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assert fail: (Error caused by sumpf scripts?)

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Created 2 years ago
by ghetto_wizzz
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Date Registered: 20 April 2022
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So late last night I was trying to add the Flogger trap into my map following this tutorial:
Until It kept running into an error saying it couldn't locate/find the script nazi_zombie_sumpf, and after adding it; It would continue too fail locating other scripts related to sumpf. So I decided I would scrap this idea and Not add the Flogger, Deleting the sumpf scripts in my "mapname/maps" folder. Now im getting a completely different error which wasn't there before.. (Note: I believe I replaced my _zombiemode with the one from "root/raw/maps" while also keeping a backup of the original (Before adding The Flogger) and even with trying both of them (The backup and the one from raw/maps) I get the exact same error every time.
Loading into my map I get
"ERROR:  script_runtime_error (see console) assert fail: zombie double_barrel_sawed was not included or is not part of the zombie weapon list."
Now I know this is false since I double checked that it was included in my _zombiemode_weapons! Plus this file has not been changed or called too by any new scripts in quite  a while! My assumption is that this is not the problem at all. Opening console im greeted with these errors:
Code Snippet
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/_zombiemode_weapons_gsc', line 384)
hint_string = get_weapon_hint ( weapon_spawns[i] .zombie_weapon_upgrade );
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/_zombiemode_weapons.gsc', line 9)
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/_zombiemode.gsc', line 59)
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/nazi_zombie_cornmaze.gsc', line 120)
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/nazi_zombie_cornmaze.gsc', line 9)
Error: **********************************

Now it seems related to _zombiemode_weapons some how when it hasn't been touched since near the start of this project? Im also not really sure how these lines are errors seeing they have been the exact same the whole time.. If anyone can solve this or maybe fill me in with what i missed. I can post my _zombiemode or mapname.gsc here if they're needed to look at! I really don't know where I went wrong :(
A few things I added recently which ALL worked fine after being implemented! Such as
" MakeCents Fire and Fan Blade Traps, Zombie Killers buyable ending tutorial, & Trems bank system v.2.0!"
All worked fine before trying to add in the Flogger/sumpf scripts. Im also using Harrybo21's black ops perks which has also worked fine the entire time.
Thanks for reading, any tips or help is appreciated!

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