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Replacing Announcer Quotes and Perk Jingles

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Created 7 years ago
by jiggy22
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So I've lately been facing quite a few issues with sounds for my Der Riese mod. Aside from my Death Machine sounds not working (funnily enough, although the firing and wind up/down sounds don't work at all, the raise sound works just fine), I've also been having trouble trying to replace the announcer quotes and perk jingles. I've done everything I can think of, including:
- Renaming the sound files.
- Renaming the sound folder.
- Copying/Pasting the soundaliases into other .csv files that I know work.
- Editing the _zombiemode_powerups.gsc file to reference the new sounds.
- Change the directories that the sounds are in (ex. raw/sound/announcer, raw/sound/sfx/announcer, etc)
- Using Tom's BO sound tool to convert the sounds back and forth.
- Edit the dlc2_shared.csv to reference the new sounds.

And yet, nothing works. I've been looking through both UGX and ZombieModding to see if anybody else had this question solved. Lots of people were having the same problem, but most of them had no replies. So does anybody have any diea of what I'm doing wrong? I know I've got the sounds in the correct pcm.wav format, the sound folders are in my mod directory as well as my raw directory, and the soundaliases are set up correctly to my knowledge. Thanks to anybody who can help me :)

EDIT: So it turns out that I had the announcer quotes were installed correctly, the pitch was just bumped up to 1.2% in the csv file. So those have been fixed. Still having issues with the Death Machine sounds though.
Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 01:06:43 am by jiggy22

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