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Topics - VipxRagex

I have received the error above when running my map for the first time. Here is a screenshot of the error:

Here is the developer console for the error:

I had this error before where there was a simple fix of ticking it in the mod builder thing. I checked that and it's not there. Can anyone help me fix this error?
9 years ago
I have integrated the UGX mod to my map but nothing happens when I click 'singleplayer'.

Can people help me fix this? I am new to mapping so try to make it simple! :)
10 years ago

I have encountered three problems upon installing the UGX mod to a new map.

The first problem is that the text has become unreadable in the main menu.

The second problem is that I used the UGX script placer to create my map and I checked the Create Main Menu Launch Button box. I also inserted the UGX loadscreen and alike and only the default screen showed up as implied in the above image.

Still, I tried to load the map with 'devmap  nazi_zombie_cavern' in the console and my third problem arose. This problem is a crash. Here is what it looked like:

Could anyone help me fix this? I followed treminator's tutorial on UGX instalation on youtube if that helps.

This is most likely a problem with the UGX installation but there may have been a compile issue or similar.
10 years ago
I have a few problems upon testing my map. I am posting this here because I have integrated the UGX mod with my map.

Problem 1:
The first door in my map can be bought, but it a) Has no clip at any point b) Does not disappear when bought. [Solved]

Here are the KVPs for the required aspects of the map to make the door function:

script_vector 100 0 0
Spawnflags 1
targetname door1
classname misc_model
model anim_berlin_asylum_dbl_doors

target door1
zombie_cost 2000
script_noteworthy magic_door
targetname zombie_door
classname trigger_use

Problem 2:
When the map loads, there is no starting weapon. (Should be a UGX weapon due to the UGX mod being present) [Solved]

Problem 3:
A large lag spike occurs when the first round starts and when a grenade is thrown mid-round. [Solved]

Problem 4  [Solved]:
Zombies appear from a riser pit but the main barrier spawner does not spawn zombies.
The main barrier spawn is also a riser pit behind a wall.
Here are the KVPs for the zone and spawner:

targetname start_zone
target start_zone_spawners
classname info_volume

targetname start_zone_spawners_rise
script_noteworthy find_flesh
classname script_struct

The barrier riser pit is a complete copy of the in-map riser pit.

Problem 5  [Solved]:
As the risers from the in-map pit spawn, the legs of the whole zombie can bee seen through the floor and the dust as the zombie is pulling itself through the floor.

That is all the problems I have for the moment. If you feel that you can help me out or need any more in formation regarding the problems listed above, feel free to leave a comment down below.

I apologize for that post to be a bit lengthy.
10 years ago
Could someone help me with this problem that I am having upon launch of my map.

I have compiled the map and the patch and as I try to load it up using 'map nazi_zombie_[mapname]' I get an error. This error includes the following words:

Server script compile error
Could not find script 'maps/ugx_modder_help'

I tried looking for this file in root folder/mods/nazi_zombie_insanitorium/maps and it was there. Why is it not recognized? Could anyone enlighten the situation and give me a solution please?

Here is an image of the error message:

10 years ago
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