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Messages - Krazzyboy97

So I ported all the staff xmodels to world at war and they look pretty good. Now I have one question about the staffs. As all the staffs are in separate pieces e.g. The crystal top of the staff and the bottom, would I have to script the anims or could I just convert the bo2 ones to work in world at war. I've ported character models, weapons "galil,m1927" and plentry of other models bit I'm unsure about the staffs. any help would be excellent :)
8 years ago
what page is modme because i was going to add some stuff they made too my map before they left.

ask timsmith for the link as he has it. cant post it on ugx due to some rules or something
8 years ago
No it's not dead, Harry's and Nate's work is still being Posted at Modme. They just don't like sticking around at UGX anymore. :P.

i did notice but it seems like not a lot of people are on modme.
8 years ago
They removed them for a reason, so I don't think they'd respect if you did that. :P

Well it's looks like world at war custom zombies is dead 😂

Might make a weapon pack as I have to tools to do it
8 years ago
So I've notice that nsz and harry have left ugx and I have most of there things they created. Now my question is can I make a topic with all the links?
8 years ago
far as I'm aware there is nothing like this apart from the avengers one. Post this as a idea for a map and maybe someone can make it or something like it :)
8 years ago
New update! [V0.5]

Expect a release within the next few weeks!

Thank you,

- Ping

Noticed you're using Tim Smith der eisendrache mystery box model and you haven't mentioned it in the features. Looking forward to your map as i really enjoyed stairway to hell :)
8 years ago
The Shrink Gun (because fuck the original name) is also in Graveyard Shift and Project C. Works just like in Shangri-La if I'm not mistaken. The Wave gun/zap gun dw I really don't know many maps that have it. It's about as rare as a good custom loading screen.

"It's about as rare as a good custom loading screen" That's the greatest thing I ever read.
8 years ago
And here's a chunk of text surrounding the error line, the syntax that's giving me the error is the bracket right under "self thread mustang_thread( grenade, weapname )".
Code Snippet
// REVIEW =============================
// If its a solo game, make your changes here ==============================================================================
level.zombie_perks[ "specialty_quickrevive" ].perk_hint = "Press & hold ^6&&1^7 to buy Revive [Cost: 500]";
level.zombie_perks[ "specialty_quickrevive" ].perk_cost = 500;
level thread harrybo21_perks_limit_perk_usage( "specialty_quickrevive", level.zombie_vars[ "solo_revive_uses" ] );
level thread harrybo21_perks_ignore_power( "specialty_quickrevive" );
if ( !isDefined( level.zombie_vars[ "tombstone_enable_solo_version" ] ) || !level.zombie_vars[ "tombstone_enable_solo_version" ] )
level thread harrybo21_perks_remove_perk( "specialty_reconnaissance" );
// if ( isDefined( level.has_wunderfizz ) && level.has_wunderfizz )
// maps\_zombiemode_wunderfizz::harrybo21_perks_wonderfizz_remove( "specialty_reconnaissance" );


// DONE =============================
// If its a co-op game, make your changes here ==============================================================================

// DONE =============================
harrybo21_perks_mustang_trail( model1, model2 )
wait .05;
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect[ "mustang_trail" ], model1, "tag_origin" );
PlayFXOnTag( level._effect[ "mustang_trail" ], model2, "tag_origin" );

// DONE =============================
self endon ( "disconnect" );
while( 1 )
self waittill( "grenade_fire", grenade, weapname );
if ( !issubstr( weapname, "mustang_sally" ) )

self thread mustang_thread( grenade, weapname )

mustang_thread( grenade, weapname )
model1 = spawn( "script_model" , grenade.origin + ( anglesToRight( grenade.angles ) * -10 ) );
model1 setModel( "projectile_usa_m9a1_riflegrenade" );
model1.angles = grenade.angles;
model1 linkTo( grenade, "tag_origin", anglesToRight( grenade.angles ) * -10 );

model2 = spawn( "script_model" , grenade.origin + ( anglesToRight( grenade.angles ) * 10 ) );
model2 setModel( "projectile_usa_m9a1_riflegrenade" );
model2.angles = grenade.angles;
model2 linkTo( grenade, "tag_origin", anglesToRight( grenade.angles ) * 10 );

self thread harrybo21_perks_mustang_trail( model1, model2 );

self waittill( "projectile_impact", weapname, point, radius );
PlayFX( level._effect[ "grenade_explosion" ], point + ( anglesToRight( grenade.angles ) * -10 ) );
playsoundatposition ( "rifle_grenade_explode", point + ( anglesToRight( grenade.angles ) * -10 ) );
PlayFX( level._effect[ "grenade_explosion" ], point + ( anglesToRight( grenade.angles ) * 10 ) );
playsoundatposition ( "rifle_grenade_explode", point + ( anglesToRight( grenade.angles ) * 10 ) );
model1 delete();
model1 destroy();
model1 = undefined;
model2 delete();
model2 destroy();
model2 = undefined;

Change "self thread mustang_thread( grenade, weapname )" to "self thread mustang_thread( grenade, weapname );"
8 years ago
Just a bit of an update for you guys who are interested in the map. Due to recent events I lost a bit of the map due to my map file corrupting. Anyone I've managed to get about 30% of the map back. Half the models I had I will need to re add. Another thing is as well that i been using Harry's 5.0.1 perks and his mystery box in a test map i made recently. So far there are no problems with anything. I've also been messing around with the origins characters and there in my test map as well with BO3 quotes from der eisendrache had to go through 2000+ sounds for the character quotes. Anyway i'm considering merging what i have left of this map with a other map I have which has a origins feel to it. I'll probably map a factory/Lab area and have a kino style teleporter or no man's land one so you can upgrade you gun on mars. Any feed back would be great :)

8 years ago
Really looking forward to the release of this. Will actually give me a reason to play Black Ops 1 instead of just ripping models from it xD. Look forward to see what the community will do with the new engine limit's when the tools are publicly released. Anyway keep up the good work Hitman :)
8 years ago
Mate, please. Anything related to your map/mod keep it in your Wip topic. We're likely to talk off modding here...

its a different map. Not enough to be a WIP yet and its more of a curiosity question :)
8 years ago
So I have these weapons to choose from
thunder gun
Shrink ray
Wave/zap guns

I already have the Raygun and The Mk2 version and i can't decide on the other 4 wonder weapons. There is a poll so feel free to vote on what your favourite is.
8 years ago
Installing this worked for me when i had this error

Tried it but still had the same error. Anyway i just reinstalled the mod tools and game again.
8 years ago
Hey guys! I ran into a problem when trying to compile and run my map after installing Harry's perks. I followed his instructions to a T and installed everything correctly. When I run my game, I get a bad syntax error. I checked console and even ran in dev 1 mode and all pointed me towards the _zombiemode_perks.GSC that HE setup, that was placed in my mapname/mods folder. I checked line 549 like it said to, and the only thing on that line was a bracket. This is the _zombiemode_perks.gsc in my mapname, and I made NO changes to it. Any ideas, did I install incorrectly, or did I mess something up? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Post a screen shot of the error and the error in the zombiemode_perks.gsc so we can see what the problem is.
8 years ago
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