer escapar de los zombies, las demas partes de la torre funcionan exelente.
Hay un bug muy rarro que suele aparecer 1 vez al inciar , rarra ves.. que dice "japanese 128 bones" es probable que te saque del mapa pero no del juego asi que ojo con eso, como digo es rarra ves. ami desde que arme el mapa varias veces no me salio mas pero seguramente tarde o temprano aparecera, si aparece solo creen una nueva partida de nuevo y ya. en la siguiente no aparecera.
Y bueno lo ultimo que aveces a iniciar salen algunos errores de scripts pero sigan intentando y el mapa va a inciar y ya juegan normal.
Otra cosa que pido es que porfavor si hacen Stream o Graban para Youtube Siempre antes testeen el mapa mio primero y vean si es subible o no a youtube, esto mas que nada para que ustedes queden bien. igual me trate de asegurar de que al inciar no alla ningun error pero bueno . El juego es Traicionero aveces. y yo como no soy experto en progamacion bueno, todavia me cuesta apesar de años de mapear. y recuerden que mi mayoria de mapas siempre resibo ayuda de mis amigos "creep,shipu , klau, lion y etc" que tenemos ahi un grupo discord de modders en la cual nos ayudamos entre todo, tanto armas, texturas , ideas , etc.
En fin , lo ultimo a pedir es que recomienden mi canal de youtube, yo actualmente no puedo logear porque estoy esperando a mi numero de celular para recibir un codigo de confirmacion y recuperar mi cuenta de youtube, ya que pide dicho codigo pero bueno, apenas recupere mi cuenta espero contar con ese apoyo que pido que no cuesta nada... y nada eso. si leiste asta aca eres un crack! Gracias!!
you want to make a donation that is not mandatory, my paypal or email is "[email protected]
NOTA: Si quieren hacer una donacion que no es obligatorio mi paypal o correo es "[email protected]" Gracias!

Google Drive:
If you want to support me skip this shortening:
Based on the version of TescoValueRice credits also to him Black Ops 3
Cocacola 3 Litros

2 years ago
Very good everyone, I bring you a quick custom express that I made from Minecraft. I hope you like it as much as I do. I wanted to tell you that this little map brings several things so you will surely see those details on the map.
Without more to say I leave you a video and images... below the download of the map. my map does not require t4m, it is already something that I solved so good enjoy!

What does this mod include?:
Weapons BO2,MW2
Special Weapon Apoticon Servant
Purchasable End
Zombies Desert Minecraft Skin
Lava damage
Sound Ambiance
Zombie Counter
Perks BO1,BO2,BO3
Minecraft Textures
Panzer Soldat Boss
Half Life 2 ViewHands
Half Life 2 Player Model
The download link will be below, but first some images:


Does not require T4M
No requiere T4M

Mode Normal:
Coca 3 Litros

2 years ago
Backroom Edition Zero

Hello everyone, I hope you are very well. I've come to bring a map of the Backrooms. The map is known as level 0, I know that there is already one made in the forum by my friend Klaudeh but this version that I made is one that we made as a collaboration with other modders, what I am going for is that it is a map that will have a continuation .
Example: I made this map, later the continuation of another backroom will come but from another modder that is not me, I had to create this level and map first so it is a pleasure to bring it.
What does the map include?
Zombie Counter
Weapons from BO2, MW2, MW3 and 1 only from BO3 (I'm not going to give details of each weapon because it's better to go in and see them but there are many) I took the trouble to add details to the weapons so that they look nice and with a good reflection .
Bosses: Brutus, Engenier, Hazmat, Space Monkey and Panzer. "I also wanted to include the napalm fire zombie but for a strange reason it appeared in all the rounds and it was better to remove it since it was a potential kamikaze for each round which made the map difficult.
Keyed Door Easter Egg
Easter Egg Acid Cat
Easter Egg Souls Boxes
Easter Egg Secret Weapon!!
Purchasable End
Now I am going to mention some "BUGS" to warn you what can happen to you playing:
The zombie Panzer when throwing the hook there are high chances that if you get caught and a zombie hits you it is possible that your map will crash and return you to the menu. It is something that cannot be solved and I think that some custom maps have that problem with the Panzer. Even so, if they manage to shoot him in the arm, they will be saved from the situation since it works like Orgins'.
Zombies can sometimes take a long time if they throw a grenade at them and they move away a lot, that's something obvious because if they think about it they are ripping off their legs and they take longer.
The zombies can walk on the floors where the void is, that in itself is done like this since that was just to give the map more style like the original backrooms and to be similar so you are warned not to think badly haha.
The music of the Player Disc does not contain copyright, no sound on my map is copyrighted. I clarify so that if they upload videos to youtube they feel calm.
Well, I think that's all I can say. I thank the people who helped me but especially Shippuden who patiently supports me on the maps and helps me bring new content, since the panzer you see on the map is a contribution from Shippu... in my opinion I remain excellent but well I hope you like it.



"if I miss someone let me know"
Download Link of My Map:
If you want to support me go to the shortener link and skip them, believe me it helps a lot! Thank you very much!

2 years ago
Hello, I greet you all, today I bring a little map to enjoy, it is one of the towers that we made in cod waw with creep that we now somehow transfer to black ops, I hope you enjoy it.

Before you guys play this map I want to make it clear that there are a few bugs that I still have to fix.
1 is a visual bug on the blue floor, which is a line and it's like that part is missing, I have to fix that one soon. the second bug I mean number 2 is that sometimes if the panzer throws his hook at you and catches you, if there are many zombies around you it is possible that the map will crash you, I was thinking of getting the hook attack out of it and that it will only turn you on fire to avoid that bug. After that I also have a bug with the lights since the lighting they have is not the one shown by the "mod tools" tool, that is already a black ops error since it has a terrible lighting so please understand that. Anyway the map is cool I hope you enjoy it and well now I made a youtube channel I hope you follow me and subscribe on twich too. Greetings.
The map does not bring custom weapons like those of bo2 or bo3 because for now I do not want to exaggerate it so much and just use the ones that black ops 1 already brings
What does the map bring?
Bosses: Panzer, Marwa, Brutus , Gladiator.
Special Weapon KT-4 Black Ops 3
Perks BO1,BO2 And Shaders
SoulBox Door Pack a Punch
Some images:



Video Gameplay Test + Tutorial:

Without more to say, I leave you my map below to try it and if possible I invite you to subscribe or follow me on youtube and twich thanks.

My Youtube Channel :
My Twich Channel:
Link Mediafire:
(link was broken)
Better Illuminated Map Version
Link Mediafire:

2 years ago
Hello!! Today I bring a lot of crazy camos that I made, some I just took the texture to other customs and I made a transformation or my own inventions, but I made all the movable camos myself. I find it quite easy! so I hope you enjoy it, if anyone wants a custom one let me know, if they have cool textures they pass them to me and I do them with movement. Without more to say, I leave images and if you do not know how to install them, I advise you to see a tutorial for that. in the Thunder Frost channel you can find how to put them in your waw but it is as simple as entering raw and looking for the xmodel of your weapon, and obviously it has to end in "up" for example "viewmodel_zombie_ppsh_smg_up" enter there and change the " mtl_silver_echating" with the name of the camo they are going to use example "camo1".
Now we take them! This post notice that it is going to be updated so if you see an exaggerated amount of camos don't be scared.

Camo 1:


Camo 4:

Camo 5:

Camo 6:

Camo 7:

Camo 8:

Camo 9:

Camo 10:

Camo 11:

Camo 12:

Camo 13:

Camo 14:

Camo 15:

Camo 16:

Camo 17:

Camo 18:

Camo 19:

Camo 20:

Camo 21:

Camo 22:

Camo 23:

Camo 24:

Camo 25:

Camo 26:

Camo 27:

Camo 28:

Camo 29:

Camo 30:

Camo 31:


2 years ago
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