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Messages - i3ick

Doesnt ring any bells, lol
Is that supposed to be a scene from The Matrix? cause it looks very similar!

You got it! :)

Almost done with the last area. Online Testing will begin tomorrow probably.

8 years ago
Hey, I'm trying to make a place where the zombies should swarm the players no matter how far in the round you are. The zombies seem to spawn in too slowy and you don't get the feeing of being overrun.
How would I go about solving this? Can you adjust the spawnrate somehow?
8 years ago
Who remembers this place? ;)
btw I also have a twitter if anyone's interested -> /i3ick

8 years ago
Sry for no updates, really busy with university.

I finally connected the lab to the rest of the map. Got most of the nodes working (it's a PITA, always some problems).


Can I add a new zone which isn't adjacent to the previous one? I want the zombies to spawn in the new zone, and the one adjacent to it, but not the one from which the player came from. (adding 'true' to add_adjacent_zone will only make zombies spawn in the current area. I don't want that)

  • add box locations
  • add PAP elevator
  • fix remaining nodes
  • add details to the lab

8 years ago
I have correctly setup the nodes above ground and traversibles but only one mantle spot works.
I don't have a navmesh and I don't know how to set one up correctly. I haven't found a tutorial on it.

Thank you

Double Post Merge: December 14, 2016, 08:53:01 am

I have covered the whole map in nav_volume yet it say nodes can't be dropped. (doublepost cuz it won't let me edit)

Double Post Merge: December 14, 2016, 08:54:06 am
8 years ago
Get that generator running ASAP!

8 years ago
Hi, I'd like to turn on the power without using triggers, from my script. How would I go about doing that?
I tried somehow incorporating _zm_power.gsc but didn't quite figure out how to get it to work.
It's probably simple and I'm just not seeing it. Thanks!
8 years ago
Assuming you are being serious about this,

What is is doing is making a loop where it keeps spamming a print constantly as long as the PowerActivated variable is not truewhich is most likely crashing your game as soon as it loads into the map.

Oh yeah, obviously. Idk how I let that slip. Anyway adding a delay stopped the crashing.
Thanks mate!
8 years ago
This is crazy. I can't debug a black screen. How does one turn on the debugging console?

So I add this piece of code (which is initialized in the main function: level thread triggercheck()) and I get a black screen. Wtf is going on?

Code Snippet
function triggercheck(){
PowerActivated = false;
padswitch = false;


AllClientsPrint("^6Stopping loop sound");



8 years ago
Concept: Players enter a trigger and the crafting bar appears. When it fills up after 10s the rest of the code is executed.

Can someone help me figure out how to implement this and also describe how to properly setup a trigger_multiple because it never seems to work for me.

Here are the bar functions I pulled from _zm_craftable and am trying to get to show up

#insert scripts\zm\craftables\_zm_craftables.gsh;
#using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared;

Code Snippet

function triggercheck(){
players = GetPlayers();
triggerEntity = GetEntArray("jumpwait", "targetname");
all_players_in = false;
    players_in = 0;
    for(i = 0;i<players.size;i++)
          if(players[i] isTouching(triggerEntity))
                          self.craft_time = self.useTime;
self.craft_start_time = getTime();
craft_time = self.craft_time;
craft_start_time = self.craft_start_time;
                players[i] thread player_progress_bar( craft_start_time, craft_time );
    if(players_in == players.size)
          all_players_in = true;

function player_progress_bar( start_time, craft_time )
self.useBar = self hud::createPrimaryProgressBar();
self.useBarText = self hud::createPrimaryProgressBarText();
self.useBarText setText( &"ZOMBIE_BUILDING" );

if ( isdefined( self ) && isdefined( start_time ) && isdefined( craft_time ) )
self player_progress_bar_update( start_time, craft_time );

self.useBarText hud::destroyElem();
self.useBar hud::destroyElem();

function player_progress_bar_update( start_time, craft_time )
self endon( "entering_last_stand" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "craftable_progress_end" );

while ( isdefined( self ) && getTime() - start_time < craft_time )
progress = ( getTime() - start_time ) / craft_time;

if ( progress < 0 )
progress = 0;

if ( progress > 1 )
progress = 1;

self.useBar hud::updateBar( progress );


Double Post Merge: November 04, 2016, 09:23:42 am
Allright I figured it out :)

Code Snippet
function triggercheck(){
activated = false;

    triggerEntity = GetEnt("jumpwait", "targetname");
    triggerEntity waittill("trigger", player);
    players = GetPlayers();

    for(i = 0;i<players.size;i++)
          if(players[i] IsTouching(triggerEntity))
              //execute code
                activated = true;

8 years ago
Can someone please help me?
I had this working on another map but now it just won't. I'm trying to get the zombies to jump over the thing. I've looked at the way it's done in Giant and it seems the same. The zombies just run around ignoring the jump nodes.

8 years ago
Greenhouse. Busy week, haven't done much.

8 years ago
Does anyone know how to fix this error or what's it even about?

"sun FAILED needs more than 128 MB"

Thank you
8 years ago
(seems I can't edit my last post to add images)

8 years ago
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