So some of you might remember a damn broken and underwhelming zombie map called Hanoi:,11867.0.htmlDuring the transition from WaW to BO3 I made some barebons new features for this map but never updated it.
Now my question is, would you be interested in this project? Would you play it?
It requires a lot of fixes and most new features are heavily unfinished so it wouldn't be released instantly. I just want to know if anyone is interested, or would I simply be doing a ton of work for nothing.
What you could expect from this remaster:
-New bosses (and final boss battle)
-New weapons
-ENTIRELY new easter egg (not that pick-up objects around the map shit I had previously)
-Wonder weapon would no longer be a re-skinned wunderwaffe
-Map layout changes
So yeah, your opinions are appreciated!
And incase I wasn't clear enough, this would be a
WaW map