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Messages - Nathiri

If you still need help with this, I wouldnt mind helping you out, but I wouldnt be able to do it till at least a week or 2, because I have a few things I need to do first.
8 years ago
So played several times coop. Nicely detailed, and fun map. Custom Weapons all seem to work good too (latest update). Just noticed one thing, my perk shaders didnt seem to line up into the squares. I had Jug, then Quick Revive, Double Tap, then Speed Cola and they were a bit off towards to the right a little bit. Other HUD stuff seemed slightly off too (nades, ammo numbers, round counter). This is probably due to my game resolution (1024x768).

what do you mean? I found that the toilets have nothing. Every run The box gets glitched and doesnt work so do I need a weapon or grenade for the cleaning?

You have to pick up something in order to do the cleaning.
8 years ago
The ASM1 is still near phd, but like the AK12 its in a little blocked in area. The good thing about this gun is it has a large amount of ammo. It is not the best on damage, but with its large ammo it means you can get some decent points. It's at least good for the first couple rounds in the area. MP5 is okay, the only downside is its lack of ammo. The AK12 doesnt have amazing ammo either, but its good on damage. The PDW is only 1k and you get 5 mags of 50 bullets so I consider it a pretty good buy and its in the area where I have to sit for a couple rounds.
8 years ago
Oh yeah, I completely agree, and that is the scenario we went with actually. About 1 out of 5 tries we were successful and "lucky" with box weapons. But then after 23 tries or so frustration set in and we quit and moved on, cause it started becoming like work, lol, but it prob took us 10 tires to figure that scenario out. If we knew the map it would prob be different, for sure, like stevie said. I'd also agree that if we were able to pass that hump, we may have been able to have some fun. Great map, and probably not as hard for more regular players, but def too much for us weekend warriors to enjoy. Hence the difficulty request for a more relaxed player.

If you dont get what you need in 1 or 2 hits of the box in 6-7 rounds, then it is best to just move on and buy the PDW or another wall weapon. I tend to just buy the PDW as it is a pretty decent wall gun with decent damage. You could if you want, avoid the box entirely until later. PDW and AK12 and others are all decent guns. It does depend on the circumstances too. Sometimes when you make it into power room and you are getting low on points, it is better to open up to the bigger room (assuming you are coming from a certain way), instead of hitting the box once or twice. But if you have a few thousand between players, then it is safe to hit it a couple times, but it may not be wise to do so as you could save that for jug.
8 years ago
While an absolutely beautiful map, my friends and I just can't get into it due to it's difficulty. We are not bad at zombies, but we play to have fun rather than to be super challenged, so it was hard for us to have fun on it. Even though we really wanted to.

Some guns seemed cooler than the power they had, when compared to the enemies power and how many there were at a time. A menu where you could adjust difficulty or frequency of these bosses would be great. As well as the runners that I swear were fast than me. I didn't like that at all. Very emasculating, lol.

Felt like I had to buy a door every 30 feet, so I had no cash to get perks or weapons to defend ourselves, without a good points weapon wall weapon within the first 5 debris busy. We were finally able to get past round 8 when we decided to sacrifice one players points and life, for the greater good of the others, but still were defeated when quad, jug, and the boss, ass-faced us all at the same time.  :o

Stunning map, great features, nice looking guns, just wasn't fun getting pummeled repeatedly before round 10. If your goal was a beautiful hard map, you succeeded  :D. If you decide to make it easier/more fun later, we will revisit the map to see all the guns and try to play through again.

Thanks for the map stevie.

Basically, the first 6-7 rounds are the most crucial. Most often you can get decent weapons either from the wall or 1 hit or 2 from the box in 6-7 rounds. Depending on your success rate with drops you can actually even get jug by round 7 (maybe 6 but not likely). If it is just a normal run and the success rate is only average, then round 8, but you should still have more than enough time to get decent weapons by that time to defeat the bosses. And best advice would be to avoid power until you are setup okay to deal with the crawlers (with jug and flop best case scenario, but not required, and unlikely that 2 players can get both perks by round 8 ). My experience is mainly with coop as I dont play much solo.

While I do see that the zombies are quite fast, I really didnt have a problem with them being faster than me and most of the time I'm on connections of 200-300, or 400-500 pings when playing coop.
8 years ago
Pretty good map and interesting idea reminds me of playing warcraft 3 tower defense mods. I have some suggestions though.

1. Perhaps add a 5 chance system where 4 zombies can touch the portal without ending the game, and the 5th would end it? (not all at once, but when one goes in, and then another, that counts as 2)

2. A sort of barrier shield that blocks the zombies from coming into the base for like 15 secs?

3.  Add a buyable that shifts the zombies focus to the player(s) for like 15 secs instead of the portal? this would allow the player to draw them away from the portal for a short time, but when the time is up the zombies would revert back to the portal. Without jug and the somewhat tightish corridors it still would be difficult, and also when the 15 secs run out, the zombies at the back of the pack would easily get access to the portal. This mechanic would allow for some interesting gameplay.

I think also maybe coming up with your own perks would be a good idea and repurpose other normal zombie mode mechanics to make your mod more unique. A little bit more distance between the portal and the entrance of the zombies would be good too.

There were a few other things that could be improved possibly, but they were not crucial (mostly choices in the map design, and the position of things).
9 years ago
There is this tutorial here for buyable perk slots which puts a perk limit in as well. Not sure if it works well or not though.,6437.0.html
9 years ago
Super easy stuff those small things, but not everyone knows how to do it. This tutorial should help out alot.
9 years ago
Meh, I could do some kind of small tutorial :P Like adding bg, removing buttons, fixing alien font on texts. Like an all around tutorial
Its nice to see this map finally released, going to play new version, when Mega link is up :)

Also do the line dividers? and rearranging buttons?
9 years ago
Then make your first tutorial ;)

Id appreciate it ;)

I'm not sure if that is necessary, there is already many tutorials dealing with menu editing (although not directly dealing with this aspect). All you need to do is apply the knowledge that you learned from that to this. But if necessary I dont mind posting it for ease of access and maybe some other lines that are not listed in many menu tutorials.
9 years ago
Is this a bug? or a secret?

just was walking by and saw that hint string. Wasn't able to activate it and there was nothing under it. This was outside power and stasis/Observation.
9 years ago
I have never seen or heard of that error happening on the credits which is why I was confused lol.

There is a way to remove that, seen it on other maps but not sure how to do it.

Removing the button is like the easiest thing ever.
9 years ago
There has been probably enough discussion. The objections have already been put forward and re-put forward. Some have been refuted, others have been considered.
9 years ago
Can't we just put a "Donate" button under the person's profile for those who want to help support him/her and leave it at that?

If people were releasing full maps they've created that they're already done with AND they were asking for donations, then I can see why people would be so pissed about it. But this is just a beta, so...

Actually its really early access.

Some of the discussion was the difference between beta and early access.
9 years ago
Its getting a bit too heated isnt it?
9 years ago
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