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easy random song/ sfx function

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Created 2 years ago
by treyhexagon
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this script is used to play a random song , sfx, or vo clip it is very basic but can be easily expanded and implimented into your map.
will need to be modified for black ops 3 if you plan to use it in that game as the gsc language changed a bit but will work fine as is in WAW and BO1
Code Snippet
//Can use trigger damage or radius.// will need edited for trigger use
//thread rand_sound();//put with thread calls//level.IsPlaying = false;//put with thread calls default is false
//use level.IsPlaying in any other audio eggs as a flag to prevent songs from overlapping and check with an
// if statement before allowing playback
//this function can be used for music tracks, sound fx, voice overs, or whatever other kinds of sound you
//want to play

trig = getent("play_rand_song" , "targetname");

songs[songs.size] = "";//alias name in ""
songs[songs.size] = "";
songs[songs.size] = "";
songs[songs.size] = "";
songs[songs.size] = "";

song = undefined;
time = undefined;

players = getplayers();

trig waittill("trigger");
 if(level.IsPlaying == false)
    for(i = 0; i < songs.size; i++)
    songs = array_randomize(songs);
    song = songs[i];
    if(song == "") time = ;// add in the alias name and set the time to be = to the length of the song in seconds for each song
    if(song == "") time = ;
    if(song == "") time = ;
    if(song == "") time = ;
    if(song == "") time = ;
        for(x = 0; x < players.size; x++)
        players[x] playsound(song);

        level.IsPlaying = true;
        level.IsPlaying = false;    


//thread rand_sound(); // uncomment this to reuse

 again this is a pretty basic function and was written to be a stand alone function but you could remove the trigger part of the code and set that up in another function then call this one to play a random song
Last Edit: March 05, 2023, 12:36:15 am by treyhexagon

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