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Forum Rank
Legless Crawler
Primary Group

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Date Registered
October 07, 2016, 12:06:36 pm
19 (0.006 per day)
Last Active
January 24, 2017, 07:49:00 pm

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February 08, 2025, 07:38:00 pm
Doesnt ring any bells, lol
Is that supposed to be a scene from The Matrix? cause it looks very similar!
8 years ago
Hey, I'm trying to make a place where the zombies should swarm the players no matter how far in the round you are. The zombies seem to spawn in too slowy and you don't get the feeing of being overrun.
How would I go about solving this? Can you adjust the spawnrate somehow?
8 years ago
Who remembers this place? ;)
btw I also have a twitter if anyone's interested -> /i3ick

8 years ago
Sry for no updates, really busy with university.

I finally connected the lab to the rest of the map. Got most of the nodes working (it's a PITA, always some problems).


Can I add a new zone which isn't adjacent to the previous one? I want the zombi...
8 years ago
I have correctly setup the nodes above ground and traversibles but only one mantle spot works.
I don't have a navmesh and I don't know how to set one up correctly. I haven't found a tutorial on it.

Thank you

Double Post Merge: [time]14817...
8 years ago
Get that generator running ASAP!

8 years ago
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