
more to add
if you use this or my method in anyway please give proper credit
it took me awhile to get the .menu file to communicate with GSC this way
and track what button your mouse is on in gsc & more
decided to make a public release of this with every gobblegum in it
I'm just doing the factory and the gobblegum selection as close to Black Ops 3 so I can get it
I did not do the in-game machine
there's only one variable for each gum you have to pick up to know if the person has it
so adding it to your machine will be no problem
it's can be used across multiple Maps
if the same setup is used unchanged in multiple Maps you will have the same Goblin gum and same liquid divinium
so if you play one map with this setup and go to another you'll have the same thing you had on last no matter what map you play with this setup
things still to add
Everything Has No Limit I'm going to set a 250 cap on everything
pause menu screen display to show what five gum you picked will also have a set up for Easter egg stuff to be displayed as well if you like
the ingame gum meter
touch up some s to make it easier to add this to your machine
all install info in download folder
will add more set notes in soon