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Topics - trebeltom1

on compile i get this:

FAILED TO EXECUTE: cod2rad -platform pc  -fast -modelshadow  "C:\Users\Dale\Desktop\nazi zombies\raw\maps\contestmap"

any ideas?
11 years ago
i just can't get my custom sounds to work....
I have converted them succesfully, they appear in: C:\Users\Dale\Desktop\nazi zombies\raw\sound
(my root is C:\Users\Dale\Desktop\nazi zombies).
I add a sound alias which is for a cave sound and looks like this:

Code Snippet
 name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max,dist_reverb_max,limit_count,limit_type,entity_limit_count,entity_limit_type,bus,priority,spatialized,type,probability,loop,masterslave,loadspec,reverb_falloff_curve,subtitle,compression,randomize_type,secondaryaliasname,chainaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,probability,startdelay,speakermap,reverb,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage,occlusion_level,move_type,move_time,real_delay,distance_lpf,min_priority,max_priority,min_priority_threshold,max_priority_threshold,doppler
# Ambient SFX - Static,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
# WIND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

it is called dalesdig.csv and is in: C:\Users\Dale\Desktop\nazi zombies\raw\soundaliases

I added these lines to my dalesdig.csv in: C:\Users\Dale\Desktop\nazi zombies\zone_source :

Code Snippet

I compiled my map, ran it, and the sound is not emitting from a script struct with the kvps:

script_wait_max 20
script_wait_min 10
script_sound cave
targetname cave
script_label random

please can you help!!??
11 years ago
does anyone know where to find a team for league play, or at least a couple of people???

I hate people quitting on me...
11 years ago
Hey I have an idea for revamping the weapons system, using the framework of ugx mod. I want to be able to assign each gun a tier from one to ten, including pap versions. Then you put both your guns into a machine, and the machine gives you a gun equal to the total of your previous two guns + a cost which changes depending on the two guns. Could you help me with the scripting, or give me an idea of where to start?


11 years ago
It's in multiplayer, I'm just asking if it is possible/ difficult to do in zombies...
11 years ago
hi guys.

1. when I compile I get an error :
ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'techsets/l_sm_r0c0d0n0_b1c1n1s1_b2c2n2s2.techset'
Cannot create technique set. The offending 3-layer combination is:

any ideas? it only happens sometimes when I blend textures..

2. can you make dynamic water flow in a certain direction (like a river)?
11 years ago
when I press y, or select advanced edit dialog from the patch menu, my radiant just goes faded out (like it is deselected) and the dialog box does not appear. any ideas?
11 years ago
Where should I go to learn about cinematics, and applying them to my map?
11 years ago
is it possible to achieve lights like this in waw?

11 years ago
hey guys, has anyone here used unity much, and is it worth getting in to. I do love the cod tools, but they are very limited, and the unity engine seems like a good place to start to learn. how does it compare to other engines, I have seen forums on this, but they are all quite biased
11 years ago
hi I'm having trouble reproducing this
I just used asset manager, and then edited the:

however in game I get this:
11 years ago
Hi I am looking for a mapper who is interested on working on a large map, by making some of the buildings, and also designing a monorail (the actual rail car)

any help is welcome, as long as you are at least as experienced as me.... (i.e. not very at all)

post or pm, sorry this isn't a work in progress thread...
11 years ago
This map features UGX Mod v1.0! For a full list of features, click here.

My second map, Compound
thanks to so many people:
SAJEONE, who was on hand whenever I needed him for scripting advice/help/help with lift
ugx team,
everyone else who helped reply to all my questions
goony for the buildables...

Custom Zombies - Compound: We Need to Find the Key to the Work Bench (Part 3)

please comment any issues you find here...
also I forgot to update the menu, will sort ASAP

EDIT: (11/04/13)
fixed elevator issue ( not moving at end of round )
11 years ago
here is my easy fx script, the thread trigger_progress_fx, is meant to trigger an effect when a level notify occurs with the same name as the script_struct's script_string. I'm not sure this is right though, and I wasn't sure how to show a script_string of progress(with a number after it)...

some guidance is needed, thanks

Code Snippet
fx_setup() //This is where the FX are precached. Any FX you want to use must be added to your mapname_patch.csv as well as listed below. 

//Usage: level._effect["alias"] = loadFX("path/to/fx/name");
//Where 'alias' is your personal name for the fx that you will use later in the code, and 'path/to/fx/name' is the file location + name of the fx you want to assign to the variable. See below for examples:
//When entering the fx path, be sure to only include folder names that are within /raw/fx, and make sure to leave off the file extension (.efx).
//If you want to preview any of these FX, open Launcher, click the EffectsEd button, then File>Open the file you wish to preview. Then press the green play button.

level._effect["fire1"] = loadFX("env/fire/fx_fire_brush_smolder_sm");
level._effect["fire2"] = loadFX("env/fire/fx_fire_detail_fade_14");
level._effect["fire3"] = loadFX("env/fire/fx_fire_blown_md_blk_smk_distant_w");
level._effect["fire4"] = loadFX("env/fire/fx_fire_oil_md");
level._effect["fire5"] = loadFX("env/fire/fx_fire_campfire_small");
level._effect["fire6"] = loadFX("env/fire/fx_fire_player_torso");
//End Fire\\

level._effect["smoke1"] = loadFX("env/smoke/fx_smoke_smolder_sm_blk");
level._effect["smoke2"] = loadFX("env/smoke/fx_smoke_smolder_md_gry");
level._effect["smoke3"] = loadFX("env/smoke/fx_smoke_smolder_lg_gry");
level._effect["smoke4"] = loadFX("env/smoke/fx_smoke_wood_chimney_med");
//End Smoke/Smolder\\
level._effect["bogsmoke"] = loadFX("smoke/tunnel_smoke_bog_a");

level._effect["explosion1"] = loadFX("explosions/fx_default_explosion"); //non stationary
level._effect["explosion2"] = loadFX("explosions/tank_impact_dirt"); //non stationary
//End Explosions\\

//Light Rays\\
level._effect["light1"] = loadFX("env/light/fx_glow_hanginglamp");
level._effect["light2"] = loadFX("env/light/fx_glow_emergency_red_blink");
//End Light Rays\\

level._effect["electric1"] = loadFX("env/electrical/fx_elec_player_md"); // 1.4 only!
level._effect["electric2"] = loadFX("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_wire_spark"); // 1.4 only!
//End Electrical\\

//Place your fx lines below this line, or below other fx in their respective sections.
level._effect["bugs1"] = loadFX("bio/insects/fx_insect_carcass_flies");
level._effect["meteor1"] = loadFX("maps/zombie/fx_meteor_ambient");
level._effect["lazer"] = loadFX("maps/zombie/fx_zombie_lght_marker");
level._effect["battle1"] = loadFX("env/smoke/fx_battlefield_smokebank_low_thick");
level._effect["beach1"] = loadFX("env/smoke/fx_battlefield_beach_smokebank_ling_lg");
level._effect["billow1"] = loadFX("maps/ber3b/fx_smk_plume_xlg_slow_blk_3b");
//End User-Additions\\


level.fx_debug = 1; // '1' = ON, 'undefined' = OFF

//Do not edit or add anything below this line.

fx_spots = getstructarray("fx","targetname");

if(fx_spots.size == 0 || !isDefined(fx_spots))
iPrintLn("Easy-FX: ^1ERROR: ^7No FX structs were found! Ensure that you used SCRIPT_STRUCTS and you gave them the correct TARGETNAME.");
iPrintLn("Easy-FX found "+fx_spots.size+" fx structs in your level.");

usage = fx_spots[i].script_string;
if(usage == "stationary")
fx_spots[i] thread stationary_fx();
if(usage == "stationary_loop")
fx_spots[i] thread stationary_fx(true);
else if(usage == "touch")
fx_spots[i] thread triggered_touch_fx();
else if(usage == "use")
fx_spots[i] thread triggered_use_fx();
else if(usage == "use_loop")
fx_spots[i] thread triggered_use_fx(true);
else if(usage == "touch_loop")
fx_spots[i] thread triggered_touch_fx(true);
else if(usage == "damage")
fx_spots[i] thread triggered_damage_fx(true);
else if(usage == "progress[i]")
fx_spots[i] thread triggered_progress_fx(true);
else if(!isDefined(fx_spots[i].script_string))
if(isDefined(level.fx_debug)) iPrintLn("Easy-FX: ^1ERROR: ^7FX struct at origin "+fx_spots[i].origin+" is missing its stript_string for fx usage! Set it as stationary, use, or touch.");

stationary_fx(loop) //These are untriggered FX that will play on loop while the level is running.

fx = self.script_noteworthy;
if(!isDefined(fx) && isDefined(level.fx_debug)) iPrintLn("Easy-FX: ^1ERROR: ^7 FX struct at origin "+self.origin+" is missing its script_noteworthy for fx name!");

    fxTag = "tag_origin";
    self.fx = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
    self.fx SetModel( "tag_origin" );
    self.fx.angles = self.angles;
    self.fx.origin = self.origin;
    self.fx LinkTo( self, fxTag );

self.speed = 1;
if(isDefined(level.fx_debug))iPrintLn("Easy-FX: ^1ERROR: ^7No speed was specified on the struct at origin "+self.origin+". It has defaulted to 1 second.");
PlayLoopedFX(level._effect[fx], self.speed, self.origin);
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[fx], self.fx, fxTag );

triggered_touch_fx(loop) //These are triggered FX. They are triggered when the player walks though a trigger_multiple that you create in Radiant.
trigger = getEnt(,"targetname");
trigger setHintString(trigger.script_string);
trigger SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
fx = self.script_noteworthy;
trigger waittill("trigger");

fxTag = "tag_origin";
    self.fx = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
    self.fx SetModel( "tag_origin" );
    self.fx.angles = self.angles;
    self.fx.origin = self.origin;
    self.fx LinkTo( self, fxTag );

self.speed = 1;
if(isDefined(level.fx_debug))iPrintLn("Easy-FX: ^1ERROR: ^7No speed was specified on the struct at origin "+self.origin+". It has defaulted to 1 second.");
PlayLoopedFX(level._effect[fx], self.speed, self.origin);
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[fx], self.fx, fxTag );

triggered_use_fx(loop) //These are triggered FX. They are triggered when the player uses a trigger (by pressing F) that you create in Radiant.
trigger = getEnt(,"targetname");
trigger setHintString(trigger.script_string);
trigger SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
fx = self.script_noteworthy;
trigger waittill("trigger");

fxTag = "tag_origin";
    self.fx = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
    self.fx SetModel( "tag_origin" );
    self.fx.angles = self.angles;
    self.fx.origin = self.origin;
    self.fx LinkTo( self, fxTag );

self.speed = 0.5;
if(isDefined(level.fx_debug))iPrintLn("Easy-FX: ^1ERROR: ^7No speed was specified on the struct at origin "+self.origin+". It has defaulted to 0.5 seconds");
PlayLoopedFX(level._effect[fx], self.speed, self.origin);
PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[fx], self.fx, fxTag );
trigger = getEnt(,"targetname");
fx = self.script_noteworthy;
trigger waittill("trigger");

fxTag = "tag_origin";
    self.fx = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
    self.fx SetModel( "tag_origin" );
    self.fx.angles = self.angles;
    self.fx.origin = self.origin;
    self.fx LinkTo( self, fxTag );

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[fx], self.fx, fxTag );
triggered_progress_fx (true)
self waittill("self.script_string");
fx = self.script_noteworthy;

fxTag = "tag_origin";
    self.fx = Spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
    self.fx SetModel( "tag_origin" );
    self.fx.angles = self.angles;
    self.fx.origin = self.origin;
    self.fx LinkTo( self, fxTag );

PlayFxOnTag( level._effect[fx], self.fx, fxTag );
11 years ago
Compound trailer1

this is compound, with ugx-mod, black ops perks a full mission with objectives, buildables, unlockables, and it's taking me a long time to script....

my second map, I hope you will enjoy
11 years ago
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