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Messages - Koan

Aha! Excellent sleuth work Koan, so that's how they were chosen. Was that site even active before BO3 mod tools were announced? Thought it was pretty much dead?

According to the site they've been around since 2010, but became less active as newer CoD installments were released with no tools. Their new site has been up since late last year.
8 years ago
There was probably a more complicated process involved than we might think. The testers are bound by non-disclosure agreements so we likely won't find out how they were selected.

Also, don't forget - this is the closed alpha, I'm willing to bet there will be an open beta soon.

Edit: I think I'm wrong. Almost all of the current testers are MappersUnited staff.
8 years ago
the lack of original textures and models disturbs me. did you just converted the .vmf and thought it'd be ok to upload it like this? what a shame...

I don't think he did, I think he just vaguely copied the layout of the map with basic brushes. Which is worse.
8 years ago
i hit the fx limit. I tried to fix it without t4m but i eventually got sick of the 400 fx error so i just used it

Harry Bo21's perks include a method for reducing the FX to solve the error. The same method is also on this site somewhere, probably in the wiki and on the download post.

This is not the kind of map that needs T4M.
8 years ago
Which version of Lime are you using?
8 years ago
"Custom Map Ideas" seems to be interpreted by dickcheese retards as "list the features in your ideal map and hope someone makes it cuz you're too lazy". There have been some good ideas. If I remember correctly, Smasher's Kino was originally posted as an idea there.
8 years ago
You don't get it bro. Mapping is a hobby. A hobby that I enjoyed for a long time. But when you work on the same project for over two years, it drags you down. (Literally I was pretty depressed about this project for the past year) It becomes something you HAVE to do, not something you WANT to do. When I stop enjoying something that I don't NEED to be doing, I stop. I don't see it as wasted time, I see it as a learning experience. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't change a thing, because I enjoyed (Past tense) working on this map and I improved my modding skill from 0 to pretty good. Ill take the knowledge of the experience over a half assed release any day.

If you don't respect my decision, it doesn't matter, because its MY decision. I was not modding for your imaginary deadline, I was modding for the enjoyment of it and to maybe release something awesome for the community. That did not happen, and that's OK. Regardless of BO3 mod tools or not, I still probably would have canceled this. You have no idea how an unfinished project can stress you out, and you have no bounds to criticize me, another modder or anything we do In our free time for the enjoyment of ourselvs and others. Good day to you sir.

A mod can lock this now please.

Well said.

I want to add a personal anecdote, I found that after posting a WIP, it became a chore to continue with it. I opened radiant like twice after posting WIP images for my map Cara, and it just got boring, and I felt like I had to carry on after posting it, and got really pissed at myself for not continuing it. I'm now gradually working on a different tiny map whenever I get a free moment, and it's so much more fun and valuable.
8 years ago
Or keep it the way it is and it will be epic as it is. Just a thought.

Something tells me you didn't read his response properly.

Just a hunch.
8 years ago
Given that people will pretty much only play MWR anyway, I'll wait until they release it separately (which is almost a guarantee; they want to mop up as much money as possible).

That's fair enough, I get why people don't want any more bullshit, but I personally want to give IW a shot so I'll be getting it.
8 years ago
To be completely honest, I'll probably get both IW and MWR on release (fuck pre-ordering though). The space battles look cool. And we haven't even seen gameplay yet. And I REALLY want MWR.

I think the hate train against IW is bigger than it needs to be. We all love a good bandwagon, but it's now just a case of "fuck cod gimme the old shit". I'd have loved to see them go back to their roots but that's not for me to decide. I will be playing the fuck out of Battlefield 1 (seriously so excited), and MWR, and I'll give IW a chance.

I do think Activision's statement made a good point about Black Ops 2 having a similar reaction. People don't like straying from what they know they like, it's human nature. But BO2 ended up being massively successful, and usually regarded as a pretty damn good multiplayer game now.
8 years ago
I appreciate the effort, but your WW icon is at a very low resolution. If you offered a higher quality version I'd be game.
8 years ago
This looks really cool. Nice job, man.
8 years ago
If you count Project X, then it'd be that. It's what got me hooked on custom zombies in the first place. Though the first map I actually played was Airport.
8 years ago
Call of Duty: A Space Odyssey

Call of Duty: The Infinite Franchise

Call of Duty: We Know You'll Complain But You Keep Buying It So Who Gives A Fuck

Call of Duty: If You Don't Like Future Stuff Then Go Play Battlefield 1 (which I likely will do)
8 years ago
This is my first map and it's kind of a test map. I'm currently working on it, adding doors, and a lot more rooms and area to the map. So please note that the updates to the map will change the map a LOT, so I will be including downloads for all versions once they come out. :D In the future this map will live up to it's name, and have an outdoor part with a path or something. No idea why I named it pathroad  :D
I really don't think you should release a test map. It's fine to make one to learn and fuck around with it, but at least try to be creative with your releases.
8 years ago
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