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Editing Hellhound and Flamethrower Sounds

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Created 7 years ago
by jiggy22
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I'm facing two different issues that pertain to sounds, so I figured that I'd just make one topic to keep from cluttering the forum.

1). So the first problem I'm having is relating to editing the sounds that the Hellhounds make. I'm looking to replace the stock Hellhound sounds with the ones from BO3, but an important part of that involves editing the soundalias that these sounds are referenced in. However, I've searched through every single soundalias in my raw/soundalias folder, and I have not found any references to the Hellhound sounds at all, aside from the spawn/round beginning sounds. How would I go about doing this instead? I've searched through other folders, such as the clientscripts and zone source folders, but I didn't find any other leads on this.

2). The second problem I'm having is changing the flamethrower sounds. I'm trying to replace the regular Flamethrower sounds with my own new sounds, but in-game, the weapon still uses the original sounds. Now usually, if I forgot to include the soundalias in the csv file, or if I were using unformatted sounds, the weapon would just play no sounds at all. So why is it still using the original sounds? I've even tried replacing the original sounds in the sound folder with my new sounds, but that doesn't fix anything. So what's up? Are the sounds for the flamethrower set up a different way than the regular weapons? Using the UGX weapon editor, I know that the sounds are supposed to be changed by editing the "flameonloopsound" and whatever, but for some reason, it just doesn't work.

So yeah, thank you to whoever can help me with this!  :)

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