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Messages - Xperience

Great review 'pap! Captures the essence of the map nicely.

To everyone else, keep in mind this is 1 man's look on the map. Not everyone has the same opinions, therefore comparing two reviews made by various mappers isn't valid, imo. :D

100% agreed. It's cool to disagree  ;)
8 years ago
Absolutely loved this map, nice review Jiffy
8 years ago
This is gorgeous  :P So excited!
8 years ago
Love seeing so many unique ideas continue to emerge in the community. Can't wait for this release :) Well done, keep it up!
8 years ago
I'm a man with a lot of free time on my hands, here's some ideas
Deadshot: Shooter arcade type of mini game, (just like the buried easter egg) but you need to get a certain percentage of headshots to get the prize, but you have a certain amount of time before the targets go back down.

Stamina-Up: Mini game that tests your speed. Somewhat like Samantha says but there's a screen that plays a sequence of random numbers, and you have to input the numbers on screens to keyboards that have numbers labeled on them.

Electric Cherry: There's a broken bumper cart station where the carts are scattered around broken and what not except for one. You have to go around finding little batteries or little energy filled bottles (anything idk) to re-power that cart. (Tbh idk where I was going with this but I was thinking of the carts that are connected to a wired ceiling)

This can be like one of those strength tests but you're missing the mallet, you would have to go find the mallet somewhere in the map and hit the machine.

Quick Revive: Idk what attraction this could be but. (Co-op) To activate the machine you would need to push a button, and right away have a player go down next to the machine and revived. (Solo) This can just be more of a zombie soul deal.

Mule Kick: This can be at a sight seeing tent. To "see your future" you would have to find a backpack somewhere around the map and give it to the teller, after you give them the backpack you would have to sacrifice a gun of the players choice. (I thought backpack because where else would you keep that 3rd gun lol)

Speed Cola: (Tbh I have no idea for this) This can be more of a timed thing, for example if you hear a hawk screeching that indicates when you can start the mini game (but just to make it easier the cry or whatever noise there is would be louder closer to that attraction and would sound weaker the farther you are from it). In this you would have to hit a button around when the hawk cries, after that you would have to quickly hit signs in a particular order as fast as you can or else you lose and you have to wait for the next hawk cry.

Doubletap: At any booth there's a hidden rag doll or any model that you would have to shoot a certain amount of bullets at. (For example a whole b23r clip to their body).

Tombstone: Again zombie souls at a head grave hidden at an attraction.

Again they're just ideas and would be cool to see these actually work.
And all these challenges after completed would shine a perk bottle at the attraction according to however many players there are. (OR to be simple they would just power the machines).

Now that's a lot of free time... I've honestly only read a few of these ideas and absolutely love them. Definitely would like to see some of these implemented into the map, but that's Nate's call :P :D I also like the idea for Mule Kick of one of those electric bull rides (not sure how that would work) but this list is a fantastic start!
8 years ago
my answer is Yes ! In the first two weeks/months and No! After it . Why? No weapon porting in Bo3 so ppl will get bored and come to play oil rig :troll:.

Aww yeah :accepted: World at War will never die!
8 years ago
I'm not sure how I feel on the topic. I don't have Black Ops 3 and rather much play WaW. My question is... will BO3 map/mod tools kill the WaW custom zombies community? Not sure if anyone else feels the same way or not.
8 years ago
I'm assuming the "save feature" would take you back to the last objective (in an easteregg) you completed or the beginning of that round. This is an interesting idea, and I'd love to see it. But would the game save to the player profile, the computer, the steam account? That, and if this is even possible, are the real questions.
8 years ago
Not gonna lie... I love this idea. The first few cods weren't recognized enough. I honestly like the maps in the earlier cods than in the futuristic most recent ones. Well done
8 years ago
Man this looks gorgeous Nate :D Glad someone finally made another carnival custom map, they're always some of the sweetest!

Just an idea... maybe players could unlock certain perks or doors by playing carnival games or completing objectives?

Can't wait for the release, keep it up Nate!
8 years ago
Downloading now  :D
8 years ago
I'm not going to lie, for a first map this looks pretty sweet (and I love the storyline). For starters, you've added a good amount to the map, so I expect it will be big. :gusta: I very much look forward to hearing the "more features later on". Keep up the sweet work :D
8 years ago
so when is somebody gonna make a MAP REVIEW on this?

Your wish is my command ;) (when it becomes playable) Releasing my review of Cracked on Friday so should have plenty of time to explore  :poker:
8 years ago
Hope so, i really do want to get into this a bit more :D. probably need to travel to the help forums now to figure this out...

Sweet! I would agree ;) Best of luck
8 years ago
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