Hello Everyone! This is my second map. I Thought i would do a Kino Remake But with a twist that its a 1930 version with new locations and an outside playable area! And Old hospital Building next to the ally You can Play in! (Maybe)
I was planning to do the same with my Kino for UGX 1.1, lol. I guess I will think of something else. GJ and keep going man
It's a lot better, but the zombies still get kinda derpy after you teleport. Beats dying instantly though http://youtu.be/xpWY-2ZcFh0
This window on the stage still can't be manually boarded up...not a huge deal I suppose. (Image removed from quote.)
Thanks Tom and everybody else. I've just fixed this window and few more things. The derpy thing always happens when using a kino style teleporter, I can't do anything about it, lol.
I'm currently uploading the map. Will post the link as soon as it finishes.
Update notes: -Zombies no longer come at players after teleporting. -You can open any door you like, upstairs or downstairs, the map is circular now. -The map has traps now. -Widened some areas and made better paths. -Detailed some areas in the map especially the theater area. -Better lighting and texture tiles.
these two lines were commented out. I simply removed "//" and now it works in the game. Also, instead of using a script_struct (which is linked to the trap trigger) in radiant, I used script_origin.
do the script you're using sets the angle something like this?
Code Snippet
zapperfx_origin.angles = (-90,0,0);
i dont remember if it was correct like that but you need that -90 for it to be vertical(cause in my case it was underground lol) also theres one zapper fx which doesnt play, but i dont remember well. if you need more help ill look into my files
Please do. This might help with the FX being off few grids in the game. Thanks