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Messages - GerardS0406

Here you go, a script for the wunderfizz. Just to give you some hints, it only gives the perk, there are no effects that will happen. Script may also need to be modified just a bit but hopefully not much. If you would like it to work with other perks than the main four, then just message back. But here you go hopefully nothing else I forgot.
Code Snippet
Cost = 2000;
Trigger = GetEnt( "Wunderfizz", "targetname" ); //Wunderfizz might have to be changed to whatever targetname is or other way around
Trigger SetHintString( "Activate Power" );
Trigger SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );

flag_wait( "electricity_on" );

Trigger SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
Trigger SetHintString( "Press &&1 for Wunderfizz Perk [Cost: " + Cost + "]" );
Trigger waittill( "trigger", Player );

if(Player.score >= Cost && !Player AllPerks())
Player maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( Cost );
Trigger SetHintString( "-Giving Random Perk-" );

Rand = RandomIntRange( 0, 3 );

if(Rand == 0)
Perk = "specialty_armorvest";
else if(Rand == 1)
Perk = "specialty_quickrevive";
else if(Rand == 2)
Perk = "specialty_fastreload";
else if(Rand == 3)
Perk = "specialty_rof";

if(!Player HasPerk(Perk))
Player thread GivePerk( Perk ); //Weapon/Drinking
Player SetPerk( Perk ); //Sets Perk
        Player perk_hud_create( Perk ); //Creates Icon
        Player thread perk_think( Perk ); //Checks if down
self playsound("deny");
if( self HasPerk("specialty_armorvest") && self HasPerk("specialty_quickrevive") && self HasPerk("specialty_fastreload") && self HasPerk("specialty_rof") )
return true;
return false;
self DisableOffhandWeapons();
self DisableWeaponCycling();

self AllowLean( false );
self AllowAds( false );
self AllowSprint( false );
self AllowProne( false );
self AllowMelee( false );

if ( self GetStance() == "prone" )
self SetStance( "crouch" );

gun = self GetCurrentWeapon();
weapon = "";

switch( perk )
case "specialty_armorvest":
weapon = "zombie_perk_bottle_jugg";

case "specialty_quickrevive":
weapon = "zombie_perk_bottle_revive";

case "specialty_fastreload":
weapon = "zombie_perk_bottle_sleight";

case "specialty_rof":
weapon = "zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap";

self GiveWeapon( weapon );
self SwitchToWeapon( weapon );

self waittill_any("fake_death", "death", "player_downed", "weapon_change_complete");

self EnableOffhandWeapons();
self EnableWeaponCycling();

self AllowLean( true );
self AllowAds( true );
self AllowSprint( true );
self AllowProne( true );
self AllowMelee( true );

if ( self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
self TakeWeapon(weapon);

if ( gun != "none" && gun != "mine_bouncing_betty" )
self SwitchToWeapon( gun );
// try to switch to first primary weapon
primaryWeapons = self GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if( IsDefined( primaryWeapons ) && primaryWeapons.size > 0 )
self SwitchToWeapon( primaryWeapons[0] );

self TakeWeapon(weapon);

if(perk == "specialty_armorvest")
self.maxhealth = level.zombie_vars["zombie_perk_juggernaut_health"]; = self.maxhealth;
Do you install this to _zombiemode_perks.gsc
10 years ago
It works without It needing the power on but when you set It to wait til electricity Is on It doesn't give you the perks after you turn on the power

Post Merge: March 25, 2014, 12:44:19 am
How do you add bamskater33's tutorial black ops perks to this
10 years ago
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