Looking to step away from the OG crew? Look no further than grabbing yourself a Hazmat Suit straight from Call of Duty: Ghosts, protect yourself from the harmful toxins zombies produce and be at the forefront of zombie killing madness.
Included is 4 variants of different colors, Black, Red, Blue, and Yellow. Other variants can be made easily as demonstrated below.
Download Download link including all assets and GDT file:
Zeroy & NoobforLunch - Character Customization Tutorial
Sp33dy - T7 -> T7 rig
Installation There are 2 ways to install the Hazmats, via overriding the character customization table (which can cause crashing currently outside our control but gives more control over your character settings, etc) or via overriding the xmodels directly which gets the job done if you just want 4 characters and won't result in a crash. Both will be demonstrated.
Before we get started, as all character packs override some assets, it's recommended to double check for duplicates, specifically ensuring "zm_character_customization" and models with the same names as the base characters do not exist in your GDTs. Help will not be provided for duplicated asset errors.
Character Customization Override Method
Drag and drop all folders included into your Black Ops III's root directory.
Go to Black Ops III\zone_source\all\assetlist and back up "core_common" and open it for editing.
Find the asset "zm_character_customization" and remove the line or comment it (add // to start of line).
Open your map's zone file (Right click in Launcher on your map to open it) and add the following line: customizationtable,zm_character_customization
Compile and link your map, you should now have 4 Hazmat Variants in your map.
Character Customization Override Method
Drag and drop all folders included into your Black Ops III's root directory.
Go to Black Ops III\zone_source\all\assetlist and back up "core_common" and open it for editing.
Remove or comment (// in front of each) the assets listed below.
Open your map's zone file (Right click in Launcher on your map to open it) and add the lines below.
Compile and link your map, you should now have 4 Hazmat Variants in your map.
Asset Names to remove from core_common.csv and add to your zone file:
Spoiler: click to open...
Crediting You MUST credit the people/companies listed above if you use these characters in your projects.
Reporting Bugs If you run into bugs, post them HERE, as to ensure I'll actually see it, rather than making narky comments on some discord server.
MrJessah's Contact & Social Linksjessahgaming[Jessah]
Hi there,
It doesn't work for me. When I download 'all assets and GDT file' and then open it in sublime I get the whole file in Hexadecimal. So I think it doesn't work because of that. Does anybody know why? I would love to have those characters in my custom map. I am pretty new to mapping so there is still a lot to learn. Thanks in advance.
It doesn't work for me. When I download 'all assets and GDT file' and then open it in sublime I get the whole file in Hexadecimal. So I think it doesn't work because of that. Does anybody know why? I would love to have those characters in my custom map. I am pretty new to mapping so there is still a lot to learn. Thanks in advance.
Opening any of the files included in Sublime was never once mentioned in the instructions. You don't need to open any of the files included, you need to follow the instructions.