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[Spoiler] S05E04 "Slabtown"

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Created 10 years ago
by Dust
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This is going to be a shorter review as not that much happened in it. We, of course, got to catch up with Beth who got kidnapped at the end of last season, and finally found out where she is at.

She wakes up in a hospital bed with a scratch on her face. The doctor and the leader of the hospital, so to speak, walk in and they tell her she is in a hospital in Atlanta. They claim to have "saved" her from robbers, and they found her in a street alone, which we later found out is a lie.

We then see who these people really are. They kidnap people claiming to "save" them, just to make them work as slaves. They cut a girls arm off because she was bit, even though the girl told them she would rather die.

I got to say, all these hospital people are so annoying and I can't wait to see all of them die, especially the "boss", Dawn I believe her name was.

We finally get to meet Tyler James Williams character, who played Chris in "Everybody Hates Chris", we saw him in the trailer so it wasn't a surprise when we finally see him, but it was still awesome as I loved his character in "Everybody Hates Chris". He plays a guy named Noah who is another slave at the hospital, who has been there for about a year now. It also seems like Beth and Noah may have a connection going.

They then plot to break out of the hospital by going down the elevator shaft, that the doctors use as a place to store dead bodies. When they make it outside though, Beth is again captured, but Noah is able to make it outside safe. Beth is seen smiling so maybe they had another plan, if this one failed.  So I guess we have to wait to find out what happens.

Probably the most exciting part of this episode was the end, when we see Carol being wheeled in, unconscious, by the hospital staff, so we can assume Daryl is in the area. Hopefully Noah will be able to find him, and they will go to the church, and go over the plan to break Beth and Carol out of the hospital. Which would explain, who Daryl was with in the forest, in episode 3 when he said "come on out".

This was definitely not the most exciting episode of the season, probably the worst, but it still had it's good moments. I enjoyed the scene when they were trying to escape, and Noah got out but Beth didn't. Also the ending was interesting as well, now that Carol is in the hospital, it will be exciting to see what happens when she finally wakes up.

Discuss the episode here!
Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 07:35:37 pm by thezombiekilla6
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I found this episode to have some relevant meaning with the season's overall message. Retaining Humanity.

Wall of Text below!

For example Tyrese wants nothing to do with the violence the other survivors have resorted to after the fall of the prison after seeing two little girls snap over the thought of trying to be strong enough to kill both humans and walkers to ensure their own survival and forgiving his girlfriend's killer (Carol).

Rick on the other hand lost many people he loved and cared for and almost lost his baby girl because of Infighting whether it be from individual survivors or clashing with other groups. Doesn't begin to scratch the surface with Rick's previous shortcomings, and it may be sending Rick down a path from which he may not return. At this point, threaten his group and you will share gareth's fate. (As well as thomas, forgot how long rick had that machete.)

Dawn and Steven seem to have the facade of retaining humanity but their problem solving skills as well as their inability to take charge against atrocities unbeknownst to them makes said facade pointless as they may be too far gone as well. No doctor with dignity would kill another doctor out of fear for himself, they swear to an oath to save people no matter the cost. Dawn is supposed to Protect and Serve, you shouldn't beat up the help nor should you capture (Or Kill) wandering strangers.
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The King of Zombies
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I found this episode to have some relevant meaning with the season's overall message. Retaining Humanity.

Wall of Text below!

For example Tyrese wants nothing to do with the violence the other survivors have resorted to after the fall of the prison after seeing two little girls snap over the thought of trying to be strong enough to kill both humans and walkers to ensure their own survival and forgiving his girlfriend's killer (Carol).

Rick on the other hand lost many people he loved and cared for and almost lost his baby girl because of Infighting whether it be from individual survivors or clashing with other groups. Doesn't begin to scratch the surface with Rick's previous shortcomings, and it may be sending Rick down a path from which he may not return. At this point, threaten his group and you will share gareth's fate. (As well as thomas, forgot how long rick had that machete.)

Dawn and Steven seem to have the facade of retaining humanity but their problem solving skills as well as their inability to take charge against atrocities unbeknownst to them makes said facade pointless as they may be too far gone as well. No doctor with dignity would kill another doctor out of fear for himself, they swear to an oath to save people no matter the cost. Dawn is supposed to Protect and Serve, you shouldn't beat up the help nor should you capture (Or Kill) wandering strangers.

Well said!

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