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Messages - LilRobot

This is a Moon Weapon Mod created in a collaboration with members of "The Spooky Crew".

Special features include the Wunderwaffe (but with updated materials to match that of The Giant), Black Ops 2, 3, Advanced Warfare, and Star Wars: Battlefront weapons, changed lighting and a buildable zap gun. Also includes some UI upgrades, shaders by Z0mbie_1337, and changed round sounds. The easter egg song has also been replaced with "Archangel" by Kevin Sherwood from Origins.

The map takes place after the Grand Scheme, hence the exploded earth, blue eyes, Richtofen announcer and Samantha playable character.

[Installation instructions are included on a text file within the zip.]
8 years ago
oops, sorry! i forgot to respond with an update!

the weapon is now in fully working condition, the issue was like you said: i wasn't exporting the right bones. everything is up to snuff and i can move on to the next one, thanks guys!
9 years ago
they are both the same link, why didnt you just use the image forum image tags?

Check youve done the ADS anims right, they are exported differently, and effect the other anims

Make sure youve exported your animated model correctly

make sure its converted as "relative" not "delta"

should i export only tag_view and tag_torso for the ads_fire as with the up and down anims, or export the entire skeleton?
9 years ago
here's two pretty links:

as you can see, the first animation is within the game, but for some reason the clip floats around and weird things like that, as well as the animation just overall being inaccurate (subdued?) in comparison to what we see in Maya, in the second link.

i've tried exporting the reload animation by selecting tag_torso, tag_cambone, then the hierarchy, but it didn't change anything at all.
(i'm well aware of the material issue, i'm trying to deal with this animation issue first)
9 years ago
Judging from this video, the map looks way different from this old video from back in Early 2014. Or, is this just a playable area in the map. If this is a whole different map, and you started over from scratch I want to see the version in the old video and compare it to the version in the new one. :D

Also some things that are also confirmed in this map are:

- The Panzer
- PHD Flopper
- Pack-a-Punch
- Nova 6 Crawlers
nova 6 crawlers have been removed. that video was an early concept video that rizzo had set up before we had any ground work. the video has been removed from rizzo's channel, and since play the game is made up of a bunch of dumbbells, they haven't taken it down so that they can harvest more views off of it. most of the stuff in that video is now outdated and invalid, and this has been stated.
10 years ago
Looks good :D  :D
thanks. keep in mind this is my first ever zombies map, so it might not be ~amazing~.
10 years ago
Wow...Thats REALLY impressive...Are you guys doing this as a resume for game design?

i am. rizzo's working towards movie production himself i think, so it makes sense for him to write the story and create the intro/outro videos.
10 years ago
Nothings bad. I think it's cool and awesome, but I agree with the others might be hard to find a girl voice actor unless you guys have a friend that's willing to do it. I know some people are saying get "insert youtuber name here" for the voice actor, but I think they would want money to do this...
trust me, we have a budget laid aside if we need professional help.
10 years ago
apparently there's something bad about being a woman. ok.
10 years ago
pistol with an under-barrel deathmachine, Kar98 with a spinning dual chainsaw, you get the idea.
the balance issues man THE BALANCE
10 years ago
Why you want to reduce the number of weapons? :'(

i want to reduce them because too many weapons can confuse the player. which ones are good? which ones are bad? we're going with the official zombies formula where we'll have "tiers" of weapons that will be good, bad, average, and above average. a smaller armory means the player can figure out which weapons are good and bad more quickly, rather than just grabbing what's in the box and using it for the rest of the game.

your attachments system is an interesting idea, but remember that each attachment requires a new weapon file.
10 years ago
the idea of ruining training is a very good one. it removes the repetitive gameplay of zombies that is running around in circles to stay alive. adding obstacles the player has to face in order to run a train is a very good idea. however, pulling something that the player has no way to predict--for example, the panzer soldat from Origins spawning in out of nowhere--can be found more frustrating than something people like.
10 years ago

oh okay, so the blizzard is round based?
10 years ago
does the blizzard affect players in any way aside from just adding the freezing overlay to the screen?
10 years ago

We deleted the old thread because Rizzo is bad at updating it. (u scrub), so as a result I made the thread.

What is Arrival?: Arrival is a new custom zombies map created by Jrrizzo666 and I. The goal is to provide enjoyable gameplay while providing good-looking visuals. We'll keep the standards of official zombies maps--a medium armory, with three wonder weapons (Ray Gun, Mark 2, and a super sekrit one.) Alongside it, we'll be providing an immersive story and a cast of brand new characters. Our armory will consist of weapons from Black Ops 2 and Ghosts, with official anims and their respective sounds, as well as a soundtrack.

Story: It began in 2014 when a team of scientists began excavation of a large site of 115 in Page, Arizona. The expedition was a huge success, and it looked as if the element would pave the way for incredible scientific advancement. However, the government was more interested in using the element for advancements in weaponry. After attempting to create a biological weapon with concentrated 115, the mixture infected some of the scientists and reanimated the corpses of those who had been used as guinea pigs in the experiments.

For those that like to read, a features list:
39 weapons <- May be cut down to a smaller number.
3 wonder weapons: Ray Gun, Mark 2, and our classified weapon.
A cast of 4 new playable characters, as well as 3 NPC characters that will contribute to the story.
A playable easter egg.
Musical easter egg featuring "Always Running" by Kevin Sherwood.
A mini-boss that will appear every few rounds, more powerful than Brutus, but less powerful than that god forsaken Panzer Soldat.
Nine perks: Bo1 Perks and Electric Cherry.
Origins-styled Mystery Box.
Dynamic cutscene intro.
In-game animated introduction.
Custom-made FX for all events.
A layout that requires a bit more strategy than just running in circles in a train.
Custom Pack-a-Punch texture.
A very well-balanced arsenal tweaked to fit with their real life counter-parts.
And more unannounced information...


pretty hud:


Dr. LilRobot: Mapper.
John Rizzo III: Story writer, animator.
Stuffed Oatmeal: Animator, modeler, weapon creator.
JJBradman: Super secret wonder weapon, elevator, Origins Mystery Box.
Bamskater: Perks.
Chromastone: supplied the Ray Gun Mk. 2
Tom Crowley: Lime/Lemon (to obtain assets.)
Treyarch: Many asset(s).
Infinity Ward: Many asset(s).

I've gotten help from many people, so sorry if I missed you guys!

I might add the armory list to the thread, we still need to finalize that list before we do that though.


Dr. Bot, I want to be a beta tester! pls.
Probably not. Beta will be a closed one because I don't like people who leak stuff. We won't trust every john, david, and nigerian prince out there to test the map. Mostly, developers will be the only people accessible to the beta; aka, everyone that's in that Credits list you see above. Want the beta? Contribute to us in some way. Until then, we won't have a beta until near launch.

A month before we launch, we'll be running a "Stress Test" beta test. The goal of this test is to make sure that the map can run on a variety of different computers. As a result, you won't be able to play much--you'll simply be running a benchmark build of the map and give us feedback on your framerate.

We DO need Voice Actors; more information here:
Feel free to send me or Jrrizzo a PM on here or Youtube.
10 years ago
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