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Welcome to UGX-Mods in 2017 - Past, Present & Future

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Created 8 years ago
by treminaor
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Thanks for the progress/news update! It's been great following UGX for so long.

On the topic of chat, which I saw earlier, could you maybe make it so you open chat up like Chatango does, where it pops up in the bottom right or something? That way you can have chat open, and still browse around the site, all while in the same tab. Just an idea.

At one point this was the plan... Although the chat has been side lined for so long, I don't think that anyone at UGX has an official plan of what the chat will look / function like. The suggestion is a valid one although the need for an embedded chat may be a different story... Who knows, I'm sure we'll update everyone when a chat update is incoming so we can begin the hype :P 
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I'm the REAL TTheenderr
I'm the REAL TTheenderr

Any questions? PM me or find me in chat. I'm on chat most of the time on school days.

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I've gotten an email from delta, about the new chat. and the picture was 4 years ago. it has been worked on for a long time.
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I've gotten an email from delta, about the new chat. and the picture was 4 years ago. it has been worked on for a long time.

I've seen that image too. It makes me scared every time I see it :P The chat is having a complete rework and recode ( once all the other bigger projects are out of the way ) so anything you've seen or hear about the chat is likely not going to be in the final result. Although I know for sure that private rooms will be a thing because thats a big focus. Other than that, who knows...
Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 07:48:58 pm by AoKMiKeY
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The better term of "private rooms" is whisper or PMs. but PMs are already a thing on UGX. So...

I can't wait for the whisper feature to be a thing. very useful. when the chat is active...
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changed one line of code, bug is fixed

Coming to work on monday morning.
When a bug mysteriously disappears.

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Just want to give a short (unofficial) update:

I'm "back" and have some daily time again.
We are facing currently the time where we simply can't contribute the whole day for UGX anymore (at least I can't).
And atm it's even hard to get everyone together for a meeting :(

Top priority is the forum update and some backend / internal tasks.
Then we look forward what makes sense.
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A'ight. Hopefully that meeting is soon. Can't wait for an update!
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UGX has brought me a great experience since you guys started making/posting maps. I think the key to keeping a website active is giving members more ways they can get involved. You guys could do this through a number of things, but setting up a UGX Discord chat would be pretty useful. I'd love to partner with you guys in branching out to some other websites (ex. Facebook, Discord, Steam, etc.) to allow users to continue to interact and play zombies together more efficiently. I think part of the problem with CZ in general these days is finding players and getting consistent connections. Overall, UGX is doing a great job, and I love to hear you guys are coming to the community for advice. Don't be afraid to branch out, guys. Keep it up  :P

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